Professor Pelger has a sabbatical in the summer term 2025, during which he will not be teaching. Therefore, no seminars will take place at the Chair and the master lecture ‘Reporting of Digital Business Models’ cannot be…
On 12 December 2024, Prof. Dr Pelger welcomed Günther David (Partner, Audit) and Florian Sterner (Assistant Manager, Audit) from the Big Four auditing firm KPMG in Munich and Regensburg to give a guest lecture as part of…
As part of the Corporate Governance and Auditing lecture, Andreas Schwarzhuber, StB, WP, gave practical insights into the topics of risk management systems (RMS) and internal control systems (ICS) on December 3, 2024.…
A joint paper of Christoph Pelger and Ulrich Schäfer (Unversity of Vienna) on incentive effects of deferred compensation has been published in the international academic journal Contemporary Accounting Research…
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