
The School of Business, Economics and Information Systems is constantly in active exchange with scientists around the globe. Because we know: Good research only works internationally!
Within the framework of the Joint-Doctoral Degree Program, since February 2014 there is the possibility of acquiring a joint doctoral degree with the Department of Management Studies of IIT Madras in India. The admission to this program is done by a joint doctoral committee of the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems of the University of Passau and the Department of Management Studies of IIT Madras. For further information, feel free to contact Professor Dr. Hans Ziegler by e-mail.

International Center for Economics and Business Studies (ICEBS)
The International Center for Economics and Business Studies (ICEBS) promotes exchange between researchers worldwide.
Through the ICEBS, the University of Passau finances stays of renowned international economists in Passau. During their stay, the international guests can further develop their research, give lectures, and teach as part of their doctoral training.