Friederike Hawighorst, M.Sc.

Friederike Hawighorst is a research associate at the Chair of Strategic Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Passau. She studied Arts Management (B.A.) at Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe and İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi as well Business Administration (M.Sc.) at the University of Passau and the Corvinus University in Budapest. During her studies, she worked at the Chair of Marketing and Innovation and the Chair of Strategic Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Passau. She gained practical experience working at Volkswagen de México in Puebla and at IMD Lausanne.
Friederike Hawighorst teaches the following courses:
- Managerial Problem Solving and Communication
- Theory and Methods in Strategy, Leadership, and Innovation Research
"This Paper Had the Smartest Reviewers–Flattery Detection Utilising an Audio-Textual Transformer-Based Approach, " with L. Christ, S. Amiriparian, A.-K. Schill, A. Boutalikakis, L. Graf-Vlachy, A. König, & B. Schuller. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.17667, 2024.
"Strategic Communication of Newly Public Ventures: A Review and Research Agenda," with J.C. Rivera-Prieto, & B. Larrañeta, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024.
"All the World is on Stage: Social Dynamics in Q&A Situations," with A.-K. Schill, L. Graf-Vlachy, B. Yakis-Douglas, & R. Whittington, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023.
"Analyst Flattery, CEO Narcissism, and CEO Communication Specificity," with A.-K. Schill, A. Boutalikakis, L. Graf-Vlachy & A. König, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2022.