Publikationen seit 2009
Jungwirth, C. (2024), Governance von Hochschulen aus Sicht der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, in: "Ideengeschichte BWL III: Sektorlehren", herausgegeben von Wenzel Matiaske, Wolfgang Burr und Dieter Sadowski, Springer, im Erscheinen.
Mueller, E.F. und Jungwirth, C. (2022): Are Cooperative Firms More Agile? A Contingency Perspective on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Agglomerations and Peripheral Areas. Small Business Economics, 58(1), 281-302.
Jungwirth, C.; v. Lewinski, K.; Wawra, D.; Zehnpfennig, B.; Welpe, I.; Hartwig, L. (2021), Anonyme Anschuldigungen in der Wissenschaft, Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 1-2, Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung 2021
Jungwirth, C. (2021), Die Leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe und ihre Feind*innen, 100 Schlaglichter der BWL, zum 100. Geburtstag des VHB, im Erscheinen.
Jungwirth, C. (2021), Internationalisation is the key to the future of universities, in: Kemény, Ildikó and Kun, Zsuzsanna, eds. (2021) New perspectives in serving customers, patients, and organizations: A Festschrift for Judit Simon. Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, 235-237.
Mueller, E.F. (2021): Towards a Theory of Network Facilitation: A Microfoundations Perspective on the Antecedents, Practices, and Outcomes of Network Facilitation. British Journal of Management.
Jungwirth, C. (2020), Zwei Wege, ein Ziel, Gastbeitrag im J.M. Wiarda-Blog, 24. März 2020,
Jungwirth, C. (2020), Lehrorte zu Lernorten machen, Zwei Wege, ein Ziel, Gastbeitrag im J.M. Wiarda-Blog, 04. August 2020,
Mueller, E.F., Jungwirth, C. (2020): Are Cooperative Firms More Agile? A Contingency Perspective on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Agglomerations and Peripheral Areas. Small Business Economics.
Mueller, E.F., Ghosh, J., Palvia, P. (2020): Information Technology Issues in Germany, in P. Palvia, J. Ghosh, T. Jacks, A. Serenko, A.H. Turan (Eds.): The World IT Project: Global Issues in Information Technology, Boston-Delft: World Scientific/NOW Publishers, 117-131.
Mueller, E.F., Fuchs, S. (2020): What Holds A Regional Cluster Together?; Accepted as conference paper at the "Academy of Management Annual Meeting", 07.-11.08.2020, Vancouver (Canada).
Flickinger, M., Mueller, E.F. (2020): Disentangling Inter- and Intra-Firm Dynamics of CEO Compensation in Family Firms - A Social Identity Perspective; Accepted as conference paper at the "EIASM Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research", 26.-27.03.2020, Paris (France).
Lehmann, T.; Jungwirth, C. (2019): Clusters as an adaptable regional development measure to mitigate perceived competitive disadvantages. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 10(2), 105-126.
Ludwig, A. (2019): From free to fee: a behavioural perspective on why companies avoid paying for cluster services. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 10(2), 143-162.
Flickinger, M., Mueller, E.F., Oehmichen, J. (2019): Status or Identity: How Family Firm CEOs’ Board Network Embeddedness Affects Their Compensation; Accepted as conference paper at the "5th Annual ICGS Conference", 12.-13.10.2019, Colchester (UK).
Flickinger, M., Mueller, E.F., Oehmichen, J. (2019): Status or Identity: How Family Firm CEOs’ Board Network Embeddedness Affects Their Compensation; Accepted as conference paper at the "Academy of Management Annual Meeting", 09.-13.08.2019, Boston (USA).
Flickinger, M., Mueller, E.F., Oehmichen, J. (2019): Status or Identity: How Family Firm CEOs’ Board Network Embeddedness Affects Their Compensation; Accepted as conference paper at the "European Academy of Management", 26.-28.06.2019, Lissabon (Portugal).
Flickinger, M., Mueller, E.F., Oehmichen, J. (2019): Status or Identity: How Family Firm CEOs’ Board Network Embeddedness Affects Their Compensation; Accepted as conference paper at the "EIASM Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research", 06.-07.06.2019, Passau (Germany).
Flickinger, M., Mueller, E.F. (2018): Status vs. Identity: The Influence of Board Networks on Family CEO Compensation; Accepted as conference paper at the "Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference", 22.-25.09.2018, Paris (France).
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M. (2018): It's a Family Affair: How Social Identification Influences CEO Compensation in Family Firms; Accepted as conference paper at the "Academy of Management Annual Meeting", 10.-14.08.2018, Chicago (USA).
Zondag, M.M., Mueller, E.F., Ferrin, B.G. (2017): The application of value nets in food supply chains: A multiple case study. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 33/4, 199-212.
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M. (2017): A Behavioral Perspective on CEO Compensation in Family Firms; Accepted as conference paper at the "Israel Strategy Conference", 17.-19.12.2017, Haifa (Israel).
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M. (2017): A Behavioral Perspective on CEO Compensation in Family Firms; Accepted as conference paper at the "Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference", 28.-31.10.2017, Houston (USA).
Mueller, E.F., Jungwirth, C. (2016). What drives the effectiveness of industrial clusters? Exploring the impact of contextual, structural, and functioning determinants. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 28/5-6, 424-447.
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M. (2016): A Behavioral Perspective on CEO Compensation in Family Firms; Accepted as poster presentation at the "Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference - Extension: New Perspectives on Strategic Human Capital", 15.09.2016, Munich (Germany).
Mueller, E.F., 2016. Developing a Business Model Taxonomy of Industrial Clusters; Accepted as conference paper at the "Academy of Management Annual Meeting", 05.-09.08.2016, Anaheim, USA.
Mueller, E.F., Jungwirth, C., 2016. How Locational Environments Moderate the Effect of Cooperative Strategies on Firms' Agility; Accepted as conference paper at the "Academy of Management Annual Meeting", 05.-09.08.2016, Anaheim, USA.
Jungwirth, C. , Roy, N. 2015. Ein gut bezahlter Job interessiert mich schon, aber langweilen will ich mich nicht! - Eine Analyse der Neigung deutscher Studentinnen und Studenten einen IT-Beruf zu ergreifen. In: Diversität, Diversifizierung, (Ent)Solidarisierung in der Organisationsforschung: eine Standortbestimmung im deutschen Sprachraum, Hrsg. Hanappi-Egger, Edeltraud; Bendl, Regine, 171-188. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M., Dorner, V., 2015. Knowledge Junkies or Careerbuilders? A Mixed-Methods Approach to Exploring the Determinants of Students Intention to Earn a PhD. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 90, pp. 75-89.
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M., Dorner, V., 2015. A Mixed-Methods Approach to Exploring the Determinants of Students' Intention to Earn a PhD; Accepted as conference paper at the "Academy of Management Annual Meeting", 07.-11.08.2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Mueller, E.F., Flickinger, M., Dorner, V., 2015. Knowledge Junkies or Careerbuilders? A Mixed-Methods Approach to Exploring the Determinants of Students Intention to Earn a PhD; Accepted as conference paper at the "VHB-Tagung", 27.-29.05.2015, Vienna, Austria.
Mueller, E.F., Jungwirth, C., 2015. Cooperative Strategies and Their Effect on Organizational Agility: Does Location Matter? Accepted as conference paper at the "Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference", 03.-06.10.2015, Denver, USA.
Mueller, E.F., Zondag, M., Ferrin, B., 2015. Evolving Cooperative Business Models in the Global Food Supply Chain: An Empirical Study; Accepted as conference paper at the "Annual Macromarketing Conference", 25.-28.06.2015, Chicago, USA.
Schrammel, T., Jungwirth, C., 2015. Cluster support across Europe: a smart tool for mitigating perceived local problems? Accepted as conference paper at the "European Cluster Days", 18-19.03.2015, Strasbourg, France.
Ludwig, A., 2014. From Free to Fee: Why Companies do not want to pay for Cluster Services. Accepted as conference paper at the "Cluster Workshop 2014", 15.-16.09.2014, Flensburg.
Jungwirth, C., Barth, L., 2014. Berufsperspektiven in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. In: Berufsstart Wirtschaft. Großenkneten: Klaus Resch Verlag KG, S. 134-137.
Jungwirth, C., Ludwig, A., 2014. Publicly Funded Support Programs: Attendance as Appropriate Signal for Long-Term Economic Success? Accepted as conference paper at the "Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management", 01.- 05.08.2014, Philadelphia, USA.
Jungwirth, C., Müller, E.F., 2014. Innovationen durch Clustermanagement. In: Burr, W. (Ed.). Innovation – Theorien, Konzepte und Methoden der Innovationsforschung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 320-344.
Jungwirth, C., Müller, E.F., 2014. Comparing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cluster Initiatives from a Principal-Agent Perspective: What We Can Learn for Designing Governance Regimes. Schmalenbach Business Review, 66, pp. 357-381.
Jungwirth, C., Roy, N., 2014. Why do Indian women choose a career in ICT? And why don’t they stay? Core components of career choices in ICT-industry - A qualitative study. Accepted as conference paper at the "Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management", 01.- 05.08.2014, Philadelphia, USA.
Luthiger, B., Jungwirth, C. (forthcoming), OSS Quality as Argument: The Impact of Member Roles, Motivations, and Business Models. International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes (IJOSSP).
Müller, E.F., 2014. Uncovering Different Value Creation Processes of Network Facilitators in Inter-firm Networks. Accepted as conference paper at the "Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference", 20.-23.09.2014, Madrid, Spanien.
Winner of the Best Conference Paper Prize for Practice Implications
Müller, E.F., 2014. Developing a Business Model Typology for Industrial Clusters. Accepted as conference paper at the "Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference", 20.-23.09.2014, Madrid, Spain.
Müller, E.F., 2014. How Network Facilitators Create Value in Inter-firm Networks - A Differentiated View. Accepted as conference paper at the "Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management", 01.- 05.08.2014, Philadelphia, USA.
Jungwirth, C., Barth, L., 2013. The entanglement of intercultural conflicts and "bad" leadership in SMEs. Die Unternehmung, 4 (67), pp. 345-363.
Best Paper Award 2013 for outstanding rigour and relevance
Jungwirth, C., Pfeffer, R., 2013. "Hot Spot" & "Blind Spot" Firms - Shedding some Light on Strategy-Performance-Patterns. Working Paper, University of Passau.
Jungwirth, C., Ruckdäschel, S., 2013. Influence of Culture and Governance Structure on Leadership Behavior of Cluster Managers and Implications for Cluster Management Effectiveness. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), 18 (4), pp. 470-492.
Jungwirth, C., Ruckdäschel, S., 2013. Leadership of and in Clusters: Nurturing Effectiveness in Complex Systems. In: Brown, K., Burgess, J., Festing, M., Royer, S. (Eds.). Resources and Competitive Advantage in Clusters. Book Series on International Human Resource Management and Strategy Research. Munich/Mering: Rainer Hampp, 190-210.
Müller, E.F., Flickinger, M., Dorner, V., 2013. Einflussfaktoren auf die Promotionsabsicht von Masterstudierenden. Accepted as conference paper at the Research Symposium "Gender.Frauen.Wissenschaft", 21.-23.06.2013, Passau.
Müller, E.F. 2013. Managing inter-firm networks – When to prefer lead-firm or third-party governance? Accepted as conference paper at the 2. Interdisciplinary Workshop "Decentralization and Networks", 18.-19.04.2013, Siegen.
Schrammel, T., Jungwirth, C., 2013. Institutional voids in the availability of specialized human capital – cooperation as a remedy for small businesses. Accepted as conference paper at the "Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER)", 13.-15.03.2013, Brescia, Italien.
Schrammel, T. 2013. The need of adapting to the institutional framework - cases from network governance in Southeast Europe. Accepted as conference paper at the "11th Chemnitz East Forum", 11. - 13.09.2013, Chemnitz.
Schrammel, T. 2013. Bridging the Institutional Void: An Analytical Concept to Develop Valuable Cluster Services. Management Revue, 24 (2), pp. 114 – 132.
Schrammel, T. 2013. Competitiveness in Transition Economies: Reducing Institutional Voids with the Cluster Approach. Journal of Emerging Markets Studies, 1 (1).
Schrammel, T., Jungwirth, C., 2013. Institutional voids in the availability of specialized human capital – cooperation as a remedy for small businesses, Working Paper, University of Passau.
Jungwirth, C., Roy, N., 2012. Let's close the gender gap in the German IT-industry like India did before - A conceptual framework. Working Paper, University of Passau.
Jungwirth, C., Ruckdäschel, S., 2012. Influence of Culture and Structure on Leadership of Cluster Managers and its Effectiveness. Accepted as conference paper at the "Academy of Management Conference (AoM)", 03.-07.08.2012, Boston, USA.
Müller, E.F., Jungwirth, C., 2012. A Comparison of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Network Governance Regimes. Accepted as conference paper at the "Academy of Management Conference (AoM)", 03.-07.08.2012, Boston, USA.
Müller, E.F., 2012. How to Manage Networks? The Role of Network Attributes and Incentives in Network Governance. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 15 (1), pp. 57-75.
Roy, N. 2012. Cross-cultural Comparison of Gender Ratios in Indian and German IT. Accepted as conference paper at the "International Association for Feminist Economics" (IAFFE), 26.06.-29.06.2012, Barcelona, Spanien.
Roy, N. 2012. A cross-cultural analysis of the gender gap in the Indian and German IT-industry. Accepted as conference paper at the "International Labour Process Conference" (ILPC), 27.03.-29.03.2012, Stockholm, Schweden.
Ruckdäschel, S., 2012. "Influence of Network Leadership on Network Performance". Accepted as conference paper at the "38th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA)", 07.-09.12.2012, Sussex, England.
Grundgreif, D., 2011. Firm resources and cluster entry - Theoretical and empirical insights from various clusters and the automotive industry. Göttingen: Sierke Verlag.
Grundgreif, D., Jungwirth, C. 2011. Cluster Entry: Are those right, who expect a negative selection of member firms? Accepted as conference paper at the GEABA 2011, 14.-16.09.2011, Zürich.
Grundgreif, D., Jungwirth, C., 2011. Cluster Entry: Are those right, who expect a negative self selection of member firms? Working Paper, University of Passau.
Jungwirth, C., Grundgreif, D., Müller, E., 2011. How to Turn Public Networks into Private Clubs? The Challenge of Being A Cluster Manager. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 3 (3), pp. 262-280.
Jungwirth, C., Müller, E., Ruckdäschel, S., 2011. Clustertypen: Eine Typologisierung und Charakterisierung regionaler Netzwerke (Cluster). Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 55 (4), pp. 207-225.
Jungwirth, C., Müller, E., 2011. The Willingness to Pay for a Cluster Management – Consequences of Different Governance Regimes of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cluster Initiatives. Working Paper, University of Passau.
Jungwirth, C., Ruckdäschel, S., 2011. An International Comparison of Leadership Behaviour of Cluster Managers in analogue Cluster Governance Structures. Accepted as conference paper at the "Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER)", 16.-18.02.2011, Munich, Germany.
Jungwirth, C., Ruckdäschel, S., 2011. Influence of Culture and Governance Structure on Leadership Behavior of Cluster Managers and Implications for Cluster Management Effectiveness. Accepted as conference paper at the "Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER)", 15.-17.02.2012, Regensburg.
Jungwirth, C., Ruckdäschel, S., 2011. Influence of Culture and Governance Structure on Leadership Behavior of Cluster Managers and Implications for Cluster Management Effectiveness. Accepted as conference paper at the European International Business Academy Annual Conference (EIBA)", 08.-10.12.2011, Bucharest.
Jungwirth, C., Ruckdäschel, S., 2011, An International Comparison of Leadership Behaviour of Cluster Managers in analogue Cluster Governance Structures. Accepted as conference paper at the "Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER)", 16.-18.02.2011, München.
Jungwirth, C., Ruckdäschel, S., 2011. Führungsverhalten in Netzwerken. Accepted as conference paper at the "15th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference (G-Forum)", 02.-04.11.2011, St. Gallen/Zürich.
Müller, E. 2011. How to Manage Networks? The Role of Network Attributes and Incentives in Network Governance. Accepted as conference paper at the "Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER)", 16.-18.02.2011, München.
Müller, E., Jungwirth, C., 2011. On the Performance of Clusters - An Analysis of the Impact of Cluster Context, Structure, and Functioning on Cluster Performance. Accepted as conference paper at the "Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER)", 15.-17.02.2012, Regensburg.
Müller, E., Jungwirth, C., 2011. On the Performance of Clusters - An Analysis of the Impact of Cluster Context, Structure, and Functioning on Cluster Performance. Accepted as conference paper at the"Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference" (BCERC), 8.-11.06.2011, Syracuse, USA.
Müller, E., Jungwirth, C., 2011. On the Performance of Clusters - An Analysis of the Impact of Cluster Context, Structure, and Functioning on Cluster Performance. Accepted as conference paper at the 1. Interdisciplinary Workshop "Decentralization and Networks", 24.-25.11.2011, Siegen.
Müller, E., Jungwirth, C., 2011. On the Performance of Clusters - An Analysis of the Impact of Cluster Context, Structure, and Functioning on Cluster Performance. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 31 (14), Article 1.
Senf, N., Roy, N., Petermann, A., 2011. Two sides of a coin: Complementary resources as a source of M&A success and failure. Accepted as conference paper at the "2nd International Conference on Path Dependence", 03.-04.03.2011, Berlin.
Jungwirth, C., 2010. Internationales Management im Spannungsfeld zwischen Regionalisierung und Globalisierung. In: Barmeyer, C. (Hrsg.). Einführung in die Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kulturwissenschaft. Passau: Karl-Stutz-Verlag, 323-336.
Jungwirth, C., Grundgreif, D., Müller, E., 2010. Governance-Regimes von regionalen Clustern. Ein Vergleich der Strategien staatlich und privat initiierter Cluster. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (zfbf), Sonderheft 62 (10), pp. 42-62.
Jungwirth, C., Müller, E., Ruckdäschel, S., 2010. Different goals and different structures - but clusters? An empirical comparison of cluster governance modes in the United States, United Kingdom, Austria and Germany. Accepted as conference paper at the "14th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference", 21.-22.10.2010, Köln.
Jungwirth, C., Müller, E., 2010. The Sustainability of Clusters – Consequences of Different Governance Regimes of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cluster Initiatives. Accepted as conference paper at the "Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC)", 9.-12. 06.2010, Lausanne, Schweiz.
Jungwirth, C, Müller, E., 2010. In ein Netzwerk hinein internationalisieren: Was die Governance-Struktur eines Netzwerks über dessen Attraktivität für ein Outsider-KMU aussagt. Accepted as conference paper at the "Zweites Forum Mittelstandsforschung", 23.-24.09.2010, Siegen.
Jungwirth, C., Müller, E., 2010. The Sustainability of Clusters - Consequences of Different Governance Regimes of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cluster Initiatives. Accepted as conference paper at the "Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research" (IECER), 10.-12.3.2010, Regensburg.
Schrammel, T., 2010. SME Market Entry in Transition Economies: The Potential of Cluster Initiatives to fill Institutional Voids. Accepted as conference paper at the "European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ECEI)", 16. -17.09.2010, Athen, Griechenland.
Schrammel, T., 2010. Cluster membership in environments of institutional voids – Reducing transaction costs of trade in transition economies. Accepted as conference paper at the "Annual International Conference 2010 of the Regional Studies Association", 23. - 26.05.2010, Pécs, Ungarn.
Grundgreif, D., 2009. Adverse or Self-Selection? – The Entry of New Actors into Existing Clusters; Accepted as conference paper at the 4. International Conference „Economics and Management of Networks“ (EMNET), 3.-5.9.2009, Sarajevo, Bosnien und Herzegowina
Grundgreif, D., 2009. Adverse or Self-Selection? – The Entry of New Actors into Existing Clusters; Accepted as conference paper at the "Management von KMUs: Wachstum - Innovation - Internationalisierung", 24.9.-25.09.2009, Klagenfurt, Österreich.
Jungwirth, C., 2009. How to Turn Public Goods into Club Goods? Concerning the Challenge of Being a Cluster Manager, Managing Regional Clusters in the Context of Globalisation. Accepted as conference paper 4.-5.12.2009, Alsion in Sønderborg, Dänemark.
Jungwirth, C., 2009. Vom staatlich finanzierten zum privat finanzierten Cluster: eine Herausforderung für das Clustermanagement, Accepted as conference paper at the 1. Klagenfurter KMU Tagung 2009, Management von KMUs, Wachstum – Innovation – Internationalisierung, 24.9.-25.09.2009, Klagenfurt
Jungwirth, C., 2009. Vom staatlich finanzierten zum privat finanzierten Cluster: eine Herausforderung für das Clustermanagement, Accepted as conference paper at the 13. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zur Gründungsforschung 29.-30.10.2009, Leipzig.
Jungwirth, C., Grundgreif, D., Müller, E., 2009. How to Turn Public Goods into Club Goods? A Comparison between Strategies of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Cluster Initiatives. Accepted as conference paper at the "Managing Regional Clusters in the Context of Globalisation", 4.-5.12.2009, Sønderborg, Dänemark.
Jungwirth, C., Grundgreif, D., Müller, E., 2009. How to Turn Public Networks into Private Clubs? The Challenge of Being a Cluster Manager. Accepted as conference paper at the "Management von KMUs: Wachstum - Innovation - Internationalisierung", 24.-25.9.2009, Klagenfurt, Österreich.
Müller, E., 2009. The Efficient Governance of Clusters: An Analysis of Different Modes of Cluster Management. Accepted as conference paper at the "Management von KMUs: Wachstum - Innovation - Internationalisierung", 24.-25.9.2009, Klagenfurt, Österreich.
Müller, E., 2009. The Efficient Governance of Clusters: An Analysis of Different Modes of Cluster Management. Accepted as conference paper at the International Conference „Economics and Management of Networks (EMNET)", 3.-5.9.2009, Sarajevo, Bosnien and Herzegowina.