Publications of the Chair
- Müller, N., Klug, S., König, A., Stöcklein, S., Bong, D., Kathan, A., Christ, L., Amiriparian, S. (No) Laughing Matters: A Multimodal Exploration of Humor in Leader’s External Communication. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2024, Chicago, USA.
- Rivera Prieto, J. C., Hawighorst, F., Larrañeta, B. 2024. Strategic Communication of Newly Public Ventures: A Review and Research Agenda. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2024, Chicago, USA.
- Figge, P., Reischauer, G., Ozcan, P., Bausch, M., Bruck, C., Corporaal, G. F., Haeussler, C., Hoffmann, W. H., Konig., A. S., Kretschmer, T., Narayan, D., Nowak, R., Shylina, A. 2024. The Relational and Informal Side of Platform Strategy. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2024, Chicago, USA.
- Shylina, A., Maier, M., Ayache, U., Cho, T., Gamache, D., Graf-Vlachy, L., Healey, M. P., Mannor, M. J., Tripsas, M., Volberda, H. W., Vuori, T. O. 2024. Exploring Top-Executive Cognition in Business Ecosystems. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2024, Chicago, USA.
- Kasinska, A., Haeussler, C., Schmitt, C. 2024. Adaptation and Leadership in sustained cosmological crisis: Ukrainian nature Parks. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2024, Chicago, USA.
- König, A., Stöcklein, B., Bong, D., Hiller, N., Cooper, C. 2024. Good Fun or Laughingstock? How CEO Humor Affects Infomediaries' Social Evaluations of Organizations. Academy of Management Review,
- Simsek, Z., Heavey, C., Stam, W., König, A. 2024. Leading Digital Transformation in Incumbent Firms: A Strategic Entrepreneurship Framing. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, introductory article to the special issue;
- Shylina, A. König A., Graf-Vlachy, A. Digital Platforms, Ecosystems, and Strategic Leadership, in: Z. Simsek, C. Heavey, B. Fox (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Strategic Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Edward Elgar Publishing,
- Schill, A.-K., Hawighorst, F., Graf-Vlachy, L., Yakis-Douglas, B., Whittington, R. 2023. All the World is on Stage: Social Dynamics in Q&A Situations. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2023, Boston, USA.
- Schill, A.-K., Hawighorst, F., König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Yakis-Douglas, B., Whittington, R. 2023. All the World is on Stage: Social Dynamics in Q&A Situations. Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2023, Dublin, Irland.
- Hawighorst, F., Schill, A.-K., König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Yakis-Douglas, B., Whittington, R. 2023. All the World is on Stage: Social Dynamics in Q&A Situations. EIASM Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research (EIASM) 2023, Leeds, UK.
- Heavey, C., Simsek, Z., Fox, B. C., Crossland, C., Campbell, J. T., Goranova, M., Ren, Y., Sagarra, M., SINGH, S., Clark, C. E., Konig, A. S., Wiesmueller, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Menz, M., Kunisch, S., Langan, R., Mooney Murphy, A., Ozgen, S., Heyden, M. L., Kwee, Z., Volberda, H. W., Wilkie, S., Tripsas, M., & Semadeni, M. 2023. Strategic Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Prospects, Promises, and Pitfalls. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1).
- Reischauer, G., Figge, P., Lanzolla, G., Khanagha, S., Ansari, S., Jovanovic, M., Visnjic, I., Sjödin, D., Parida, V., Bruck, C., Engelmann, A., Hoffmann, W. H., Haeussler, C., Maier, M., Nowak, R., & Wiesmueller, A. 2023. Competition and Governance Strategies of B2B Platforms. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1).
- Kasinska, A., König, A., Häussler, C., Schmid, C. 2023. Adaptation and Leadership in Sustained Cosmological Crisis: Nature Parks in Ukraine During the Russian Invasion. Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS) 2023, Toronto, Canada.
- Kasinska, A., König, A., Häussler, C., Schmid, C. 2023. Adaptation and Leadership in Sustained Cosmological Crisis: Nature Parks in Ukraine During the Russian Invasion. Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS) 2023, Toronto, Canada.
- Müller, N., Klug, S., König, A., Kathan, A., Christ, L., Schuller, B., Amiriparian, S. Executive Voiced Laughter and Social Approval: An Explorative Machine Learning Study. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2023, Boston, USA.
- Müller, N., Klug, S., König, A., Kathan, A., Christ, L., Schuller, B., Amiriparian, S. Executive Laughter and Social Approval: An Explorative Machine Learning Study. Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS) 2023, Toronto, Canada.
- Amiriparian, S., Christ, L., König, A., Cowen., A., Meßner, E-M., Cambria, E., Schuller, B. MuSe 2023 Challenge: Multimodal Prediction of Mimicked Emotions, Cross-Cultural Humour, and Personalised Recognition of Affects. Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia,
- Christ, L., Amiriparian, S., Baird, A., Kathan, A., Müller, N., Klug, S., Gagne, C., Tzirakis, P., Stappen, L., Meßner, E-M., König, A., Cowen., A., Cambria, E., Schuller, B. The MuSe 2023 Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Challenge: Mimicked Emotions, Cross-Cultural Humour, and Personalisation. Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia,
- Kiefer, J., Castell, C., Schubach, S., Schumann, J. H., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2023. Integrating Digital Platform Dynamics into Future Customer Orientation Research: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Business Research,
- Schill, A.-K., Boutalikakis, A., Hawighorst, F. 2022. Analyst Flattery, CEO Narcissism, and CEO Communication Specificity. Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS) 2022, London, UK.
- Schill, A.-K., Boutalikakis, A., Hawighorst, F., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2022. Analyst Flattery, CEO Narcissism, and CEO Communication Specificity. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2022, Seattle, USA. (Best Paper),
- Boutalikakis, A., Schill, A.-K., Hawighorst, F., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2022. Analyst Flattery, CEO Narcissism, and CEO Communication Specificity. Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2022, Winterthur, Switzerland. (Most Inspirational Paper).
- Christ, L., Amiriparian, S., Baird, A., Tzirakis, P., Kathan, A., Müller, N., Stappen, L., Meßner, E-M., König, A., Cowen., A., Cambria, E., Schuller, B. MuSe 2022 Challenge: Multimodal Humour, Emotional Reactions, and Stress. Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia,
- Kathan, A., Amiriparian, S., Christ, L., Müller, N., König, A., Schuller, B. A Personalised Approach to Audiovisual Humour Recognition and its Individual-level Fairness. Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia,
- Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A., Banfield, R., Rauch, M., Boutalikakis, A. 2022. The Innovator’s Media Dilemma: How Journalists Cover Incumbents’ Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies. Journal of Product Innovation Management,
- Graf-Vlachy, L., F. Waldkirch, M., König, A., Lehmann, J., Weber. 2022. Institutional Work Battles in the Sharing Economy: Unveiling Actors and Discursive Strategies in Media Discourse. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, DOI:10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122002.
- Komander, V., König, A. 2022. Organizations on stage: organizational research and the performing arts. Management Review Quarterly,
- Szewczyk, J., Kurzhals, C., Graf-Vlachy, L., Kammerlander, N., König, A. 2022. The Family Innovator’s Dilemma Revisited: Testing the Effects of Family Influence on Incumbents’ Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies. Journal of Family Business Strategy, forthcoming.
- Müller, N., König, A., Stöcklein, B., Bong, D., Schuller, B., Amiriparian, S. Executive Humor: Towards a Multi-Modal Automated Measurement. Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS) 2022, London, UK.
- Castell, C., Kiefer, J., König, A., Schumann, J. H., Graf-Vlachy, L., Schubach, S. Towards a Socio-Cognitive View on Digital Platform Firms: An Organizational Identity Perspective. Academy of Management, 2022, Seattle, USA,
- Castell, C., Kiefer, J., König, A., Schumann, J. H., Graf-Vlachy, L., Schubach, S. Towards a Socio-Cognitive View on Digital Platform Firms: An Organizational Identity Perspective. Strategic Management Society, 2022, London, UK.
- Kiefer, J., Castell, C., König, A., Schubach, S., Schumann, J. H. Graf-Vlachy, L. Towards a Socio-Cognitive View on Digital Platform Firms: An Organizational Identity Perspective. European Academy of Management, 2022, Winterthur.
- Boutalikakis, A., Schill, A.K., Hawighorst, F., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. Analyst Flattery, CEO Narcissism, and CEO Communication Specificity. European Academy of Management, 2022, Winterthur,
- Kroon, D., Noorderhaven, N., Gilsing, V., König, A. It’s All About Tensions: Towards a Paradox Theory of Post-Merger Integration. European Academy of Management, 2022, Winterthur.
- Werwigk, H., König, A., Deutsch, M., 2022. Organizational cover-up of extreme crime: the largest serial murder in German post-war history. Accepted for presentation at the 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, WU Vienna, Austria.
- Kiefer, J., Castell, C., Schumann, J. H., König, A., Schubach, S., Graf-Vlachy, L. 2022. Integrating digital platform dynamics into the next wave of customer orientation research. 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
- Szewczyk, J., Kurzhals, C., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2022. Of Networks and Knowledge: How Board Embeddedness Affects Incumbents’ Responses to Discontinuous Technologies. Annual Meeting of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB)(virtual).
- Szewczyk, J., Kurzhals, C., Graf-Vlachy, L., Kammerlander, N., König, A. 2022. The Family Innovator’s Dilemma Revisited: Testing the Effects of Family Influence on Incumbents’ Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies. Annual Meeting of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB)(virtual).
- Boutalikakis, A., Schill, A.-K., König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L. 2021 Analyst Ingratiation, CEO Narcissism, and Information-Richness of CEO Communication. Strategic Management Society (SMS), Toronto.
- De Oliveira Kuhn, H., Werwigk, H., König, A. 2021. It's All About Gender! A Historical Perspective of Gender Bias in the Upper Echelon Literature. Strategic Management Society (SMS), Toronto.
- Demann, F., Diessner, M., Graf-Vlachy, L., & König, A. 2021. Shades of Grey or Black and White? The Impact of Investors’ Perceptions of Entrepreneurs’ Cognitive Complexity on Venture-Capital Financing. European Academy of Management Annual Conference (virtual) and Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (virtual)
- König, A., Boutalikakis, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Pfarrer, M. 2021. Articulation and Amplification: Incumbent Firms’ Use of Framing and Securities Analysts’ Evaluations of the Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies. European Academy of Management Annual Conference (virtual) and Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (virtual)
- Szewczyk, J. Kurzhals, C., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2021. Of Networks and Knowledge: How Board Embeddedness Affects Incumbents’ Responses to Discontinuous Technologies. Workshop on “Digital Foundations of Business, Operations, Strategy and Innovation (DBOSI’21)” Stockholm School of Economics; also at European Academy of Management Annual Conference (virtual) and Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (virtual)
- Werwigk, H., Deutsch M. 2021. Organizational cover-up of extreme crime: The largest serial murder in German post-war history, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (virtual)
- Stöcklein, B., Bong, D. 2021. How Funny Was That? Discoveries from Measuring Leader Humor. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (virtual)
- König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Schöberl, M. 2021. Opportunity/Threat Perception and Inertia in Response to Discontinuous Change: Replicating and Extending Gilbert (2005). Journal of Management, 47: 771–816 (VHB Jourqual 3: A).
- Schädler, L., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2021. Strategic Leadership in Organizational Crises: A Review and Research Agenda. Long Range Planning, forthcoming (VHB Jourqual B).
- Goyal, T., Ouardi, Y., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2021. The Politics of Piracy: Political Ideology as a Predictor of Online Media Piracy. Information Technology and Management (VHB Jourqual 3: C).
- Graf-Vlachy, L., Goyal, T., Ouardi, Y., König, A. 2021. Reviews Left and Right: The Link Between Reviewers’ Political Ideology and Online Review Language.Business & Information Systems Engineering, 63: 403–417 (VHB Jourqual 3: B).
- Demann, F., Diessner, M., Graf-Vlachy, L., & König, A. 2021. The Impact of Perceived Entrepreneur Cognitive Complexity on Venture-Capital Financing. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Kurzhals, C., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. Strategic Leadership and Technological Innovation: A Comprehensive Review and Research Agenda. Corporate Governance: An International Journal, 28(6): 437-464.
- Goyal, T., Ouardi, Y., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2020. Reviews Left and Right: The Link Between Reviewers’ Political Ideology and Online Review Language. Business & Information Systems Engineering, forthcoming.
- Banfield, R., Rauch, M., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2020. The Main Street Dilemma: How Journalists Cover Incumbents’ Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies. Presented for the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, USA (virtual).
- Komander, V., König, A., 2020. Organizations on Stage - How Research on Performing Arts Matters for Leadership and Team Processes. Accepted for presentation at the Frontiers in MOC conference, Singapore (conference cancelled due to Corona).
- De Oliveira Kuhn, H., Werwigk, H. 2020. Catch-22 Situation or Jack of all Trades? A Multi Case Study of Successful Female CEO Communication with Infomediaries. Accepted for presentation at the 11th Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research, HEC Paris, France (conference cancelled due to Corona).
- Stöcklein, B. 2020. Good fun or laughing stock? How CEO Trait Humor Affects Social Approval, Reputation, and Legitimacy.Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, forthcoming.
- König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Bundy, J., & Little, L. M. 2020. A Blessing and a Curse: How CEOs’ Trait Empathy Affects their Management of Organizational Crises. Academy of Management Review, 45(1): 130–153.
- Graf-Vlachy, L., Oliver, A. G., Banfield, R., König, A., & Bundy, J. 2020. Media Coverage of Firms: Background, Integration, and Directions for Future Research. Journal of Management, 46(1): 36–69.
- Demann, F., König, A., & Graf-Vlachy, L. 2020. De Alio Entrant Dilemma: Why de alio Firms Differ in their Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies.Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (virtual).
- Demann, F., Diessner, M., Graf-Vlachy, L., & König, A. 2020. Do Early-Stage Investors Prefer Shades of Grey or Black and White? Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference XXXIV, November 19-20, 2020, Neapel, Italy, (virtual).
- König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L. 2020. Empathie in der Krise – Herausforderungen für Führungskräfte in Universitäten. (Empathy in the Context of Crisis – Challenges for Decision Makers in Universities). Forschung & Lehre 8/2020: 686–687.
- Weber, F., Lehmann, J., Graf‐Vlachy, L., & König, A. 2019. Institution‐Infused Sensemaking of Discontinuous Innovations: The Case of the Sharing Economy. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(5): 632–660.
- Lehmann, J., Weber, F., Graf-Vlachy, L., & König, A. 2019. Talking Institutions in the Sharing Economy: A Content Analysis in the Print Media and a Taxonomy of Discursive Strategies. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).
- Dehmann, F., König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L. 2019. The De Alio Entrant Dilemma: Why De Alio Firms Differ in their Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies. Research Forum of the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Orlando, USA.
- Struck, F., Milinski, L., Schädler, L. Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2019. The Double-Edged Effects of Top Managers’ Commitment to the Status Quo on Firms’ Crisis Resolution. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2019(1): 104.
- De Oliveira Kuhn, H., Komander, V., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2019. Towards a social role theory of CEOs' and CFOs' communication and infomediaries' evaluations. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
- Hanisch, M., Graf-Vlachy, L., Häussler, C., König, A., & Cho, T. 2019. Kindred Spirits: The Influence of Cognitive Frame Similarity on Contingency Planning in Strategic Alliances. 19th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Lisbon.
- Graf-Vlachy, L. 2019. Like Student Like Manager? Using Student Subjects in Managerial Debiasing Research. Review of Managerial Science, 13(2): 347–376.
- Lehmann, J., Graf-Vlachy, L., & König, A. 2019. Institutional Work – A Literature Review and Conceptual Extension. 7th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop, Vienna.
- König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Kurzhals, C., & Has, T. 2019. Towards a Comprehensive Board-Level Perspective of Upper Echelons Theory. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Las Vegas.
- Struck, F., Milinski, L., Schaedler, L., Graf-Vlachy, L., & König, A. 2019. Top Management Teams’ Commitment to the Status Quo and Firms’ Resolution of Organizational Crises. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Las Vegas.
- Graf-Vlachy, L. 2019. Gewinnen ist nicht alles: Warum soziale Vergleiche manchmal tückisch sind. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, (1): 21–26.
- Wolff, J., Keck, A., König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Menacher, J. 2019. Künstliche Intelligenz: Strategische Herausforderungen für etablierte Unternehmen. In Obermaier Robert (Ed.), Handbuch Industrie 4.0: 505–528. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Kammerlander, N., König, A., Richards, M. 2018. Why Do Incumbents Respond Heterogeneously to Disruptive Innovations? The Interplay of Organizational Domain Identity and Role Identity. Journal of Management Studies, special issue on “Managing in the Age of Disruption” (edited by S. Ansari, R. Garud, and A. Kumaraswamy), forthcoming.
- Reinartz, A., Buhtz, K., Graf-Vlachy, L., & König, A. 2018. Mechanisms of Engagement with, and Disengagement from, Internet Applications: A Qualitative Study of Online Job Search. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
- Graf-Vlachy, L., Buhtz, K., & König, A. 2018. Social Influence in Technology Adoption: Taking Stock and Moving Forward. Management Review Quarterly, 68(1): 37–76.
- König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Komander, V., de Oliveira Kuhn, H. 2018. Towards a Social Role Theory of Executives’ Stock Market Reputation Management: The Effects of Role-Consistent CEO and CFO Communication on Analysts’ Firm Evaluations. Annual Symposium at the Oxford Centre for Corporate Reputation, Oxford, UK.
- Weber, F., Lehmann, J., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2018. Institutional Work in Media Discourse on Discontinuous Innovation: The Case of the Sharing Economy. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference “Sharing Strategies for the Connected World”, Oslo, Norway.
- König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Bundy, J., Little, L. The Empathy Paradox: How CEOs’ Empathy Affects their Management of Organizational Crises. 9th EIASM Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Researchl, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Banfield, R., Rauch, M., König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L. 2018. The Main Street Dilemma: How Journalists Cover Incumbents’ Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies. Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Harnisch, M., Graf-Vlachy, L., Häussler, C., König, A., Cho, T. 2018. The Influence of Cognitive Frame Similarity on Contingency Planning in Strategic Alliances. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, forthcoming.
- Wolff, J., Keck, A., König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L., Menacher, J. 2018. Künstliche Intelligenz: Strategische Herausforderungen für etablierte Unternehmen, in: Obermaier, R. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Industrie 4.0 und Digitale Transformation, Gabler Springer Verlag, forthcoming.
- Komander, V., De Oliveira, H., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2018. Towards a theory of role-consistent strategic public language - Diverging effects of CEO and CFO charismatic communication on analysts' firm evaluations. 9th Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Graf-Vlachy, L., Buhtz, K., König, A. 2017. Social influence in technology adoption: taking stock and moving forward, Management Review Quarterly, 68: 37–76.
- König, A., Mammen, J., Luger, J., Fehn, A., Enders, A. 2017. Silver Bullet or Ricochet? CEOs’ Use of Metaphorical Communication and Infomediaries’ Evaluations. Academy of Management Journal, forthcoming. Youtube video.
- Graf-Vlachy, L., Buhtz, K. 2017. Social Influence in Technology Adoption Research: A Literature Review and Research Agenda. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Guimarães, Portugal.
- Graf-Vlachy, L., Goyal, T., Ouardi, Y., König, A. 2017. Political Ideology as a Predictor of Online Media Piracy. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Guimarães, Portugal.
- Horvath, B., König, A., Hiller, N. 2017. Cognition and Confidence: How Structural Charismatic Rhetoric Affects Team Performance. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA. Nominated for the Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management (OB Division).
- Pfarrer, M., König, A., Curran, K., 2017. The Innovator's Reputation Dilemma: Examining Discontinuous Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Social Evaluations. Joint Symposium at the Oxford Centre for Corporate Reputation, Oxford, UK.
- Graf-Vlachy, L., Bundy J., Hambrick, D. C., 2017. The Conditions of Cognitive Complexity: How Performance Pressures Induce Simple Thinking in CEOs. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
- Gimmy, G., Kanbach, D., Stubner, S., König, A.,Enders, A. 2017. What BMW’s Corporate VC Offers That Regular Investors Can’t.
- Lehmann, J., Weber, F., König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L. 2017. Institutional Challenges of Discontinuous Innovations: The Case of the Sharing Economy. European Academy of Management Conference, Glasgow, UK.
- Hanisch, M., König, A., Häussler, C., Graf-Vlachy, L., Cho, T. 2017. Logics of Action and Incomplete Contracts: A Dyadic Socio-Cognitive Theory of Contract Design. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
- Banfield, R., Rauch, M., König, A., Graf-Vlachy, L. 2017. Technology Rhetoric: Incumbents' Strategic Public Language During Discontinuous Change. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta.
- König, A., Fehn, A., Puck, J., Graf-Vlachy, L. 2017. Primary or complex? Using Metaphors to Communicate Strategy in MNCs. Journal of World Business, 52: 270–285.
- Komander, V., König, A. 2017. All the world’s a stage, and you better stick to your part: Towards a theory of executives’ external roles, role-consistent communication, and audiences’ views about firms. 8th Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research, Seville, Spain.
- Graf-Vlachy, L., Völkl, F. X., Kammerlander, N. 2016. Of Hard Times and Soft Cushions: Negative Performance Feedback and Organizational Slack as Antecedents of CEO Regulatory Focus. 76th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
- Ouardi, Y., Goyal, T., Graf-Vlachy, L., Mammen, J., König, A., Saunders, C. 2016. The Cost of Sharing: The Effect of Sharing Inclination on Information Overload. Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey.
- Goyal, T., Ouardi, Y., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2016. The Role of Political Ideology in Determining Online Consumer Review Characteristics. Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey.
- Lembeck, M., Wegener, S., Graf-Vlachy, L., König, A. 2016. Stone cold or piping hot? How CEOs’ susceptibility to emotions impacts their management of organizational crises. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA, and the European Academy of Management in Paris, France.
- Struck, F., Milinksi, L., Graf-Vlachy, L., Gerstner, W.-C., König, A., Hambrick, D. C. 2016. I’ll Personally Make Sure We Fix This! The Effects of a CEO’s Expressed Dedication to Resolving a Crisis. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA, and the European Academy of Management in Paris, France.
- Y. Ouardi, T. Goyal, L. Graf-Vlachy & A. König, 2016. Political Ideology as a Predictor of Pirated File Sharing and Online Streaming Use. 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Rome, Italy.
- König, A. & Graf-Vlachy, L. 2016. Industrie 4.0: Strategische Innovation durch Strategische Sensitivität, erscheint in: Obermaier, R. (Hrsg.), Industrie 4.0 als unternehmerische Gestaltungsaufgabe Betriebswirtschaftliche, technische und rechtliche Herausforderungen, Gabler Springer Verlag.
- Enders, A., König, A., Barsoux, J.-L. 2016. Stop Jumping to Solutions. MIT Sloan Management Review. Summer Issue 2016.
- Enders, A., König, A. 2016. The essence of strategy - The what, the why and the how, IMD
- Lembeck, M., Smolka, S., König, A., Graf, L. 2015. Stone cold or piping hot? How CEOs’ susceptibility to emotions impacts the management of organizational crisis. 6th Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Fleischhacker, S., Mammen, J., König, A., Enders, A. 2015. Money for Tears: Family Influence, Institutional Ownership, and Corporate Divestment Premiums. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
- Enders, A., Barsoux J.-L., König, A., 2015. How thinking of yourself as a business can boost your career,
- König, A., Enders, A., Muck, J. 2014. Legitimacy, Isostatic Pressures, and Collective Inertia: An Institutionalist Account of Incumbents’ Responses to Discontinuous Technologies. Working Paper, University of Passau, IMD Lausanne, and University of Düsseldorf.
- Buhtz, K., Reinartz, A., König, A., Graf-Vlachy L., Mammen, J. 2014. Second-Order Digital Inequality: The Case of E-Commerce. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Auckland, New Zealand.
- König, A., Cho, T. S., Enders, A., Fehn, A. 2014. The Reflective Power of Words—Capturing Upper Echelons' Cognition Through Their Verbal Communication. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA.
- König, A., Fehn, A.; Puck, J. Primary or Complex? 2014. Using Metaphors to Communicate Strategy in MNCs. “Pfingsttagung” German Academic Association for Business Research, Leipzig, Germany.
- König, A., Gerckens, C., Baumgart, P., Mammen, J. 2014. The Adoption of Social Network Sites: Does Gender Inequality Matter? Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA.
- Weiss, M. König, A., Mammen, J., Junge, S. 2014. Towards a Dynamic Theory of Corporate Strategy: Portfolio Dynamism Heterogeneity and Company Performance. Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA.
- Weiss, M., Brinkmann, V., Mammen, J., König, A. 2014. Do Multi-Business Firms Benefit From Internal Capital Markets? The Performance Effect of Internal Capital Market Activity and The Moderating Role of The External (Macro) Environment. “Pfingsttagung” German Academic Association for Business Research, Leipzig, Germany.
- König, A., Walton, J., Wessels, A., Fehn, A., Weiss, M., Enders, A. 2013. Silver Bullet or Ricochet? CEO Metaphorical Communication Behavior and Analysts’ Evaluations. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. (Awarded with the Glueck Best Paper Award of the BPS Division of the Academy of Management)
- Fehn, A., König, A., Quigley, T., Enders, A. 2013. Conceptual Metaphors as Windows into Executives' Minds. Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, USA.
- Gerstner, W.-C., König, A., Enders, A., Hambrick, D. C. 2013. CEO Narcissism, Audience Engagement, and Organizational Adoption of Technological Discontinuities. Administrative Science Quarterly, 58: 257–291. (Awarded with the Best Paper Award by the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB); earlier version awarded with the Glueck Best Paper Award of the BPS Division of the Academy of Management)
- König, A., Kammerlander, N., Enders, A. 2013. The Family Innovator’s Dilemma: How Family Influence Affects the Adoption of Discontinuous Technologies by Incumbent Firms. Academy of Management Review, 38: 418–441.
- König, A., Enders, A., Muck, J. Follow the Leader or is the Leader the Problem? An Institutionalist Account of Heterogeneous Responses to Discontinuous Technologies. TIE VHB-Kommissiontagung, St.Gallen, Switzerland.
- König, A., Gerckens, C., Baumgart, P. 2013. Do Women Use Social Networks to Free Themselves from Gender Discrimination? Strategic Management Society Conference, Atlanta, USA.
- Weiss, M. König, A. 2013. Towards a Theory of Corporate-Level Ambidexterity: Portfolio Dynamism Heterogeneity and Company Performance. Strategic Management Society Conference, Atlanta, USA.
- König, A., Gerckens, C., Baumgart, P., Mammen, J. 2013. Gender, Gender Inequality, and the Use of Social Network Sites. Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, USA.
- König, A., Fleischhacker, S., Mammen, J., Enders, A. 2013. We Want This to be in Good Hands – Family Influence, Socioemotional Wealth, and Divestiture Premia. IFERA, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
- König, A. 2013. Technologische Diskontinuitäten in der Zeitungsindustrie – Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Vortrag bei der Sitzung des Schmalenbach-Arbeitskreises im Hause der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, 15. Januar 2013.
- Enders, A., Graf, L., König, A. 2013. Avoiding the Traps of Competitive Irrationality. IMD (Hrsg), Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Kammerlander, N., König, A., Enders, A. 2012. Organizational Identity and Adaptation to Discontinuous Change: The Role of Focus and Locus. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. (Awarded with the Distinguished Paper Award of the BPS Division of the Academy of Management)
- König, A., Schulte, M., Enders, A. 2012. Inertia in Response to Non-Paradigmatic Change: The Case of Meta-Organizations. Research Policy, 41: 1325–1343.
- Graf, L., König, A., Enders, A., Hungenberg, H. 2012. Debiasing Competitive Irrationality: How Managers Can Be Prevented from Trading Off Absolute for Relative Profit. European Management Journal, 30: 386–403.
- Kammerlander, N., König, A., Enders, A. 2012. How Organizational Identity affects incumbents' Adaptation to Discontinuous Technological Changes: An Empirical Study in the German Book Publishing Industry. Jahrestagung der TIE Kommission des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Hamburg-Harburg, Germany.
- Wessels, A., König, A., Mammen, J., Walton, J. 2012. Rhetorical Boomerangs: CEOs, Metaphors, and Analysts' Evaluations. Strategic Management Society Conference, Prag, Czech Republic.
- König, A., Wessels, A., Jenisch, M., Mammen, J., Walton, J. 2012. When a Silver Bullet Turns Into a Ricochet: Metaphorical Communication Behavior of CEOs and Analysts' Evaluations. Pfingsttagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Bozen, Italy.
- Kammerlander, A., König, A., Enders, A. 2012. Organizational Identity, Adaptation to Discontinuous Change, and the Role of Family Ownership: Evidence from Publishing Houses' Responses to Digitization. Pfingsttagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Bozen, Italy.
- Kammerlander, A., König, A. 2012. Organizational Identity and Adaptation to Discontinuous Change: The Role of Focus and Locus. Academy of Management, Boston, USA. (Ausgezeichnet mit einem Distinguished Paper Award)
- Mammen, J., Weiss, M., König, A. 2012. Does Corporate Diversification Reduce Firm Downside Risk? Annual Meeting der Academy of Management, Boston, USA.
- König, A. 2012. Technological Discontinuities. In E. Kessler, J. M. Bartunek, M. Hitt, A. S. Huff, P. R. Lawrence, J. Pfeffer, A. H. Van de Ven, D. A. Whetten (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of Management Theory: 824–829. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
- König, A., Dumbach, M. 2012. Be Early or Swim Against the Tide: An Institutionalist Account of Windows of Opportunity to Enter New Markets. Working Paper, University of Passau and University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
- König, A., Enders, A., Muck, J., Persang, A., Schweickart, M. 2012. When Digital David Meets Physical Goliath: The Case of Brockhaus vs. Wikipedia. In T. Enders, A. Harlow (Hrsg.), Strategies for E-Business, (3. Aufl.). Harlow: Prentice Hall.
- Gerstner, W.-C., König, A., Enders, A., Hambrick, D. C. 2012. The Bright Side of Narcissistic CEOs. IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Bockmühl, S., König, A., Enders, A., Hungenberg, H., Puck, J. 2011. Intensity, Timeliness, and Success of Incumbent Response to Technological Discontinuities – A Synthesis and Empirical Investigation. Review of Managerial Science, 5: 265–289.
- Gerstner, W.-C., König, A., Enders, A., Hambrick, D. C. 2011. CEO Narcissism and Incumbent Response to Technological Discontinuities. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- König, A., Wessels, A., Boxleitner, K. 2011. The Narrative Narcissist: CEO Personality, Narrative Communication, and the Evaluations of Securities Analysts. Strategic Management Society Conference, Miami, USA.
- Gerstner, W.-C., König, A., Enders, A., Hambrick, D. C. 2011. CEO Narcissism and Incumbent Response to Technological Discontinuities. Annual Meeting der Academy of Management, San Antonio, USA. (Ausgezeichnet mit dem Glueck Best Paper Award)
- König, A., Kammerlander, A., Enders, A. 2011. The Family Factor: Family Influence and Incumbent Response to Discontinuous Change. Annual Meeting der Academy of Management, San Antonio, USA.
- Kammerlander, A., König, A., Schillo, B. 2011. How do Established Family Businesses Adapt to Technological Discontinuities? 7th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research des European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Witten, Germany.
- Kammerlander, A., König, A. 2011. How do Established Family Businesses Adapt to Technological Discontinuities? A Series of Inductive Case Studies. 7th Annual Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Grand Rapids, USA.
- König, A., Wessels, A., Boxleitner, K. 2011. CEO Narrative Communication and the Evaluations of Securities Analysts. 4th Conference on Rhetoric and Narratives in Management Research (RNMR), Barcelona, Spain.
- König, A., Kammerlander, N. 2011. Radikale Innovationen als fundamentale Herausforderungen: Ist Familienbesitz ein Vor- oder ein Nachteil? Jahrestagung der Internationalen Buchwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft: Verlagskultur(en) – von Dynastien und "Heuschrecken". Mainz, Germany.
- Graf, L., König, A., Enders, A. 2010. Preventing Competitive Irrationality in Strategic Decision Making. Strategic Management Society Conference, Rome, Italy.
- Gerstner, W.-C., König, A., Enders, A. 2010. Are Narcissistic CEOs More Effective in Overcoming Incumbent Inertia than Non-Narcissistic CEOs? Annual Meeting der Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.
- König, A., Dumbach, M. 2010. Towards Resolving the First Mover/Later Entrant Debate - A Cognitive Institutionalist Model of Technology Adoption Timing and Success. Pfingsttagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Bremen, Germany.
- König, A., Fehn, A. 2010. How Can Decision Makers Use Metaphors to Communicate Strategy in Multinational Organizations? A Comparative Linguistic Model. 26th Colloquium der European Group for Organizational Studies, Lissabon, Portugal.
- Hungenberg, H., König, A., Enders, A. 2010. Anleitung zur Zerstörung. In N. Förster (Hrsg.), Die kreativen Zerstörer der Deutschen Wirtschaft: 268–272. München: Finanzbuchverlag.
- Enders, A., König, A. 2010. How Not To Become A Casualty Of The Next Media Revolution. (Hrsg.).
- Enders, A., König, A., Hungenberg, H., Engelbertz, T. 2009. Towards an Integrated Perspective of Strategy – The Value Process Framework, Journal of Strategy and Management, 2: 76–96.
- Enders, A., König, A., Hungenberg, H. 2009. Wie Unternehmen radikalen Wandel meistern (“How companies master radical change”), Harvard Business Manager, Issue 8 (August): 20–32.
- Schulte, M., König, A., Enders, A., Hungenberg, H. 2009. Industry Associations and Discontinuous Technological Change – Towards a Midrange Theory. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA.
- Gerstner, W.-C., König, A., Enders, A., Hungenberg, H. 2009. The Impact of CEO Narcissism on Incumbent Inertia and Discontinuous Change. Strategic Management Society Conference, Washington, USA.
- Bschirrer, C., König, A., Enders, A., Hungenberg, H. 2009. Cognitive Framing and Exploration of Discontinuous Change – Evidence From Organizational Response to Global Warming. 25th Colloquium der European Group for Organizational Studies, Barcelona, Spain.
- Enders, A., König, A., Hungenberg, H. 2009. Rethinking Collective Inertia: Follow the Leader or is the Leader the Problem? Pfingsttagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Nürnberg, Germany.
- König, A. 2009. A Process Model for Replication Studies in Organization Research. Arbeitspapier, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- König, A., Fehn, A. 2009. "Blepharoplasty" – How could Douglas Holding Respond to Cosmetic Surgery? Fallstudie und Teaching Notes, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- König, A. 2009. Siemens 2007 – Corporate Strategy Decisions. Fallstudie, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- König, A. 2009. Buchhandel im Wandel. Wie kann der Sortimentsbuchhandel erfolgreich auf radikale Innovationen reagieren? Informationen für den Buchhandel Nr. 14, Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (Hrsg.).
- Enders, A., König, A. 2009. Social Proof, Benchmarking and Incumbent Failure: Why Do Whole Industries Fail When They Are Confronted With Discontinuous Change? IMD, Lausanne (Hrsg.).
- Enders, A., König, A. 2009. The Simple Reason Most Companies Can't Handle Major Change. (Hrsg.).
- Enders, A., König, A., Hungenberg, H. 2009. Anleitung zum Zerstören. Financial Times Deutschland, January 5th: 24.
- König, A., Schöberl, M., Enders, A., Hungenberg, H., Albert, D. 2008. Reinvestment, Resolution, Resignation: Effects of Threat and Perceived Control on Resource Rigidity. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
- Enders, A., König, A., Hungenberg, H., Seeberger, M., Tachas, P. 2008. Mimetic Isomorphism as a Driver of Collective Incumbent Inertia. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
- König, A., Enders, A., Hungenberg, H., Hund, J. 2008. Moderators of the Influence of CEO-Framing on Resource Commitment in Response to Technological Discontinuities. Strategic Management Society Conference, Köln, Germany.
- Schulte, M., König, A., Enders, A., Hungenberg, H. 2008. Industry Associations as Driver of Incumbent Inertia. Strategic Management Society Conference, Köln, Germany. Nominated for the Best Practice Implication Paper Award.
- Enders, A., König, A., Hungenberg, H., Engelbertz, T. 2008. Towards an Integrated Perspective of Strategy – The Value-Process Framework. In T. Jelassi, A. Endres (Hrsg.), Strategies for E-Business, (2 Aufl.): 151–170. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
- König, A., Hungenberg, H., Hund, J. 2008. Moderators of the Influence of CEO-Framing on Resource Commitment in Response to Technological Discontinuities. Arbeitspapier, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- Siegel, K., König, A. 2008. Flarm – The Sky is the Limit. Fallstudie und Teaching Notes, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- Bockmühl, S., König, A., Enders, A., Hungenberg, H. 2007. A Multilevel Model of Incumbent Response to Discontinuous Technological Change. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA.
- Engelbertz, T., Enders, A., König, A., Hungenberg, H. 2007. Mobile Phone Meets Digital Music at Sony BMG. In T. Jelassi, A. Enders (Hrsg.), Strategies for E-Business, (2. Aufl.): 548–569. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
- Enders, A., Jelassi, T., König, A., Hungenberg, H. 2007. Disruption and Sustaining Technology in E-Banking. In S. Barnes (Hrsg.), E-Commerce and V-Business, (2. Aufl.): 3–22. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
- König, A., Enders, A. 2007. New York Times. Fallstudie, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- König, A., Winkler, J. 2007. Wie können Buchhandlungen Veranstaltungen systematisch planen? Informationen für den Buchhandel Nr. 12, Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (Hrsg.).
- König, A. 2007. Veranstaltungen für kleinere Buchhändler. Vortrag bei der Internationalen Frankfurter Buchmesse, 13. Oktober.
- König, A., Enders, A., Hungenberg, H., Röhrig, M. 2006. How can Music Majors Increase their Success in the Market for Over-The-Air Downloads? – The Case of Germany, International Journal on Media Management, 8: 182–192.
- Enders, A., König, A., Jelassi, T., Hungenberg, H. 2006. The Relativity of Disruption: E-Banking as a Sustaining Innovation in the Banking Industry, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 7: 67–77.
- Enders, A., König, A. 2005. Wert schaffen und Wert abschöpfen durch Tauschen. In G. Mein, F. Schössler (Hrsg.), Tauschprozesse: 133–156. Bielefeld: Transcript.