Professor Stefan Bauernschuster

Stefan Bauernschuster (personal website) is a Full Professor of Public Economics at the University of Passau, Research Professor at the Ifo Institute Munich, CESifo Research Fellow, and IZA Research Fellow. In his research, Stefan Bauernschuster uses micro-econometric methods to answer policy relevant questions in the fields of labor, population, and health economics. His research has been published in journals such as the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, the Journal of the European Economic Association, the Journal of Health Economics, or the Journal of Public Economics. CV
News from the chair
Teaching Evaluations
Thank you very much for participating in the teaching evaluations of the winter semester 2024/25. We are happy about the very good results for our courses.
Marktversagen und Wirtschaftspolitik: Lecture
Behavioral Public Economics: Lecture
Behavioral Public Economics: Tutorial
Advanced Microeconomics: Lecture