Daniel Zaglmann
- Contact person for the experimental laboratory PAULA
- Learning Agreements
- Supervision of chair homepage
- Contact person for bachelor lecture "Personal"
- Contact person for master lecture "Entwicklung von Managementfähigkeiten"
- Theses Supervisor
Curriculum Vitae
Since October 2023
Research Assistent and Doctoral Candidate at the Chair of Management, People and Information
Intern at BMW Group in the area of human resources strategy and planning with a focus on change management, idea management, employee satisfaction, as well as leadership and culture
2020 - 2022
Master of Education and Educational Processes (M. A.) at the University of Passau with focus on Adult Education & Educational Management
Master Thesis: Digital Maths Preparation Course in Master Craftsman Training - a Pseudonymous Multimethod Experimental Study
2017 - 2020
Bachelor of Education (B. E.) at the University of Passau
Peer reviewed Publications
Zaglmann, D., Faltermaier, S., Grabl, S., & Fiedler, M. (2024). Collaborating with Generative Artificial Intelligence: Creative Problem-Solving in Groups. Academy of Management Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2024.13300abstract
Zaglmann, D., Faltermaier, S., Grabl, S., & Fiedler, M. (2024). Creative Problem-Solving Using Generative Artificial Intelligence in Group Projects. ECIS Proceedings. https://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2024/track06_humanaicollab/track06_humanaicollab/11