Master Workshop "Design of Innovative Strategies in Healthcare using the LEGO® Serious Play® method"
This is one of the most interesting classes I've had the pleasure to enjoy during my studies. Even after almost 10 hours of class it never got boring.
(Student, winter term 2022/23)
Since the winter term 2022/23, the chair offers the course for master students “Strategy and Innovation in Healthcare: Design of Innovative Strategies in Healthcare using the Lego® Serious Play® method” with Prof. Annegret Kuhn, MD, MBA, CHCIO.
This workshop focuses on two main topics:
- The current challenges of the healthcare systems in Europe.
- The development of a modern, digital, and sustainable healthcare system in Germany with the involvement of patients and employees at an early stage.
In particular, we interactively develop an understanding of the current healthcare systems in Germany and other European countries and analyze their strengths and weaknesses in out- and inpatient care. The students will discuss, present and develop modern structures for future patient care using the LEGO® Serious Play® method. To gain a further understanding of the German healthcare system, a hospital will be visited and the current development of the “Medizincampus Niederbayern” as well as important innovations in strategic management solutions will be discussed with experts.
After the course, you will have…
- a deep understanding of the German healthcare system and the out- and inpatient care with its current strategic challenges,
- the ability to critically assess the challenges in the healthcare system and the current development of the hospital reform by the federal government,
- the ability to develop solutions creatively with the Lego® Serious Play® method, and to discuss innovative options as a team.
Prof. Annegret Kuhn is a physician and scientist with long-term academic and international experience in University Hospitals and extensive management experience in the German healthcare system, e.g. as the last full-time Medical Director of the Hospital Passau. Since the winter term 2022/2023, she is Lecturer at the Chair for Strategic Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Research Affiliate at the School of Business, Economics, and Information Systems. Her goal is to contribute to a modern, digital, and sustainable healthcare system in Europe and to involve both future patients and employees at an early stage.
The application period starts now!
The course will take place mostly on campus in blocked sessions. For all (preliminary) course dates, please, consult the Stud.IP event.