Learning Agreements
Learning agreements can be issued for the following master courses:
- International monetary economics
- Advanced macroeconomics
- Game theory
- Behavioral economics
- experimental economics
- Further courses that are close to our research agenda.
Here you can find the application form for a Learning Agreement. The chair will check the equivalence of the courses at the international university on a individual basis. For this, please hand in a description of the course as well as following information via email:
- Name of the course and the university
- Literatur used in the course
- Description of the content of the course
- Type and length of examination
- Number of hours per week
- Length of the semester at the international university
- Link to description of course
If the documents are in German, English, Spanish, Italian or Indonesian, they do not have to be translated. Otherwise, please provide a translation.
Please send all documents via email to Eileen Habegger.
Here you can find a list of the Learning Agreements that were approved in the last few semesters. Most of these were at the bachelor level but might be informative nonetheless.
If the equivalence of course is approved, we will provide you with a Learning Agreement. After you have returned to Passau from your semester abroad, you are required to go to Prof. Dr. Graf Lambsdorff's office hours to have your Learning Agreement signed again. You can then hand it in to the Dean's office.