Master Theses
We continuously assign topics for Master Theses. Below you will find a first overview of current topics to be assigned. Should you be interested in one of our topics, please submit your application with the following documents
- application form
- Letter of Motivation
- short CV including High School and Bachelor Diploma
- current Transcript of Records of your master's program
(as one pdf) directly to the respective coordinator of the topic. Please note that we recommend to have visited the seminar "Theory and Methods" at our Chair prior to your Master Thesis.
Please retreive further information on our guideline on writing a Master thesis.
Reference Guidelines
Please use the following guidelines for your bibliography:
Topics for Master Thesis
We are currently supervising master theses in the following research projects. If you are interested in one of these topics, please contact the respective supervisor directly. The following list should serve as a first thematic orientation:
- Organizational Adaptation to Cosmological Crises: Systematic Literature Reviews on the Resilience of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Armed Conflicts and Natural Disasters
- Adaptation to Cosmological Crises: Ukrainian Nature Parks Since 2022 – A Qualitative Study (Ukrainian or Russian Language Required)
- Strategic Mobility Management: How Communal Political Leaders’ Characteristics Affect the Symbolic Representation of “Migration,” “Immigration,” and “the Foreigner” Displayed by Immigration Offices, Their Symbolic Communication Over the Past 25 Years – Developing a Research Methodology for a Panel of Migration Offices in Europe
- Corporate (Social) Responsibility in the Context of the Climate Crisis: Roles and Challenges of Business Schools
- Single-case study of CEO public communication in and after post-misconduct merger
- Multiple-case study of social evaluations of post-misconduct mergers and acquisitions
Please contact for further details; other topics might be available as well.
- Breaking Barriers to Ethics: How Top Management Team (TMT) Diversity Shapes Responses to Corporate Misconduct
- The Language of Wrongdoing: How Terminology Shapes Understanding of Organizational Crime
- When Guardians Falter: Exploring the Causes of Social Control Agent Failures
- Scandal's Shadow: The Long-Term Impact of Past Scandals on Organizational Identification
- Playing with Purpose: Integrating Creative Learning Methods in Management Education
Please contact for further details; other topics might be available as well.
- Investigating the effects of flattery in analyst-CEO interactions
(Please contact for further details; other topics might be available as well.)
Note on own topic suggestions:
If you would like to propose your own research topic, please send an e-mail to the supervisor in whose research area you locate your topic. Please send us a short proposal (one page) explaining which research question you would like to address, which data you want to conduct your analysis on, why this topic represents a genuine research contribution, and to what extent your topic fits into our research.
Your proposal will be evaluated according to the established criteria of scientific orientation and scientific potential. Your proposal must be in line with the research content (focus) of the chair! Furthermore, an acceptance always depends on the current supervision capacity.