Bachelor courses
Titel of the Course | StudIP | Workload | term | recommended Semester | ECTS | Applicability | Further remarks |
Bilanzen | 30455 | Lecture (2 SWS) Tutorial (2 SWS) | Winter | 3 | 5 | Basismodul | Retake tutorial in the summer term available |
Konzern- rechnungslegung und Internationale Rechnungslegung | 30602 | Lecture (2 SWS) Tutorial (2 SWS) | Summer | 4 | 5 | Wahlmodul AFT | If you have already successfully completed the module "International Accounting" (PN 212309), it is not possible to additionally complete the module "Group Accounting and International Accounting" (PN 213303) due to the overlapping content. |
Corporate Governance und Auditing | 30610 | Lecture (2 SWS) Tutorial (2 SWS) | Winter | 4-5 | 5 | Schwerpunkt AFT | The part of the course on Corporate Governance is held as a lecture with integrated practice elements; The auditing part of the course (tutorial) will be held by experts from the business world (PwC). |
30466 | Seminar (2 SWS) | every term | 4 | 7 | Bachelor BAE: | In preparation for a Bachelor dissertation in the area of accounting and auditing. | |
Bachelor Dissertation | 30667 | Dissertation | every term | 6 |