PD Dr. Harald Kinateder

Zimmer: | Gebäude Wirtschaftswissenschaften Raum 101 |
Telefon: | +49 (851) 509 - 3243 |
Telefax: | +49 (851) 509 - 3242 |
Email: | harald.kinateder(at)uni-passau.de |
Sprechstunde: | Mittwoch 10.00 - 11.00 Uhr |
nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung per E-Mail | |
- Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Passau mit Abschluss als Diplom-Kaufmann
- Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol.
- Habilitation im Fach Betriebswirtschaftslehre
- Ernennung zum Privatdozenten
- Asset Pricing
- Corporate Finance
- Energy Economics
- Extreme Finanzmarktereignisse
- Mittelstandsfinanzierung
- Quantitatives Risikomanagement
- Sustainable Finance
- Bouri, E., Sokhanvar, A., Kinateder, H., Çiftçioğlu, S. (2025): Tech Titans and Crypto Giants: Mutual Returns Predictability and Trading Strategy Implications, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 99: 102109.
- Kinateder, H., Gurrib, I., Choudhury, T. (2024): Navigating Crises: Gold’s Role as a Safe Haven for U.S. Sectors, Finance Research Letters 69: 106210.
- Batten, J.A., Kinateder, H., Szilagyi, P.G. (2024): Should you buy Gold Stocks or Paper Gold?, Finance Research Letters 69: 106202.
- Choudhury, T., Kinateder, H. (2024): Guest editorial: Sustainable finance, Studies in Economics and Finance 41: 453-455.
- Batten, J.A., Boubaker, S., Kinateder, H., Choudhury, T., Wagner, N. (2023): Volatility Impacts on Global Banks: Insights from the GFC, COVID-19, and the Russia-Ukraine War, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 215: 325-350.
- Bouri, E., Gabauer, D., Gupta, R., Kinateder, H. (2023): Global Geopolitical Risk and Inflation Spillovers across European and North American Economies, Research in International Business and Finance 66: 102048.
- Bouri, E., Kamal, E., Kinateder, H. (2023): FTX Collapse and systemic Risk Spillovers from FTX Token to Major Cryptocurrencies, Finance Research Letters 56: 104099.
- Bouri, E., Nekhili, R., Kinateder, H., Choudhury, T. (2023): Expected Inflation and U.S. Stock Sector Indices: A dynamic time-scale Tale from inflationary and deflationary Crisis Periods, Finance Research Letters 55: 103845.
- Batten, J.A., Choudhury, T., Kinateder, H., Wagner, N. (2023): Volatility Impacts on the European Banking Sector: GFC and COVID-19, Annals of Operations Research 330: 335-360.
- Choudhury, T., Kinateder, H., Neupane, B. (2022): Gold, Bonds, and Epidemics: A safe haven study, Finance Research Letters 48: 102978.
- Batten, J.A., Kinateder, H., Wagner, N. (2022): Beating the Average: Equity Premium Variations, Uncertainty and Liquidity, Abacus 58: 567-588.
- Kinateder, H., Wagner, N. (2022): Oil and Stock Market Returns: Direction, Volatility or Liquidity?, in: Klein, T., Loßagk, S., Straßberger, M., Walther, T. (eds.): Modern Finance and Risk Management, World Scientific Publishing, Chapter 15, pp. 335-351.
- Kinateder, H., Choudhury, T. (2022): Guest editorial: Cryptocurrencies: current trends and future perspectives, Studies in Economics and Finance 39: 345-346.
- Anolick, N., Batten, J.A., Kinateder, H., Wagner, N. (2021): Time for Gift Giving: Abnormal Share Repurchase Returns and Uncertainty, Journal of Corporate Finance 66: 101787.
- Kinateder, H., Choudhury, T., Zaman, R., Scagnelli, S.D., Sohel, N. (2021): Does Boardroom Gender Diversity decrease Credit Risk in the Financial Sector? Worldwide Evidence, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 73: 101347.
- Batten, J.A., Kinateder, H., Szilagyi, P., Wagner, N. (2021): Hedging Stocks with Oil, Energy Economics 93: 104422.
- Kinateder, H., Campbell, R., Choudhury, T. (2021): Safe Haven in GFC versus COVID-19: 100 turbulent Days in the Financial Markets, Finance Research Letters 43: 101951.
- Papavassiliou, V., Kinateder, H. (2021): Information Shares and Market Quality before and during the European Sovereign Debt Crisis, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 72: 101334.
- Kinateder, H., Papavassiliou, V. (2021): Calendar Effects in Bitcoin Returns and Volatility, Finance Research Letters 38: 101420.
- Kinateder, H., Bauer, R., Wagner, N. (2020): Drivers of Illiquidity in the ASEAN Sovereign Bond Market, Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking 23: 501-524.
- Kinateder, H., Weber, K., Wagner, N. (2019): Revisiting Calendar Anomalies in BRICS Countries, Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking 22: 213–236.
- Kinateder, H., Papavassiliou, V. (2019): Sovereign Bond Return Prediction with realized Higher Moments, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 62: 53-73.
- Batten, J.A., Kinateder, H., Szilagyi, P., Wagner, N. (2019): Time-Varying Energy and Stock Market Integration in Asia, Energy Economics 80: 777-792.
- Geuder, J., Kinateder, H., Wagner, N. (2019): Cryptocurrencies as financial Bubbles: The Case of Bitcoin, Finance Research Letters 31: 179-184.
- Batten, J.A., Kinateder, H., Szilagyi, P., Wagner, N. (2019): Liquidity, Surprise Volume and Return Premia in the Oil Market, Energy Economics 77: 93-104.
- Batten, J.A., Kinateder, H., Szilagyi, P., Wagner, N. (2018): Addressing COP21 using a Stock and Oil Market Integration Index, Energy Policy 116: 127-136.
- Blisse, H., Kinateder, H., Wagner, N. (2017): Strukturwandel bei Genossenschaftsbanken und Sparkassen - die soziale Bedeutung der Bankreserven, Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen 70, Heft 21: 1088-1089.
- Kinateder, H., Wagner, N. (2017): Quantitative Easing and the Pricing of EMU Sovereign Debt, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 66: 1-12.
- Kinateder, H., Fabich, M., Wagner, N. (2017): Domestic Mergers and Acquisitions in BRICS Countries: Acquirers and Targets, Emerging Markets Review 32: 190-199.
- Batten, J.A., Kinateder, H., Szilagyi, P., Wagner, N. (2017): Can Stock Market Investors hedge Energy Risk? Evidence from Asia, Energy Economics 66: 559-570.
- Kinateder, H., Hofstetter, B., Wagner, N. (2017): Do Liquidity Variables Improve Out-of-Sample Prediction of Sovereign Spreads during Crisis Periods?, Finance Research Letters 21: 144-150.
- Kinateder, H. (2016): Basel II versus III: A Comparative Assessment of Minimum Capital Requirements for Internal Model Approaches, Journal of Risk 18: 25-45.
- Kinateder, H. (2015): What drives tail Risk in aggregate European Equity Markets?, Journal of Risk Finance 16: 395-406.
- Kinateder H., Oppolzer L., Wagner, N. (2015): Determinanten der Credit Spread Veränderungen von deutschen Mittelstandsanleihen, Credit and Capital Markets 48: 121-147.
- Batten, J.A., Kinateder, H., Wagner, N. (2014): Multifractality and Value-at-Risk Forecasting of Exchange Rates, Physica A 401: 71-81.
- Kinateder, H., Wagner, N. (2014): Multiple-period Market Risk Prediction under Long Memory: When VaR is Higher than Expected, Journal of Risk Finance 15: 4-32.
- Kinateder, H. (2013): Mittelstandsanleihen - Eine kritische Betrachtung aus der Sicht von KMU und Investoren, Corporate Finance biz 4, Heft 4/2013: 190-194.
- Wagner, N., Buchner, A., Kinateder, H., Riedel, C., Wenger, T. (2012): Aktuelle Herausforderungen des modernen Finanzcontrollings, Controlling 24, Heft 8/9: 440-444.
- Kinateder, H., Wagner, N. (2011): VaR Prediction under Long Memory in Volatility, in: Hu, B., Morasch, K., Pickl, S., Siegle, M. (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2010, Springer, Berlin, pp. 123-128.
Beiträge auf wissenschaftlichen Fachtagungen
- Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference
- Applied Financial Modelling Conference
- CEQURA Conference
- Green Finance Conference on Climate Finance and Investment Promoting Low Carbon Development
- Financial Risks International Forum
- International AFIR Colloquium
- International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society
- International Conference on Energy Finance
- International Conference on Energy, Finance and the Macroeconomy
- International Operations Research Conference
- International Risk Management Conference
- International Symposium on Environment and Energy Finance Issues
- Symposium on Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Applied Energy
- British Journal of Management
- Credit and Capital Markets
- Economic Modelling
- Emerging Markets Review
- Energy Economics
- Energy Reports
- Energy Strategy Reviews
- Entropy
- European Journal of Political Economy
- Finance Research Letters
- Heliyon
- International Journal of Finance and Economics
- International Journal of Financial Studies
- International Review of Economics and Finance
- International Review of Financial Analysis
- Journal of Banking and Finance
- Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Journal of Commodity Markets
- Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
- Journal of Futures Markets
- Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
- Journal of Macroeconomics
- Journal of Multinational Financial Management
- Journal of Risk and Financial Management
- Journal of Risk Finance
- North American Journal of Economics and Finance
- Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
- Research in International Business and Finance
- Studies in Economics and Finance
- Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics
- Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (Subject Editor)
- Studies in Economics and Finance (Associate Editor)
- Guest Editor SEF Special Issue "Cryptocurrencies"
- Guest Editor SEF Special Issue "Sustainable Finance"
Betreute Lehrveranstaltungen
Universität Passau
- Corporate Finance
- Empirical Finance
- Finanzcontrolling I
- Finanzcontrolling II
- Futures und Options Management
- Nachhaltiges Finanzcontrolling
- Real Estate Finance
- Softwareanwendungen im Finanzcontrolling
- Quantitatives Risikomanagement
Corvinus Universität Budapest
- Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre