Individuals’ privacy in the context of online services presents a topic of significant interest in our increasingly digital society. However, there is a lack of research on the challenges faced by companies regarding their handling of individuals’ privacy.
Research findings are considered drivers of economically significant innovation. But what role exactly does research play here? On 1 June 2022, a project was launched at the Chair of Organisation, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship to analyse this relationship.
Strengthening the role of women could be a determining factor in the fight against malnutrition in the world's poorest regions. A team from the University of Passau will explore this link in an international research project – based, among other things, on field experiments in Ethiopia and Bangladesh.
From October 2022, the Research Training Group "Digital Platform Ecosystems" will be the University’s pivotal hub for leading-edge, international, and interdisciplinary research and advanced academic qualifications around a central phenomenon of the digital economy.
What motivates Indonesian farmers to convert to organic farming long-term? Nathalie Luck, an economist at the Chair of Development Economics at the University of Passau, is exploring this question in a DFG-funded field study.
Can the environment be protected and the productivity of the farms be preserved or even increased with the help of digital soil tests? A team of economists from the University of Passau is exploring this question in a DBU-funded pilot study in Indonesia.
On the Internet, clients’ data is increasingly exchanged between companies. How does this impact users’ decisions to disclose data? This question is investigated by information systems and marketing business researchers at the University of Passau in a project funded by the DFG.
With the project "Passau – The Entrepreneurial Campus" (PATEC), the University of Passau is pursuing the aim of boosting the spirit of foundation on its campus and developing to become a genuine founders' university.
To what extent does our cultural background and the legal environment affect how willing we are to disclose our personal data? Does it for example make a difference if the data is transferred to another country—a common feature of many transactions?
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