Guest lectures in winter semester 2014/15
Date | Guest Lecturer & Topic of the Presentation | Place/Time |
Nov. 13, 2014 | Dr. David Hoeflmayr (Thomas Krenn AG) Title: "Strategic Due Diligence" | HS 7 (WIWI) (10:15-11:45) |
Dec. 11, 2014 | Anne Assmus (Immatics Biotechnologies) Title: "Partnering for Innovation in Bio-Pharmaceuticals" | HS 7 (WIWI) (10:15-11:45) |
Jan. 22, 2015 | Dr. Robert Seiler (The Mobility House) Title: "Strategic Decisions – A Start-Up Between the Automotive and Electricity Industries" | HS 7 (WIWI) (10:15-11:45) |
Details about the lecturers
Anne Assmus studied Biology at the Karls-Ruprechts-University in Heidelberg and International Business (B.Sc.) at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark. During her studies she also spent one semester at the Roma Tre University in Italy. Ms. Assmus collected professional experience in the fields of Competitor Intelligence and Market Insight, In-house consulting and business development at Novozymes A/S, Copenhagen, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt and MorphoSys AG, Munich. Since 2012 Ms. Assmus is Manager at Immatics Biotechnologies GmbH in Munich.
Since September 2012 she is also external Ph.D. at the Chair for Organization, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship.
About immatics Biotechnologies GmbH:
immatics has its roots at the University of Tuebingen’s Department of Immunology. The company, which was established in 2000, capitalizes on groundbreaking discoveries investigating the role of tumor-associated peptides (TUMAPs) and their interaction with the body’s own natural defense, the immune system.
Further information about immatics Biotechnologies.
Personal profile: Dr. Robert Seiler:
Head Business Development & Strategy
Prior to joining the The Mobility House Management Team, Dr. Robert Seiler led various business units in the fields of energy management and carbon emission reduction with focus on the European utilities industry. Holding a PhD in physics and an MBA from the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai, he always managed to combine professional and academic life. Studying cultural diversity and foreign countries is what the Swiss national and enthusiastic cross country skier is dedicated to whenever time permits.
Company profile: The Mobility House:
The Mobility House was founded in 2009 and is one of the first electric vehicle network service companies in Europe. Its activities are centered on charging stations, set-up services as well as energy solution for stationary and mobile battery storages.