Congratulations to Eva Katharina Donner for successfully defending her PhD entitled “4 Essays on Sustainable Development and Organizations’ Response to Stakeholder’s Expectations”. Thanks also to Carola Jungwirth and…
We are very pleased that the Female Founders Academy - a joint project of the Universities of Bayreuth, Mannheim and Passau - has been published as a best practice in this year's InnoGründerinnen report of the Federal…
Our results show that between 2016 and 2021 all German multinational corporations (MNCs) increased their SDG reporting activity. We further identified that the MNCs adopted four different practices to report their SDG…
Do you want to know how to achieve a happy life, luck and self-development in your personal and professional life by setting the right targets, establishing habits and preventing biases? Then join us for our lecture on…
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