Research Affiliates

Dr. Stefan Faltermaier
- Soziotechnische Perspektiven auf die Zukunft der Arbeit (z.B. Human-AI-Interaction, Gig-Economy, Hybrid Work)
- Erklärbare Künstliche Intelligenz (XAI) (z.B. Einsatz von Machine Learning und XAI zur Theorieentwicklung)
Ab Januar 2025
Research Affiliate am Lehrstuhl für Management, Personal und Information
Seit Juli 2020
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Management, Personal und Information
Masterstudium Business Administration (M.Sc.) an der Universität Passau mit Schwerpunkt International Management
Bachelorstudium Business Administration (B.A.) an der HAW Landshut mit den Schwerpunkten Human Resource Management und Controlling
Peer-reviewed Publications
Stoffels, D., Faltermaier, S., Strunk, K. S., & Fiedler, M. (2024). Guiding Computationally Intensive Theory Development with Explainable Artificial Intelligence: The Case of SHAP. Journal of Information Technology, 0(0).
Zaglmann, D., Faltermaier, S., Grabl, S., & Fiedler, M. (2024). Collaborating with Generative Artificial Intelligence: Creative Problem-Solving in Groups. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Zaglmann, D., Faltermaier, S., Grabl, S., & Fiedler, M. (2024). Creative Problem-Solving Using Generative Artificial Intelligence in Group Projects. ECIS Proceedings.
Fischer, T., Faltermaier, S., Stoffels, D., & Fiedler, M. Gaining Physiological Insight into Satisfaction with XAI Explanations: A Call for Research. Proceedings of the NeuroIS Retreat, Vienna, 2023.
Faltermaier, S.; Strunk, K.; Obermeier, M.; Fiedler, M. (2023) Managing Organizational Cyber Security – The Distinct Role of Internalized Responsibility, Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Maui, Hawaii, 2023.
Stoffels, D.; Faltermaier, S.; Strunk, K.; Fiedler, M. (2022) Opening the Black-Box of AI: Challenging Pattern Robustness and Improving Theorizing through Explainable AI Methods, Proceedings of the 42th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Copenhagen, 2022.
- Strunk, K. S., Faltermaier, S., Ihl, A., & Fiedler, M. (2022). Antecedents of frustration in crowd work and the moderating role of autonomy. Computers in Human Behavior, 128.

Dr. Susanne Grabl
- Hybrid Work / Future of work
- Sustainability
- Change Management
- Crowd Work
Ab Januar 2025
Research Affiliate am Lehrstuhl für Management, Personal und Information
2020 - 2025
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Management, Personal und Information
Werkstudentin / Vertragsmanagerin bei der Cornelsen Verlag GmbH
Masterstudium „Betriebswirtschaftslehre" (M.Sc.) an der Universität Potsdam mit den Schwerpunkten Führung, Organisation & Personalmanagement und Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship
Masterarbeit: Impact of Public Events on longevity of company-specific sustainability measures. A qualitative analysis of DAX 30 companies.
Bachelorstudium „Wirtschaftswissenschaften“ (B.A.) an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg mit Schwerpunkt Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Peer-reviewed Publications
Mayer, A.-S., Ihl, A., Grabl, S., Strunk, K., & Fiedler, M. (2024). A silver lining for the excluded: Exploring experiences that micro-task crowdsourcing affords workers with impaired work access. Information Systems Journal, 34(6), 1838-1870.
Zaglmann, D., Faltermaier, S., Grabl, S., & Fiedler, M. (2024). Collaborating with Generative Artificial Intelligence: Creative Problem-Solving in Groups. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Zaglmann, D., Faltermaier, S., Grabl, S., & Fiedler, M. (2024). Creative Problem-Solving Using Generative Artificial Intelligence in Group Projects. ECIS Proceedings.
- Stoffels, D., Grabl, S., Fischer, T., & Fiedler, M. (2023). How Explainable AI Methods Support Data-Driven Decision Making. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 Proceedings, Paderborn.
- Kiener, S., Strunk, K., Schmidt, K., & Fiedler, M. (2022). Sustainability and Digitalization: Behavioral Visibility explaining Organizational Change. Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Strunk, K., Kiener, S., Will, A., Ziegltrum, L., & Fiedler, M. (2021). Achieving an organizational sustainability transformation through aggregating micro-level change. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Weitere Publikationen
- Zaglmann, D., Faltermaier, S., Grabl, S., Fiedler, M. (2024). Collaborating with Generative Artificial Intelligence: Creative Problem-Solving in Groups. Academy of Management Proceedings, Forthcoming.
- Kiener, S., Strunk, K., Schmidt, K., Fiedler, M. (2022). Sustainability and Digitalization: Behavioral Visibility explaining Organizational Change. Accepted for presentation at the Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2022, Seattle, WA.
- Strunk, K., Kiener, S., Will, A., Ziegltrum, L., & Fiedler, M. (2021). Achieving an organizational sustainability transformation through aggregating micro-level changes [Conference paper]. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), virtual conference.

Dr. Andreas Ihl
Seit Oktober 2015
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Management, Personal und Information
August - Dezember 2014
Auslandsstudium an der School of Business and Economics an der Universität Maastricht
2013 - 2015
Masterstudium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Management, Marketing und Innovation an der Universität Passau
Masterarbeit: Der Einfluss der Wettbewerbspositionierung auf die Konsequenzen von Tarifwahl-Anomalien
2009 - 2012
Bachelorstudium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Management und Marketing an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Ihl, A.; Strunk, K.; Fiedler, M. (2020). The mediated effects of social support in professional online communities on crowdworker engagement in micro-task crowdworking. Computers in Human Behavior, (forthcoming).
- Mayer, Anne-Sophie; Strunk, Kim; Ihl, Andreas; Fiedler, Marina (2020). Evading Career Barriers in Traditional Work Setttings through Micro-Task Crowdsourcing Arrangements. In: Proceedings of the 28th European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesh (Morocco).
- Ihl, Andreas; Strunk, Kim; Fiedler, Marina. (2018). The Influence of Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivation on Success in Crowd Work, Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco (CA).
Weitere Publikationen
- Mayer, Anne-Sophie; Strunk, Kim; Ihl, Andreas; Fiedler, Marina (2020). Career Barriers in the Gig Economy. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2020. Vancouver (Canada).
- Strunk, K., Ihl, A., & Fiedler, M. (2019). Situational Constraints and Job Frustration in Platform-Mediated Work. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2019. Boston, MA.

Prof. Dr. Anne-Sophie Mayer
Seit Februar 2019
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Management, Personal und Information
2017 - 2019
Masterstudium "International Cultural and Business Studies" (M.A.) an der Universität Passau mit Schwerpunkt Personalmanagement
2014 - 2015
Bachelorstudium "Applied Management" (B.A.) an der Otago Polytechnic in Dunedin, Neuseeland (Double Degree)
2012 - 2016
Bachelorstudium "International Business Studies" (B.A.) an der Hochschule Harz mit Schwerpunkt Personalmanagement
Peer-reviewed Publications
Strich, F., Mayer, A.-S., & Fiedler, M. (2021). What Do I Do in a World of Artificial Intelligence? Investigating the Impact of Substitutive Decision-Making AI Systems on Employees’ Professional Role Identity, Journal of the Association of Information Systems: Volume 22, Issue 2.
Mayer, A.-S., Strich, F., & Fiedler, M. (2020). Unintended Consequences of Introducing AI Systems for Decision Making, MIS Quarterly Executive: Volume 19, Issue 4.
Weitere Publikationen
Knott, M., Mayer, A.-S., Strich, F., & Fiedler, M. (2021). Increasing user engagement on blockchain applications through persuasive design. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Maui, Hawaii.
Mayer, A.-S., Haimerl, A., Strich, F., & Fiedler, M. (2021). How corporations encourage the implementation of AI ethics. In: Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems. Marrakesh, Morocco (virtual).
Mayer, A.-S., Strunk, K., Ihl, A., & Fiedler, M. (2020). Evading Career Barriers in Traditional Work Setttings through Micro-Task Crowdsourcing Arrangements. In: Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems. Marrakesh, Morocco (virtual).
Mayer, A.-S., Strunk, K., Ihl, A., & Fiedler, M. (2020). Career Barriers in the Gig Economy. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2020. Vancouver, Canada.
Strich, F., Mayer, A.-S., & Fiedler, M. (2019). A Social Network Approach to Blogs: Improving Digital Collaborative Learning. In: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems. Munich, Germany
- Strich, F., Mayer, A.-S., & Fiedler, M. (2019). Digital Collaboration in Higher Education: Hype or Guarantee for Better Learning? In: Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems. Cancún, Mexico
- "Artificial intelligence in the banking industry: Benefits and challenges", Pre-AOM Conference on Digital Transformation, 28.05.2021
- "Benefits and challenges of a decision-substitutive and learning AI-system: Insights from a case study in the banking industry", Pre-AOM Conference on AI, 01.08.2020

Dr. Franz Strich
Seit März 2016
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Management, Personal und Information
August - Dezember 2015
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Rehabilitationsmedizin der Medizinischen Fakultät der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
2013 - 2015
Masterstudium der Psychologie an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Masterarbeit: Wahrnehmung von Führungsverhalten in Abhängigkeit von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen
2010 - 2013
Bachelorstudium der Psychologie an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Peer-reviewed Publications
Strich, F., Mayer, A.-S., & Fiedler, M. (2019). A Social Network Approach to Blogs: Improving Digital Collaborative Learning. In: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems. Munich, Germany
Giermindl, Lisa; Strich, Franz; Fiedler, Marina. (2018). Do Enterprise Social Networks really enhance our Performance? Exploring the Relationship between Usage Practices and Individual Task Performance. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco (CA).
- Giermindl, Lisa; Strich, Franz; Fiedler, Marina. (2018). How do they differ? Analyzing the motivations of Posters and Lurkers for participation in Enterprise Social Networks. JITTA, 19(2), 89-120.
- Giermindl, Lisa; Strich, Franz; Fiedler, Marina. (2017). Why do you NOT use the Enterprise Social Network? Analyzing Non-Users’ reasons through the lens of Affordances. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul (South Korea).
- Robinski, M., Strich, F., Mau, W., & Girndt, M. (2016). Validating a Patient-Reported Comorbidity Measure with Respect to Quality of Life in End-Stage Renal Disease. PLOS ONE, 11(6). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157506
Weitere Publikationen
- Strich, F., Mayer, A.-S., & Fiedler, M. (2019). Digital Collaboration in Higher Education: Hype or Guarantee for Better Learning? In: Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems. Cancún, Mexico
- Strich, F., Bröhl, R., & Fiedler, M. (2019). Driving change from within the team - the Multiplier Concept. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2019. Boston, MA.
- Strich, F., Albrecht, N., & Fiedler, M. (2019). Lifetime tenure in Germany – Time for Change? 19th Conference of the European Academy of Management. Lissabon, PRT.
- Giermindl, L., Strich, F., & Fiedler, M. (2018). Improving Digital Collaboration: Opportunities, Challenges, and Recommendations for Enterprise Social Networks. 18th Conference of the European Academy of Management. Reykjavik, IS.
- Giermindl, L., Strich, F., & Fiedler, M. (2017). Do Enterprise Social Networks increase productivity or lead to information overload? In: Proceedings of the AMCIS 2017. Boston, MA.
- Giermindl, L., Strich, F., & Fiedler, M. (2017). Posters versus Lurkers - Analyzing the motivations for participation in Enterprise Social Networks. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2017. Atlanta, GA.
- Strich, F., Robinski, M., Mau, W., & Girndt, M. (2016). Die Erfassung aktivitätsrelevanter Komorbidität im Patientenurteil mit der deutschen Version des Self-Administered Comorbidity Questionnaire: Eine Validierungsstudie. In: Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (Hg): 25. Rehabilitationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium Deutscher Kongress für Rehabilitationsforschung. Gesundheitssystem im Wandel – Perspektiven der Rehabilitation. 109 Bände, S. 54–56

Dr. Kim Strunk
Seit 01/2020
PostDoc am Lehrstuhl für Management, Personal und Information
05/2015 - 12/2019
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Promotion (Dr. rer. pol.) am Lehrstuhl für Management, Personal und Information zum
Thema "Working Behavior in the Gig Economy: Social Relationships, Motivations, and Situational Constraints"
2012 - 2015
Masterstudium (M.Sc.) Business Management (BWL) mit Schwerpunkt Human Resources and Labour Relations an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
2009 - 2012
Bachelorstudium (B.Sc.) Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Stoffels, D., Faltermaier, S., Strunk, K. S., & Fiedler, M. (2024). Guiding Computationally Intensive Theory Development with Explainable Artificial Intelligence: The Case of SHAP. Journal of Information Technology, 0(0).
Mayer, A.-S., Ihl, A., Grabl, S., Strunk, K., & Fiedler, M. (2024). A silver lining for the excluded: Exploring experiences that micro-task crowdsourcing affords workers with impaired work access. Information Systems Journal, 34(6), 1838-1870.
Strunk, K. S., & Strich, F. (2023). Building professional holding environments for crowd work job crafting through online communities. Information Systems Journal, 33(5), 1239–1274.
Strunk, K. S., Faltermaier, S., Ihl, A., & Fiedler, M. (2022). Antecedents of frustration in crowd work and the moderating role of autonomy. Computers in Human Behavior, 128.
Knott, M., Strich, F., Strunk, K., Mayer, M. (2022). Uncovering potential barriers of using Initial Coin Offerings to finance artistic projects, Journal of Cultural Economics, (forthcoming).
Ihl, A., Mayer, A., Strunk, K. (2022). The role of online platforms in facilitating freelancers’ self-leadership in the platform economy. Academy of Management Proceedings (comprised of the 10% best papers submitted; forthcoming), Seattle WA.
Kranz, J.; Fiedler, M.; Seidler, A.; Strunk, K.; & Ixmeier, A. (2021) "Unexpected Benefits from a Shadow Environmental Management Information System," MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 20 : Iss. 3 , Article 6.
Ihl, A.; Strunk, K.; Fiedler, M. (2020). Interpretations of mindfulness practices in organizations. Organization.
Seidler, A.; Henkel, C.; Fiedler, M.; Kranz, J.; Ixmeier, A.; Strunk, K. (2020). Promoting Eco-Sustainable Behavior with Gamification: An Experimental Study on the Alignment of Competing Goals, in: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), virtual conference India.
- Ihl, A.; Strunk, K.; Fiedler, M. (2020). The mediated effects of social support in professional online communities on crowdworker engagement in micro-task crowdworking. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 11, December 2020, 106482.
- Mayer, Anne-Sophie; Strunk, Kim; Ihl, Andreas; Fiedler, Marina (2020). Evading Career Barriers in Traditional Work Setttings through Micro-Task Crowdsourcing Arrangements. In: Proceedings of the 28th European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesh (Morocco).
- Wendt, S., Strunk, K. S., Heinze, J., Roider, A.,& Czaczkes, T. (2019). Positive and negative incentive contrasts lead to relative value perception in ants. elife.
- Ihl, Andreas; Strunk, Kim; Fiedler, Marina. (2018). The Influence of Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivation on Success in Crowd Work, Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco (CA).
Weitere Publikationen
Strunk, K., Ihl, A., Hasenauer, L., Fiedler, M. (2022). Organizational sustainability transformation through KPIs: A model for sustainability change. Accepted for presentation at the Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2022, Seattle, WA.
Kiener, S., Strunk, K., Schmidt, K., Fiedler, M. (2022). Sustainability and Digitalization: Behavioral Visibility explaining Organizational Change. Accepted for presentation at the Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2022, Seattle, WA.
- Strunk, K., Kiener, S., Will, A., Ziegltrum, L., & Fiedler, M. (2021). Achieving an organizational sustainability transformation through aggregating micro-level changes. Accepted for presentation at the Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2021, virtual conference.
- Strunk, Kim (2020): Professional Holding Environments: The Role of Online Communities in Crafting Crowd Work. In: European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2020. Dublin (Ireland).
- Mayer, Anne-Sophie; Strunk, Kim; Ihl, Andreas; Fiedler, Marina (2020). Career Barriers in the Gig Economy. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2020. Vancouver (Canada).
- Strunk, K., Ihl, A., & Fiedler, M. (2019). Situational Constraints and Job Frustration in Platform-Mediated Work. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2019. Boston, MA.