Externe Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden

Florian Brodschelm, M.Sc.
- Digitalisierung im (regionalen) Handel
- Online-Marketing
- E-Commerce
Studium der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Betriebswirtschaft an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (BSc) und Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Passau (M.Sc.)
- proMittelstand GmbH Unternehmensberatung, Passau
- IHK für München und Oberbayern, München
- EU-Büro der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Brüssel
Konferenzen und andere Forschungsbeiträge
Lazarovici, I.-S., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Brodschelm, F. (2024). The Moderating Role of Product Knowledge and Control on Consumers’ Interest in Mystery Promotions. 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference, St. Pete Beach FL, USA, 23.02.2024 – 25.02.2024.
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J. H., Hüttl-Maack, V., & Lazarovici, I.-S. (2023). Mystery Resolved! And Then?—How (Dis)Confirmation Effects and Positive Affective Spillover Effects Impact Customer Loyalty After the Purchase of Mystery Promotions. EMAC Conference, Odense, Denmark, 23.05. – 26.05.2023.
Lazarovici, I.-S., Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2022). Variable Opaque Products - How Adapting the Outcome of Opaque Products Influences Consumers’ Pre- and Post-Purchase Behavior. 6th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 21.07. – 22.07.2022.
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J. H., Hüttl-Maack, V., & Lazarovici, I.-S. (2022). “Will High Expectations Backfire?” – The Role of Overoptimism, Disconfirmation, and Affective Reactions When Resolving a Mystery Deal. SERVSIG Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 16.06. – 18.06.2022.
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J. H., Hüttl-Maack, V., & Lazarovici, I.-S. (2022). “Will High Expectations Backfire?” – The Role of Overoptimism, Disconfirmation, and Affective Reactions When Resolving a Mystery Deal. EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24.05. – 27.05.2022.
Lazarovici, I.-S., Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2022). Variable Opaque Products – How Adapting the Outcome of Opaque Products Influences Consumers’ Pre- and Post-Purchase Behavior. EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24.05. – 27.05.2022.
Lazarovici, I.-S., Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2021). Variable Opaque Products and their Impact on Consumers’ Pre- and Post-Purchase Behavior. 5th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 26.11.2021. (online)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J. H. & Hüttl-Maack, V. (2021). Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals – How the Resolution of Mystery Deals Impacts Consumers’ Loyalty Intentions. Frontiers in Service Conference 2021, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 09.07.–10.07.2021. (online)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J. H., & Hüttl-Maack, V. (2021). “Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals”—How the Resolution of Mystery Deals Influences Consumers' Post-Purchase Behavior. EMAC Conference, Madrid, Spain, 26.05.–28.05.2021. (online)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J. H., & Hüttl-Maack, V. (2021). Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals – How the Creation and Resolution of Mystery Deals Impacts Consumers’ Purchase Motivation and Loyalty Intentions. EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Madrid, Spain, 23.05.–25.05.2021. (online)
Lazarovici, I.-S., Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2021). What Makes the Deal in the Mystery Deal? How Variable Opaque Products Influence Consumers’ Pre- and Post-Purchase Behavior. 4th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 16.04.2021. (online)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2020). “Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals” – How the Resolution of Mystery Deals Influences Consumers' Post-Purchase Behavior. 3rd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 06.11.2020. (online)
Lazarovici, I.-S., Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2020). What Makes the Deal in the Mystery Deal? How Uncertainty Influences Consumers’ Purchase Decisions. 3rd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 06.11.2020. (online)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2020). Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals – How the Resolution of Mystery Deals Impacts Consumers’ Loyalty Intentions. Frontiers in Service Conference 2020, Boston, MA, USA, 25.06.–28.06.2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2020). Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals – How the Creation and Resolution of Mystery Deals Impacts Consumers’ Purchase Motivation and Loyalty Intentions. EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 26.05.–29.05.2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2020). Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals – How the Creation and Resolution of Mystery Deals Impacts Consumers’ Purchase Motivation and Loyalty Intentions. EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Budapest, Hungary, 24.05.–26.05.2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2019). The Impact of Expectations about Mystery Appeals on Consumers´ Postpurchase Evaluation. 2nd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 18.09. – 19.09.2019.
Brodschelm, F., Schubach S., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). The Effect of Predictions on the Intention to Participate in Online Surveys of Predictive Behavioral Targeting. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, Germany, 24.10. – 25.10.2018.

Curd-Georg Eggert, M.Sc.
- Industrie 4.0
- Digital Business Transformation
- Entwicklung von digitalen Geschäftsmodellen und Dienstleistungen
- Datengetriebene Start-ups
Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Universität Passau.
- ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Passau
- Neovias GmbH, Passau
2019 Nominierung für den EMAC „Best Paper Award"
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., Volkmann, A., Schumann, J. H., & Wünderlich, N. V. (2022). Understanding intra- and interorganizational paradoxes inhibiting data access in digital servitization. Industrial Marketing Management, 105, 404-421. (VHB-R 2024: B)
Mosch, P., Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., Schumann, J. H., Obermaier, R., & Ulaga, W. (2022). Driving or Driven by Others? A Dynamic Perspective on How Data Driven Start-Ups Strategize Across Different Network Roles in Digitalized Business Networks. Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 381-402. (VHB-R 2024: B)
Konferenzen und andere Forschungsbeiträge
Mosch, P., Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., Schumann, J. H., & Obermaier, R. (2019). Digital Attacker or Supporter? Data-driven Business Models of Start-up Firms Along the Supply and Value Chain - An Empirical Analysis of Focal Points, Forms of Design and Strategic Options for Incumbent Firms. 15th EIASM Interdisciplinary Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital – Non-Financial and Integrated Reporting, Governance and Value Creation, Coimbra, Portugal, 26. – 27.09.2019.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2019). Data-Driven Business Models of Start-Up Firms as "Digital Attackers" Along the Value Chain. 2nd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 18.-19.09.2019.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., Schumann, J. H., & Wünderlich, N.V. (2019). Perceived Smart Data Value Influencing B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Behavior for Smart Services: A Qualitative Approach. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Bielefeld, Germany. 22 – 23.08.2019.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., Schumann, J. H., & Wünderlich, N. V. (2019). Perceived Smart Data Value Influencing B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Behavior for Smart Services: A Qualitative Approach. 9th BMM EMAC Conference, Berlin, Germany, 27.06.2019 – 29.06.2019.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., Schumann, J. H., & Wünderlich, N. V. (2019). Perceived Smart Data Value Influencing B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Behavior for Smart Services: A Qualitative Approach. 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 28.05.2019 – 31.05.2019. Nominated for the Best Paper Award Based on Doctoral Work.
Eggert, C.- G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2019). Datenfreigabe als Grundlage für erfolgreiche Smart Services im Business-to-Business-Kontext: Herausforderungen und erste Lösungsansätze. In R. Obermaier (Hrsg.), Handbuch Industrie 4.0 und Digitale Transformation (S. 479-501). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. 1st Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.-21.09.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). Business Models as Strategic Levers of Data Disclosure For Smart Services. 1st Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.-21.09.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. 2018 Biennial ISBM Academic Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, 08.08. – 09.08.2018.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. SERVSIG Conference, Paris, France, 14.06 – 16.06.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. Lehrstuhltreffen, Rorschach, Switzerland, 21.03. – 23.03.2018.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. Dienstleistungsinnovation durch Digitalisierung 2018. Doktorandenseminar, Aachen, Germany, 20. – 21.03.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2017). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption - A Conceptual Demarcation to Information Sharing. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, 12.10. - 13.10.2017.

Alina Grüner, M.Sc.
Projekt BNDE (Business Network Data Exchange)
- Business Network Data Exchange
Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem Schwerpunkt Internationales Management und Marketing an der Universität Passau.
- Coca-Cola Company, Erlangen
- WSV Messebau GmbH, Nürnberg
- BMW Group, München
Grüner, A., Postel, L., & Schumann, J. H. (2024). Sharing is caring? The effect of negative peer-to-peer experiences on loyalty intentions in the sharing economy. Journal of Business Research, 181, 114757. (VHB-R 2024: B)
Konferenzen und andere Forschungsbeiträge
Grüner, A., Sleziona, P., Schumann, J.H. & Widjaja, T. (2023). The Influence of Firm Network Entitativity on Consumers’ Trust Perception and Data Sharing Decisions. 8th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.07.2023-21.07.2023.
Grüner, A., Sleziona, P., Schumann, J.H. & Widjaja, T. (2023). The Influence of Firm Network Entitativity on Consumers’ Trust Perception and Data Sharing Decisions. Frontiers in Service Conference 2023, Maastricht, Netherlands, 16.06.2023-18.06.2023.
Grüner, A., Sleziona, P., Schumann, J.H. & Widjaja, T. (2023). The Influence of Firm Network Entitativity on Consumers’ Trust Perception and Data Sharing Decisions. EMAC Conference, Odense, Denmark, 23.05.-26.05.2023.
Grüner, A., Postel, L., & Schumann, J.H. (2023). Sharing is Caring: The Effect of Negative Peer-to-Peer Experiences on Loyalty Intentions in the Sharing Economy. EMAC Conference, Odense, Denmark, 23.05.-26.05.2023.
Grüner, A., Postel, L., & Schumann, J.H. (2022). Sharing is caring? The effect of negative peer-to-peer experiences on loyalty in the home-sharing context. 7th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 11.11.2022. (online)
Grüner, A., Postel, L., & Schumann, J.H. (2022). Sharing is caring? An Investigation of negative peer-to-peer experiences, trust and consumer retaliation in the Sharing Economy. 6th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 21.07.-22.07.2022.
Grüner, A., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2021). Co-creation logic in data disclosure: Understanding its underlying processes and contingency factors. 4th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 16.04.2021. (online)

Corinna Winkler, M.Sc.
- Dienstleistungsinnovationen im B2B-Bereich
- Digitalisierung und datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle
- Kundenintegration bei digitalen Dienstleistungen
Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Passau
- ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Passau
- Krones Inc., Franklin, USA
- CenTouris Marktforschung, Passau
- 2019 Nominierung für den EMAC „Best Paper Award"
- 2017 Nominierung als BVM/VMÖ/vsms Nachwuchsforscher/in in der Kategorie Masterarbeit
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., Volkmann, A., Schumann, J. H., & Wünderlich, N. V. (2022). Understanding intra- and interorganizational paradoxes inhibiting data access in digital servitization. Industrial Marketing Management, 105, 404-421. (VHB-R 2024: B)
Mosch, P., Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., Schumann, J. H., Obermaier, R., & Ulaga, W. (2022). Driving or Driven by Others? A Dynamic Perspective on How Data Driven Start-Ups Strategize Across Different Network Roles in Digitalized Business Networks. Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 381-402. (VHB-R 2024: B)
Konferenzen und andere Forschungsbeiträge
Winkler, C., Bongers, F. M., & Schumann, J. H. (2021). Kundenintegration und Individualisierung bei digitalen Dienstleistungsinnovationen. Entwicklung eines Methodenbaukastens und Strategietoolkits. In: Beverungen D., Schumann J. H., Stich V., Strina G. (Hrsg.), Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung (3-47). Springer Gabler.
Mosch, P., Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., Schumann, J. H., & Obermaier, R. (2019). Digital Attacker or Supporter? Data-driven Business Models of Start-up Firms Along the Supply and Value Chain - An Empirical Analysis of Focal Points, Forms of Design and Strategic Options for Incumbent Firms. 15th EIASM Interdisciplinary Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital – Non-Financial and Integrated Reporting, Governance and Value Creation, Coimbra, Portugal, 26. – 27.09.2019.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2019). Data-Driven Business Models of Start-Up Firms as "Digital Attackers" Along the Value Chain. 2nd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 18.-19.09.2019.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., Schumann, J. H., & Wünderlich, N.V. (2019). Perceived Smart Data Value Influencing B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Behavior for Smart Services: A Qualitative Approach. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Bielefeld, Germany. 22 – 23.08.2019.
Eggert, C.- G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2019). Datenfreigabe als Grundlage für erfolgreiche Smart Services im Business-to-Business-Kontext: Herausforderungen und erste Lösungsansätze. In R. Obermaier (Hrsg.), Handbuch Industrie 4.0 und Digitale Transformation (S. 479-501). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Bongers, F. M., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2019). Veränderungen in Märkten durch Digitalisierungsprozesse. In: Stich V., Schumann J. H., Beverungen D., Gudergan G., Jussen P. (Hrsg.), Digitale Dienstleistungsinnovationen – Smart Services agil und kundenorientiert entwickeln, 429-444. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., Schumann, J. H., & Wünderlich, N.V. (2019). Perceived Smart Data Value Influencing B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Behavior for Smart Services: A Qualitative Approach. 9th BMM EMAC Conference, Berlin, Germany, 27.06.2019 – 29.06.2019.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., Schumann, J. H., & Wünderlich, N.V. (2019). Perceived Smart Data Value Influencing B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Behavior for Smart Services: A Qualitative Approach. 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 28.05.2019 – 31.05.2019. Nominated for the Best Paper Award Based on Doctoral Work.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. 1st Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.-21.09.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). Business Models as Strategic Levers of Data Disclosure for Smart Services. 1st Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.-21.09.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. 2018 Biennial ISBM Academic Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, 08.08. – 09.08.2018.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. SERVSIG Conference, Paris, France, 14.06 – 16.06.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. Lehrstuhltreffen, Rorschach, Switzerland, 21.03. – 23.03.2018.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. Dienstleistungsinnovation durch Digitalisierung 2018. Doktorandenseminar, Aachen, Germany, 20. – 21.03.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2017). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption - A Conceptual Demarcation to Information Sharing. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, 12.10. - 13.10.2017.