Research Seminar in Economics
The Economics Research Seminar hosts national and international researchers from universities and research institutes who present their current work. The seminar is organised by the Economics chairs of the University of Passau.
During lecture period, the seminar takes place on Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. (if not indicated otherwise). Presentations are held in English and should not exceed 1 hour; after the presentation, there is half an hour time for discussion.
If you have any questions about the seminar, please contact Bianca Bittner.
Presentations Summer Term 2025 (in SR 004 ITZ)
Date | Name | Title |
23.04.2025 | Davide Cerruti (WU Vienna) | tba |
30.04.2025t | Shushanik Margaryan (University of Potsdam) | Health Impacts of Transboundary Air Pollution: Evidence from the German-Polish Border |
07.05.2025 | Martin Braml (German Federal Ministry of Finance) | tba |
14.05.2025 | Wolfgang Frimmel (JKU Linz) | The Returns to Migration between Two High Income Countries: Evidence from Linked Register Data |
22.05.2025 | Catherine Guirkinger (Namur University) (Thursday, 12-2 p.m.) | tba |
28.05.2025 | Anna Abate Bessomo (Vrije University Amsterdam) | tba |
04.06.2025 | Daniel Wiesen (University of Cologne) | tba |
11.06.2025 | Lisa Scheckenhofer (ifo Munich) | tba |
18.06.2025 | Axel Eizmendi Larrinaga (Tufts University) | tba |
25.06.2025 | Larissa Zierow (Reutlingen University) | tba |
02.07.2025 | Josué Awonon (Tufts University) | tba |
09.07.2025 | Manuela Fritz (TU Munich) | tba |
16.07.2025 | tba | tba |
23.07.2025 | tba | tba |