Our Research
The research of our Chair integrates a broad set of empirical research methods and strategies (conceptual, large-scale quantitative, qualitative case studies) to contribute to current interdisciplinary conversations within the scientific community.
In almost all our studies, we collaborate with a wide network of partners both in Germany and abroad. Particularly longstanding relationships link us with Prof. Christophe Boone (Universität Antwerpen, Belgien), Prof. Jonathan Bundy (Arizona State University), Prof. John Busenbark (University of Notre Dame), Prof. Theresa S. Cho (Seoul National University), Prof. Cecily Cooper (University of Miami), Prof. Albrecht Enders (IMD, Lausanne), Prof. Victor Gilsing (VU Amsterdam), Prof. Lorenz Graf-Vlachy (TU Dortmund), Prof. Dr. h.c. Donald Hambrick, PhD (PennState University), Prof. Marvin Hanisch (University of Groningen), Ciaran Heavey (University College Dublin), Prof. Nathan Hiller (Florida International University), Prof. Harald Hungenberg (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Nadine Kammerlander (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management), Ajay Kohli (Georgia Tech), Prof. David Kroon (VU Amsterdam), Prof. Niels Noorderhaven (University of Tilburg), Prof. Mike Pfarrer (University of Georgia), Prof. Tim Quigley (University of Georgia), the Dr. Theo and Friedl Schöller Forschungszentrum für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Prof. Zeki Simsek (Clemson University), Wouter Stam (VU Amsterdam), Prof. Stephan Stubner (HHL Leipzig) and Prof. Torsten Wulf (Philipps-Universität Marburg). We maintain these and other research partnerships through conference visits and all sorts of other personal exchange.
Throughout our projects, we conduct basic management research – i.e., we illuminate general phenomena in and around organizations. Much of our research occurs in close interaction with partners from various industries. The Chair’s objective is to deepen and extend the relationship with practitioners through research and knowledge transfer.
Currently, members of our Chair focus particularly on three main topics:
Research Projects
The chair is currently working on the following research projects: