Faculty management & organisation
"The focus of our work is excellent research on academically challenging and socially relevant topics" - Dean Prof. Dr. Stefan Bauernschuster

Vice dean

Dean of studies

Opening hours: | Monday- friday 9.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Innstraße 27, room 109 |
Phone / E-Mail: | 0851/ 509-2401 |
Postal adress: | Universität Passau Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Innstraße 27 94032 Passau |

Managing director



Office / PR

Project coordination for internationalisation

Project assistant for study and teaching

Programme coordination

Programme coordination

Bettina Hehn
Innstraße 27
WIWI 109
Alexander Schraml
Innstraße 27
WIWI 109
More contacts
Doctoral matters:
Public relations / Website:
Programme coordination:
Learning Agreements:
Guideline and information for (new) employees (German)
Forms and applications (in German)
Correction order application
Declaration on the fulfillment of the teaching commitment
Guest lecturer program international_application
Guest lecturer program_national_application
Guest lecture national accounting
Application for reduction of teaching commitments
Regulations on the crediting of study periods
Application teaching assignment
The Faculty Council is the central formative body and makes major decisions for the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems.
Faculty board: | Prof. Dr. Stefan Bauernschuster, Prof. Dr. Andreas König, Prof. Dr. Thomas Widjaja |
Representation of the professors: | Prof. Dr. Dirk Totzek, Prof. Dr. Michael Grimm, Prof. Dr. Oliver Entrop, Prof. Dr. Carola Jungwirth |
representation of the scientific staff: | Eileen Dauti, Alexander Peter |
Representation of the science support staff: | Christiana Augsburg |
Student representation: | Christoph Lechner, Jasmin Schwarz |
Women's representative: | Katharina-Maria Wagner |
In order to enforce equal rights for women and men, women are promoted in compliance with the priority of aptitude, ability and professional performance (Article 33 (2) of the Basic Law). The aim of the promotion is to increase the proportion of women at all levels of science. The Women's Representative pays particular attention to the avoidance of disadvantages for female scientists, female teachers and female students.
Women's representative of the faculty

First deputy
Second deputy

Third deputy

The study grant committee decides on the internal use of study grants within the school.
The members of the study grant committee of the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems:
Study programme | Responsible person |
B.Sc. BAE | Prof. Dr. Markus Diller |
B.Sc. WI | Prof. Dr. Thomas Widjaja Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gnewuch (Stellvertreter) |
B.Sc. DTBS | Prof. Dr. Dirk Totzek |
M.Sc. BA | Prof. Dr. Christoph Pelger Prof. Dr. Ralf Kellner |
M.Sc. IEB | Prof. Dr. Johann Graf Lambsdorff |
M.Sc. WI | Prof. Dr. Jan Krämer Prof. Dr. Jin Gerlach (Stellvertreter) |
Study programme | Examination committee |
Bachelor Business Administration and Economics | Prof. Dr. Markus Diller (Chairman) |
Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik | Prof. Dr. Jan Krämer (Chairman) |
Bachelor Digital Transformation in Business and Society | Prof. Dr. Dirk Totzek (Chairman) |
Master Business Administration | Prof. Dr. Oliver Entrop (Chairman) |
Master Wirtschaftsinformatik | Prof. Dr. Jan Krämer (Chairman) |
Master International Economics and Business | Prof. Dr. Johann Graf Lambsdorff (Chairman) |
Association of Friends and Supporters of Business and Economics in Passau
The Association of Friends and Supporters of Business and Economics in Passau was founded in 2015 and supports the goals of the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems at the University of Passau
These goals are:
- Research, teaching and students at the school,
- Contact and exchange of experience between students and alumni of the school,
- relations between the school and companies, organisations and associations.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the association or would like to consider making a donation to the association, please contact one of the two chairmen.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Totzek (1st Chairman)
Prof. Dr. Robert Obermaier (2nd Chairman)
Bank details:
Sparkasse Passau
Account no: 305 933 88
IBAN: DE21 7405 0000 0030 5933 88