
A maximum of 10 students per cohort will enter the double degree programme according to the inter-institutional agreement 2016-21 within the ERASMUS+ programme.
For a start in the next winter semester, the application deadline for students of the University of Passau is June 15th every year. Acceptance decisions will be devised already by June 30th.
For a start in the next winter semester, the application deadline for students of the University of Turku is January 15th every year. Acceptance decisions will be devised as soon as possible, due to the fact, that the application deadline for the ERASMUS+ programme is February 1st.
For a start in the next summer semester, the application deadline for students of the University of Passau is January 15th every year. Acceptance decisions will be devised as soon as possible, due to the fact, that the application deadline for the ERASMUS+ programme is February 1st.
Start programme in the winter term: Students who want to start the programme in October have to apply in June. Please note that students at the University of Passau must independently (and likely before June 30th) also apply for enrollment in an eligible Master’s degree programme. Acceptance to the double degree programme is made conditional on the acceptance to the University’s regular Master’s degree programme. The current application deadlines for the winter semester at the University of Passau can be found on the website of the Student Registration Office. If accepted, the programme starts for these students with the first two semesters (winter and summer) in Passau.
Start progamme in the summer term: Passau students who want to start the programme in April have to apply at the end of the previous semester. They start with the first semester in Passau and end, after writing their Master’s thesis, with one last semester in Passau. Please note that students at the University of Passau must independently (and likely before Jan 15th) also apply for enrollment in an eligible Master’s degree programme. Acceptance to the double degree programme is made conditional on the acceptance to the University’s regular Master’s degree programme. The current application deadlines for the summer semester at the University of Passau can be found on the website of the Student Registration Office.
Students who are enrolled in a Bachelor’s programme with a focus in Information Systems at the Turku School of Economics are requested to apply to the programme during their last year of the Bachelor’s degree. They are accepted to the programme conditional on completing their Bachelor’s degree by the end of the spring term. If accepted, students from Turku start the double-degree programme at the University of Passau in October of the year following their application.
- A motivation letter (max. 1 page)
- Curriculum vitae
- A printed copy of the completed and signed application form (Word document)
- A copy of a valid passport
- A certified copy (with the official stamp of the school) of the Bachelor's degree, including a transcript of records/list of grades (in English). Alternatively, students can submit an up to date transcript of records and a certificate of their academic supervisor that they are in good standing. They are then accepted conditionally on completing their Bachelors’ degree before entering the double degree programme.
- Certificate of enrolment at their home university.
- Copy of High School Diploma/Abiturzeugnis (A-levels)
- Proof of English language proficiency: TOEFL or equivalent, at least B2 level (Confirmation in the High School Diploma/Abiturzeugnis is sufficient)
- Complete study plan (see below for more information), specifying the courses to be taken during the double degree programme at each partner university.
All application documents should be combined into a single PDF file and submitted electronically to the Board of the double degree programme via email to
The study plan is a central element of the double-degree programme and each student’s application. It requires the student to derive a course plan early on, which not only ensures academic rigor and coherence, but also that the selected lectures are likely to be offered in the relevant time frame.
In the following, we provide more information on how to devise the study plan.
- The study plan does not demand students to pick any particular course, but rather demands students to select a personal study plan such that the learning objectives detailed in “Profile of the Programme” are met.
Students need to fulfil the degree requirements at each university. In particular, they have to select a certain amount of courses in a given study area for each degree programme. As students should be familiar with the requirements of the degree programme at their home university, we briefly describe the requirements for each group of students at the hosting university here:
For students coming from the University of Passau:
Above and beyond the degree requirements at the University of Passau, students are required to take 80 ECTS in the study area „Information Systems“ to obtain a degree at the University of Turku. This includes the jointly supervised master’s thesis and seminar, which are awarded a total of 30 ECTS in the Turku degree programme. Generally, courses taken in the study area „Information Systems“ at the University of Passau are also eligible for the study area „Information Systems“ at the University of Turku. In addition, Passau students must complete 40 ECTS of "Optional Studies" for the Turku degree program. This courses can be "Information Systems" courses or from the study area "Methods" and "Business Administration and Economics" or based on personal study interest. Here you will find helpful information about the Master's programme, especially a list with current courses and assignments in the Information Systems Department: students coming from the University of Turku:
Above and beyond the degree requirements at the University of Turku, students are required to complete at least 10 ECTS in the study area „Methods“, 18 ECTS in the study area „Business Administration and Economics“ and 65 ECTS in the study area „Information Systems“ (NOT including master’s thesis or seminar) to obtain a degree at the University of Passau. From the 65 ECTS in „Information Systems“, up to 15 ECTS can be replaced by courses in „Interdisciplinary Specialization“ courses, which can include, e.g., courses in computer science or law. The jointly supervised master’s and seminar thesis (or master’s thesis with integrated seminar) will be credited a total of 27 ECTS in the Passau degree programme. Here you will find helpful information about the Master's programme, especially a list with current courses and assignments in the Information Systems Department:
- Individual courses eligible to be selected as part of their study plan are listed in the module catalogue (only in German) for the University of Passau and in the study guide for DEMA students from the University of Passau and in the study guide for DEMA students from the University of Turku for the University of Turku, School of Economics. Both lists include, for each course, learning goals of the courses, which should be matched to the overreaching learning goals specified.
- Some courses may have restricted access and may thus not be eligible for students in the double degree programme (e.g., some courses at the Turku Law School or courses in International Business, which are restricted to degree students in University of Turku School of Economics), or may have limited capacity. Restrictions are usually listed at the end of the published module catalogue and/or can be inquired from the responsible lecturer. Students are responsible to checking the prerequisites for the admission to each course in advance.
- In total at least 40 ECTS in courses (NOT including seminar and master’s thesis) have to be taken at each partner university.
- At both institutions only master’s level courses are eligible for the double degree programme.
- At least one of the courses in the area "Business Administration and Economics" needs to be taken at the respective home university.
- "Information Systems" courses at the University of Turku must be taken as "Information Systems" courses in Passau. They cannot be credited in the study area of "Business Administration and Economics".
- Please note that the following course combinations entail a significant amount of overlap between the courses, which may therefore not be selected together in the study plan. It is, of course, possible to select just one of the courses from each combination:
a) Management of IT Architectures / IT-Achitekturmanagement (Passau) <> Enterprise Architecture (Turku)
b) IT Services and Management of IT Services / IT-Services und IT-Servicemanagement (Passau) <> Management of ICT Services (Turku)
c) Theorieentwicklung und Forschungsmethoden in der Wirtschaftsinformatik (Passau) <> Research Methods (Turku) - Masters’ thesis and seminar will be jointly supervised, but each must be written at the home university. At the University of Passau, the seminar and Master’s thesis are separate courses, but at the University of Turku the seminar is integrated with the Master’s thesis. Both, seminar and masters’ thesis need to be written in English. The combination of seminar and Master’s thesis will count 27 ECTS towards the degree programme of the University of Passau and 30 ECTS towards the degree programme of the University of Turku.
- Students apply with a preliminary version of their study plan that, after the application was successful, needs to be formally approved by the Board. Once approved, the courses in the study plan become mandatory for the students, unless there is a good reason to change (e.g, discontinuity of a course). The Board needs to approve changes. At the same time, the Universities try to offer the courses specified in the study plans, such that students can actually pursue the plan. The study plan does not imply a right to be admitted to the particular courses listed in the study plan.
- A study plan is only approved if it is signed by the professors of the board. This document will substitute a Learning Agreement, i.e., it will serve as a commitment to the student to accept the courses passed at the foreign university at the home university. At each university, the courses will be accepted with their original ECTS. In reverse, there is no commitment for the home university to accept courses taken at the foreign university that are not listed in the study plan.
To facilitate the compilation of the study plan, please use the following template.
Programme coordinator

Prof. Dr. Jan Krämer
Room HK12 218
Phone: +49(0)851/509-2580
Fax: +49(0)851/509-2582
Consultation hours: Wednesdays from 2 to 3 p.m. by prior arrangement via the secretary's office.