Master Business Administration
*** New *** New *** New *** New *** New *** New *** New *** New ***

Master Business Administration from summer semester 2025
From the summer semester 2025, students can study the newly structured Master's degree in Business Administration at our school.
The most important informations:
The standard teaching language of the new Master's programme is English

The Master's degree has been completely restructured.
Students choose a compulsory Major 1 (40 ECTS + 7 ECTS seminar). The Master's thesis is also written in this major (23 ECTS).
There are four options for the remaining ECTS:
1. Choice of a Major 2 (40 ECTS)
2. Choice of two minors (20 ECTS each)
3. Choice of a minor (20 ECTS) + free choice of modules from the Master's program
4. Free choice of modules from the Master's program
(for 3. and 4. 10 ECTS in a foreign business language are possible)
You can find further helpful information and examples of a possible structure in our brief info.
You can also view and download the updated version of the examination regulations
Major (at least 40 ECTS each) | Minor (at least 20 ECTS each) |
Accounting and Tax | Business Taxation Reporting and Controlling |
Data Science | Artificial Intelligence Data Science Optimization |
Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneurship |
Finance | Finance |
Information Systems and Digital Business | Information Systems and Digital Business |
Management and Strategy | Digital Management Marketing |
Economics | |
Sustainability |
Prof. Dr Christoph Pelger, the head of the degree programme, and the WIWI programme coordinator will be happy to help you.
All information on study requirements (such as university degree, certificates, documents and required language skills) can be found on the university's central information page.
The master's degree before summer term 2025
Students in the master's program in Business Administration (BWL) can expand their economic expertise, skills and methodological knowledge.
Students can choose between three majors: Accounting, Finance, and Taxation (AFT), International Management and Marketing (IMM), Information Systems (WIIS).
Winter term:
Name of the course | Chair | Grundlagen AFT | Vertiefung AFT |
Masterseminar Accounting und Auditing | Accounting und Auditing (Prof. Dr. Pelger) | X | |
International Accounting | Accounting und Auditing (Prof. Dr. Pelger) | X | X |
Sustainability Reporting | Accounting und Auditing (Prof. Dr. Pelger) | X | |
Unternehmensbewertung | Accounting und Controlling (Prof. Dr. Obermaier) | X | X |
Masterseminar Accounting und Controlling | Accounting und Controlling (Prof. Dr. Obermaier) | X | |
Crowdfunding, Crowd Campaign Management, and Purpose | Internationales Management und Soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Ahrens) | X | |
Financial Engineering and Strukturierte Finanzierung | Finance und Banking (Prof. Dr. Entrop) | X | X |
Quantitative Methoden in Finance | Finance und Banking (Prof. Dr. Entrop) | X | |
Mergers & Aquisitions: Internationale Unternehmenstransaktionen | Finance und Banking (Prof. Dr. Entrop) | X | X |
Masterseminar Finance und Banking | Finance und Banking (Prof. Dr. Entrop) | X | |
Corporate Finance und Kapitalmärkte | Finance und Banking (Prof. Dr. Entrop) | X | X |
Deep Learning und Textanalyse in Finance | Financial Data Analytics (Prof. Dr. Kellner) | X | |
Finanzcontrolling II | Finanzcontrolling (Prof. Dr. Wagner) | X | X |
Kolloquium für Masterarbeiten | Finanzcontrolling (Prof. Dr. Wagner) | X | X |
Master-Seminar Nachhaltiges Finanzcontrolling | Finanzcontrolling (Prof. Dr. Wagner) | X | |
Allgemeines Steuerrecht I und II | Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht, insbesondere Finanz- und Steuerrecht (Prof. Dr. Wernsmann) | X | |
Internationale Unternehmensbesteuerung | Taxation (Prof. Dr. Diller) | X | X |
Kolloquium: Master-Kolloquium | Taxation (Prof. Dr. Diller) | X | |
Steuerseminar Master | Taxation (Prof. Dr. Diller) | X | |
Verrechnungspreise - Im Spannungsfeld von Controlling und Steuern | Taxation (Prof. Dr. Diller)/ Accounting und Controlling (Prof. Dr. Obermaier) | X | X |
Multivariate Verfahren | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | |
Computational Statistics- Regression in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Computational Statistics - Statistical Learning in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Financial Statement Analysis | Accounting (Prof. Dr. Flagmeier) | X | X |
Summer term:
Name of the course | Chair | Grundlagen AFT | Vertiefung AFT |
Masterseminar Accounting und Auditing | Accounting und Auditing (Prof. Dr. Pelger) | X | |
Reporting of Digital Business Models | Accounting und Auditing (Prof. Dr. Pelger) | X | |
Bilanzierung von Finanzinstrumenten nach IFRS | Accounting und Auditing (Prof. Dr. Pelger) | X | |
Advanced International Accounting | Accounting und Auditing (Prof. Dr. Pelger) | X | |
EU and US Banking and Financial Law | Bürgerliches Recht, Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht (Prof. Dr. Beurskens) | X | |
Corporate Finance und Kapitalmärkte | Finance und Banking (Prof. Dr. Entrop) | X | X |
Quantitative Methoden in Finance | Finance und Banking (Prof. Dr. Entrop) | X | |
Master-WorkshopFinance und Banking | Finance and Banking (Prof. Dr. Entrop) | X | |
Masterseminar Finance und Banking | Finance and Banking (Prof. Dr. Entrop) | X | |
Finanzcontrolling I | Finanzcontrolling (Prof. Dr. Wagner) | X | X |
Masterseminar nachhaltiges Finanzcontrolling | Finanzcontrolling (Prof. Dr. Wagner) | X | |
Master-Seminar Real Estate Finance | Finanzcontrolling (Prof. Dr. Wagner) | X | |
Kolloquium für Masterarbeiten | Finanzcontrolling (Prof. Dr. Wagner) | X | X |
Empirical Finance | Finanzcontrolling (Prof. Dr. Wagner) | X | |
Crowdfunding, Crowd Campaign Management, and Purpose | Internationales Management und Soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Ahrens) | X | |
Steuerplanung und Steuerwirkung | Taxation (Prof. Dr. Diller) | X | X |
Immobilien und Steuern | Taxation (Prof. Dr. Diller) | X | X |
Kolloquium: Master-Kolloquium | Taxation (Prof. Dr. Diller) | X | |
Steuerseminar Master | Taxation (Prof. Dr. Diller) | X | |
Rechtsformwahl und M & A - Steuerliche Aspekte | Taxation (Prof. Dr. Diller) | X | X |
Workshop: Unternehmensbewertung | Accounting und Controlling (Prof. Dr. Obermaier) | X | |
Masterseminar Accounting und Controlling | Accounting und Controlling (Prof. Dr. Obermaier) | X | |
Wertorientiertes Controlling | Accounting und Controlling (Prof. Dr. Obermaier) | X | X |
Paneldatenanalyse | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | |
Computational Statistics - Regression in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Computational Statistics - Statistical Learning in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Seminar: Applied Statistics | Statistik (Prof. Dr. Haupt) | X | X |
Topics in Applied Econometrics | Statistik (Prof. Dr. Haupt) | X | |
Accounting-Seminar Master | Accounting (Prof. Dr. Flagmeier) | X | |
Applied Machine Learning in Finance | Financial Data Analytics (Prof. Dr. Kellner) | X | X |
Artificial Intelligence in Finance | Financial Data Analytics (Prof. Dr. Kellner) | X | |
Allgemeines Steuerrecht I und II | Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht, insbesondere Finanz- und Steuerrecht (Prof. Dr. Wernsmann) | X |
Winter term:
Name of the course | Chair | Grundlagen IMM | Vertiefung IMM |
Entwicklung von Managementfähigkeiten | Management, Personal und Information (Prof. Dr. Fiedler) | X | X |
Empirische Methoden für Masterstudierende im Bereich Management, Personal und Information | Management, Personal und Information (Prof. Dr. Fiedler) | X | X |
Kolloquium: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten | Management, Personal und Information (Prof. Dr. Fiedler) | X | X |
Hauptseminar Interkulturelle Kommunikation | Interkulturelle Kommunikation (Prof. Dr. Barmeyer) | X | |
Digital Markets and Online Platforms | Internet- und Telekommunikationswirtschaft (Prof. Dr. Krämer) | X | X |
Kundenmanagement | Marketing und Innovation (Prof. Dr. Schumann) | X | X |
Masterseminar Marketing und Innovation | Marketing und Innovation (Prof. Dr. Schumann) | X | |
Masterseminar Marketing | Marketing und Services (Prof. Dr. Totzek) | X | |
Organizational and Competitive Strategy | Organisation, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Häussler) | X | X |
Masterkolloquium Organisation, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship | Organisation, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Häussler) | X | |
Seminar: Theory and Methods in Strategy, Leadership, and Innovation Research | Technologie, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. König) | X | |
Multivariate Verfahren | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Computational Statistics - Regression in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Computational Statistics - Statistical Learning in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
International Cooperation and Networks - Lecture | Internationales Management und soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Bort) | X | X |
Masterkolloquium im Fach Internationales Management und Soziales Unternehmertum | Internationales Management und soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Bort) | X | |
Masterseminar: Advances in International Management and Social Entrepreneurship | Internationales Management und soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Bort) | X | |
Seminar Sustainability and Business Ethics - Diskussion ethischer Konzepte | Internationales Management und soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Bort) | X | X |
Crowdfunding, Crowd Campaign Management, and Purpose | Internationales Management und soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Bort) | X |
Summer term:
Name of the course | Chair | Grundlagen IMM | Vertiefung IMM |
Hauptseminar Interkulturelle Kommunikation | Interkulturelle Kommunikation (Prof. Dr. Barmeyer) | X | |
Organizational Behavior – Unternehmensführung und Verhalten in Organisationen | Management, Personal und Information (Prof. Dr. Fiedler) | X | X |
Empirische Methoden für Masterstudierende im Bereich Management, Personal und Information | Management, Personal und Information (Prof. Dr. Fiedler) | X | X |
Kolloquium: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten | Management, Personal und Information (Prof. Dr. Fiedler) | X | X |
Sustainability by Digitalization | Management, Personal und Information (Prof. Dr. Fiedler) | X | X |
Konsumentenverhalten | Marketing und Innovation (Prof. Dr. Schumann) | X | X |
Masterseminar Marketing und Innovation | Marketing und Innovation (Prof. Dr. Schumann) | X | |
Marketing Research | Marketing und Services (Prof. Dr. Totzek) | X | |
Masterseminar Marketing | Marketing und Services (Prof. Dr. Totzek) | X | |
Strategy for High-Tech Startups | Organisation, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Häussler) | X | X |
Masterkolloquium Organisation, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship | Organisation, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Häussler) | X | |
Seminar: Theory and Methods in Strategy, Leadership, and Innovation Research | Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. König) | X | |
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series for Master Students: Fundamentals of Digitalization and Digital Trends | Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. König) | X | |
Managing and Leading Strategic Innovation and Change | Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. König) | X | |
Paneldatenanalyse | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | |
Computational Statistics - Regression in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Computational Statistics - Statistical Learning in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Seminar: Applied Statistics | Statistik (Prof. Dr. Haupt) | X | X |
Topics in Applied Econometrics | Statistik (Prof. Dr. Haupt) | X | |
Interkulturelles Management | Interkulturelle Kommunikation (Prof. Dr. Barmeyer) | X | |
Masterkolloquium im Fach Internationales Management und Soziales Unternehmertum | Internationales Management und soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Bort) | X | |
Masterseminar: Advances in International Management and Social Entrepreneurship | Internationales Management und soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Bort) | X | |
Sustainability and Business Ethics: Shaping Transformation | Internationales Management und soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Bort) | X | |
Organization Theory and Sustainable Leadership | Internationales Management und soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Bort) | X | X |
Crowdfunding, Crowd Campaign Management, and Purpose | Internationales Management und soziales Unternehmertum (Prof. Dr. Bort) | X |
Course | Name of the chair | Grundlagen IMM | Vertiefung IMM |
Masterseminar Management, Personal und Information | Management, Personal und Information (Prof. Dr. Fiedler) | X | X |
Masterseminar Organisation, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship | Organisation, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Häussler) | X | |
Interactive Innovation and Public Policy Workshop | Organisation, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Häussler) | X | |
5-Euro-Business-Wettbewerb | Organisation, Technologiemanagement und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. Häussler) | X | |
Workshop: Managerial Communication | Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. König) | X | |
Projektseminar II in Strategie, Innovation, und Entrepreneurship | Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. König) | X | |
Advanced Strategic Sensitivity and Digitalization | Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. König) | X | |
Strategy and Innovation in Healthcare | Strategisches Management, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (Prof. Dr. König) | X | |
Services Marketing | Marketing und Innovation (Prof. Dr. Schumann) | X | X |
Master Praxisprojekt mit wechselnden Themen | Marketing und Innovation (Prof. Dr. Schumann) | X | |
Price Management | Marketing und Services (Prof. Dr. Totzek) | X | X |
Praxisprojekt Marketing und Services | Marketing und Services (Prof. Dr. Totzek) | X | |
B2B Marketing and Sales Management | Marketing und Services (Prof. Dr. Totzek) | X | |
Produkt-, Marken- und Kommunikationsmanagement | Marketing und Services (Prof. Dr. Totzek) | X | X |
Masterkurs - „Business-Book of the year“ | Governance (Prof. Dr. Jungwirth) | X | |
Masterkurs: Unternehmensführung - Unternehmensverfassung - Corporate Governance | Governance (Prof. Dr. Jungwirth) | X |
Winter term:
Name of the course | Chair | Grundlagen WIIS | Vertiefung WIIS |
Deep Learning und Textanalyse in Finance | Financial Data Analytics (Prof. Dr. Kellner) | X | |
Masterkolloquium im Fach Internet- und Telekommunikationswirtschaft | Internet- und Telekommunikationswirtschaft (Prof. Dr. Krämer) | X | |
Masterseminar Telekommunikations- und Internetwirtschaft | Internet- und Telekommunikationswirtschaft (Prof. Dr. Krämer) | X | |
Digital Markets and Online Platforms | Internet- und Telekommunikationswirtschaft (Prof. Dr. Krämer) | X | X |
Text Mining in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Informations- und IT-Service-Management (Prof. Dr. Lehner) | X | |
Business Data Analytics | Informations- und IT-Service-Management (Prof. Dr. Lehner) | X | |
Cloud Anwendungsentwicklung und Applikationstest | Informations- und IT-Service-Management (Prof. Dr. Lehner) | X | |
IT-Management für Fortgeschrittene | Betriebliche Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Widjaja) | X | X |
IT-Services und IT-Servicemanagement | Betriebliche Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Widjaja) | X | |
Kolloquium: Master-Kolloquium im Fach Management Science/Operations and Supply Chain Management | Management Science / Operations and Supply Chain Management (Prof. Dr. Otto) | X | |
Approximate Dynamic Programming (Reinforcement Learning) | Management Science / Operations and Supply Chain Management (Prof. Dr. Otto) | X | |
Computational Statistics - Regression in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Computational Statistics - Statistical Learning in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Masterseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik | Wirtschaftsinformatik mit Schwerpunkt Daten- und Informationsmanagement (Prof. Dr. Gerlach) | X | |
Strategien in der Softwareindustrie | Wirtschaftsinformatik mit Schwerpunkt Daten- und Informationsmanagement (Prof. Dr. Gerlach) | X | X |
Management of IT-Security and Privacy | Wirtschaftsinformatik mit Schwerpunkt Daten- und Informationsmanagement (Prof. Dr. Gerlach) | X | |
Advanced IT-Security | FIM (Prof. Dr. Posegga) | X | |
Scaling Database Systems | FIM (Prof. Dr. Scherzinger) | X |
Summer term:
Name of the course | Chair | Grundlagen WIIS | Vertiefung WIIS |
Masterkolloquium im Fach Internet- und Telekommunikationswirtschaft | Internet- und Telekommunikationswirtschaft (Prof. Dr. Krämer) | X | |
Masterseminar Telekommunikations- und Internetwirtschaft | Internet- und Telekommunikationswirtschaft (Prof. Dr. Krämer) | X | |
Theorieentwicklung und Forschungsmethoden in der Wirtschaftsinformatik | Informations- und IT-Service-Management (Prof. Dr. Lehner) | X | X |
Masterseminar Informations- und IT-Service-Management | Informations- und IT-Service-Management (Prof. Dr. Lehner) | X | |
Applied Machine Learning in Finance | Informations- und IT-Service-Management (Prof. Dr. Lehner) | X | |
Artificial Intelligence in Finance | Informations- und IT-Service-Management (Prof. Dr. Lehner) | X | |
Business Intelligence and Analytics | Informations- und IT-Service-Management (Prof. Dr. Lehner) | X | X |
Data Analysis in R for Information Systems Research | Betriebliche Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Widjaja) | X | |
IT Architecture Management | Betriebliche Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Widjaja) | X | |
Kolloquium: Master-Kolloquium im Fach Management Science/Operations and Supply Chain Management | Management Science / Operations and Supply Chain Management (Prof. Dr. Otto) | X | |
Computational Statistics - Regression in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Computational Statistics - Statistical Learning in R | Statistik (Dr. Schnurbus) | X | X |
Software-Sicherheit / System Security | FIM (Prof. Dr. Posegga) | X | |
Safety and Security of Critical Infrastructures | FIM (Prof. Dr. de Meer) | X | |
Multimedia-Datenbanken | FIM (Prof. Dr. Granitzer) | X |
Name of the course | Chair | Grundlagen WIIS | Vertiefung WIIS |
Masterseminar Betriebliche Informationssysteme | Betriebliche Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Widjaja) | X | |
Master-Seminar: Seminar in Management Science | Management Science / Operations and Supply Chain Management (Prof. Dr. Otto) | X | |
Practical Course: Advanced Topics in Management Science | Management Science / Operations and Supply Chain Management (Prof. Dr. Otto) | X |