Prof. Dr. Jan H. Schumann
Jan H. Schumann is Vice President for Research as well as Professor of Marketing and Innovation at the University of Passau, Germany. Before joining the University of Passau in 2012, he was a Junior Professor at the TUM School of Management, Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany, where he also received his doctoral degree in 2009. Prof. Dr. Schumann studied Psychology at the University of Potsdam, Germany and the University of Sussex, Brighton, GB and gained practical experience as a business consultant. In addition, he worked as an external research fellow for the IMD International, Lausanne, Switzerland (2009-2011) and was a lecturer in the EMBA program of the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (2010/2011). Prof. Dr. Schumann has gained international experience as a visiting research scholar at the Thunderbird School of Global Management, at the Boston College as well as the City University in Hong Kong. At the university, Prof. Dr. Schumann is and was engaged as a member of the advisory board of Centouris, as the internationalization officer of his faculty, as the chairman of the committee for ethics in research, as a mentor of the Bavarian EliteAkademie and as vice dean and dean of his faculty.
His primary research interests are online marketing, customer relationship management, and service pricing. His work has been published in leading international journals of his subject, such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, and Journal of Business Venturing. Moreover, his research has repeatedly received honors, such as a Journal of Service Research Best Article Award Finalist in 2010 and 2019, finalist for the best IJRM paper in 2016 and the 2017 Rigor and Relevance Award of the Swiss Academy of Marketing Science. He also received a grant from the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative in 2012. In 2019 Prof. Dr. Schumann won the Emerging Service Scholar Award by AMA SERVSIG, the Special Interest Group Service of the American Marketing Association.
Since 2020, Prof. Dr. Schumann has been a member of the Board and Liaison Officer of AMA SERVSIG, the Special Interest Group Service of the American Marketing Association. Additionally, he is a founding member and Chairman of the Special Interest Group Service Marketing of the European Marketing Association since 2021. Furthermore Prof. Dr. Schumann supports leading international scientific Journals as a member of the Editorial Reviewer Boards (Journal of Service Research: since 2013; Journal of Business Research: since 2016; Thunderbird International Business Review: 2013 - 2019; Psychology & Marketing: since 2020) and since 2021 he is Associate Editor of the Journal of Service Research.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
VHB-Rating 2024 A+
Schumann, J. H., v. Wangenheim, F., &. Groene, N. (2014). Targeted Online Advertising: Using Reciprocity Appeals to Increase Acceptance Among Users of Free Web Services. Journal of Marketing, 78(1), 59–75.
VHB-Rating 2024 A
Zimmermann, J., Martin, K. D., Schumann, J. H., & Widjaja, T. (2024). Consumers’ multistage data control in technology-mediated environments. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 41(1), 56-76.
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Mende, M., Scott, M. L., & Schumann, J. H. (2022). You want to sell this to me twice!? How perceptions of betrayal may undermine internal product upgrades. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 286–309.
- 2024 SERVSIG Best Service Article Award
Bidler, M., Zimmermann, J., Schumann, J. H., & Widjaja, T. (2020). Increasing Consumers’ Willingness to Engage in Data Disclosure Processes through Relevance-Illustrating Game Elements. Journal of Retailing, 96(4), 507-523.
Hess, N. J., Kelley, C. M., Scott, M. L., Mende, M., & Schumann, J. H. (2019). Getting Personal in Public!? How Consumers Respond to Public Personalized Advertising in Retail Stores. Journal of Retailing.
Viglia, G., Maras, M., Schumann, J. H., & Navarro-Martinez, D. (2019). Paying Before or Paying After? The Role of Timing in Pay-What-You-Want-Pricing. Journal of Service Research, 22(3), 272-284.
Moser, S., Schumann, J. H., Von Wangenheim, F., Uhrich, F., & Frank, F. (2018). The Effect of a Service Provider’s Competitive Market Position on Churn Among Flat-Rate Customers. Journal of Service Research, 21(3), 319-335.
Hüttel, B.A., Schumann, J. H., Mende, M., Scott, M., & Wagner, C. (2018). How Consumers Assess Free E-Services: The Role of Benefit-Inflation and Cost-Deflation Effects. Journal of Service Research, 21(3), 267-283.
- 2019 Award Finalist für den JSR Best Paper Award
Anderl, E. M., Becker, I., v. Wangenheim, F., & Schumann, J. H. (2016). Mapping the Customer Journey: Lessons Learned From Graph-based Online Attribution Modeling. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(3), 457–474.
- 2017 Rigor and Relevance Award der Swiss Academy of Marketing Science
- 2017 Finalist für das beste IJRM Paper in 2016
Anderl, E. M., Schumann, J. H., & Kunz, W. (2016). Helping Firms Reduce Complexity in Multichannel Online Data: A New Taxonomy-Based Approach for Customer Journeys. Journal of Retailing, 92(2), 185–203.
Block, J., de Vries, G., Schumann, J. H., & Sandner, P. (2014). Trademarks and Venture Capital Valuation. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(4), 525–542.
Schumann, J. H., Wünderlich, N. V., & Evanschitzky, H. (2014). Spillover Effects of Service Failures in Coalition Loyalty Programs: The Buffering Effect of Special Treatment Benefits. Journal of Retailing, 90(1), 111–118.
Uhrich, F., Schumann, J. H., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2013). The Impact of the Consumption Goal on Flat-Rate Bias: Can ’Hedonizing’ a Service Increase Customers’ Propensity to Choose a Flat Rate? Journal of Service Research, 16(2), 215–229.
Büttgen, M., Schumann, J. H., & Ates, Z. (2012). Service Locus of Control and Customer Co- Production Behavior: The Role of Prior Service Experiences and Organizational Socialization Activities. Journal of Service Research, 15(2), 166–181.
Schumann, J. H., v. Wangenheim, F., Stringfellow, A., Yang, Z., Praxmarer, S., Jimenez, F., Blazevic, V., Shannon, R., Shainesh, G., & Komor, M. (2010). Drivers of Trust in Relational Service Exchange: Understanding the Importance of Cross-Cultural Differences. Journal of Service Research, 13(4), 453–468.
- 2011 Journal of Service Research „Best Article“ Award Finalist
VHB-Rating 2024 B
Bongers, F. M., Keller, A. K., Stoffer, G., Schumann, J. H., Totzek, D., & Ulaga, W. (forthcoming). Different Roads Lead to Rome: A Configurational Investigation of Solution Salespeople's Sales Sucess in Business-to-Business Markets. Industrial Marketing Management.
Schumann, J. H., Zimmermann, J., Steinhoff, L., Totzek, D., Van der Borgh, M., & Martin, K. D. (2025). Toward a Multilayered Framework of Privacy-Related Decision-Making in B2B. Journal of Business Research, 190, 115243.
Grüner, A., Postel, L., & Schumann, J. H. (2024). Sharing is caring? The effect of negative peer-to-peer experiences on loyalty intentions in the sharing economy. Journal of Business Research, 181, 114757.
Nagel, C., Heidenreich, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2024). Enhancing Adoption of Sustainable Product Innovations: Addressing Reduced Performance with Risk-Reducing Product Modifications. Journal of Business Research, 179, 114684.
Van Doorn, J., Smailhodzic, E., Puntoni, S., Li, J., Schumann, J. H., Holthöwer, J. (2023). Organizational Frontlines in the Digital Age: The Consumer–Autonomous Technology–Worker (CAW) Framework. Journal of Business Research, 164, 114000.
Castell, C., Kiefer, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J. H., Graf-Vlachy, L., & König, A. (2023) Integrating Digital Platform Dynamics into Customer Orientation Research: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Business Research, 163, 113911.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., Volkmann, A., Schumann, J. H., & Wünderlich, N. V. (2022). Understanding intra- and interorganizational paradoxes inhibiting data access in digital servitization. Industrial Marketing Management, 105, 404-421.
Mosch, P., Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., Schumann, J. H., Obermaier, R., & Ulaga, W. (2022). Driving or Driven by Others? A Dynamic Perspective on How Data Driven Start-Ups Strategize Across Different Network Roles in Digitalized Business Networks. Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 381-402.
Bongers, F. M., Schumann, J. H., & Schmitz, C. (2021). How the Introduction of Digital Sales Channels Affects Salespeople in Business-to-Business Contexts: A Qualitative Inquiry. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 41(2), 150-166.
März, A., Lachner, M., Heumann, C. G., Schumann, J. H., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2021). How You Remind Me! The Influence of Mobile Push Notifications on Success Rates in Last-Minute Bidding. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 54, 11-24.
Nagel, C., Schumann, J. H. (2020). Post-Adoption Buffering Effects of Innovative Product Aesthetics. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(S1), 128-139.
Read, S., Michel, S., Schumann, J. H., & Ranjan, K. R. (2019). Pricing Co-created Value: an Integrative Framework and Research Agenda. AMS Review, 9(3-4), 155-183.
Golovko, D. & Schumann, J. H. (2019). Influence of Company Facebook Activities on Recruitment Success. Journal of Business Research, 104, 161-169.
Leinsle, P., Totzek, D., & Schumann, J. H. (2018). How Price Fairness and Fit Affect Customer Tariff Evaluations. Journal of Service Management, 29(4), 735-764.
Von Wangenheim, F., Wünderlich, N. V., & Schumann, J. H. (2017). Renew or Cancel? Drivers of Customer Renewal Decisions for IT-based Service Contracts. Journal of Business Research, 79(October), 181-188.
März, A., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J. H. (2017). „Why Would I Read a Mobile Review?” Device Compatibility Perceptions and Effects on Perceived Helpfulness. Psychology & Marketing, 34(2), 119-137.
Klapdor, S., Anderl, E. M., Schumann, J. H., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2015). Using Multichannel Behavior to Predict Online Conversions. Journal of Advertising Research, 55(4), 433–442.
Klapdor, S., Anderl, E. M., v. Wangenheim, F., & Schumann, J. H. (2014). Finding the Right Words: The Influence of Keyword Characteristics on Performance of Paid Search Campaigns. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28(4), 285–301.
Schumann, J. H., Nijssen, E., & Lentz, P. (2014). Modeling Variation in Global Consumers’ Participation Behaviour Intentions Using an Institutional Market Index. International Marketing Review, 31(4), 390–412.
Schumann, J. H., Wünderlich, N. V., & Zimmer, M. S. (2012). Culture’s Impact on Customer Motivation to Engage in Professional Service Enactments. Schmalenbach Business Review, 64(April), 141–165.
Schumann, J. H., Wünderlich, N. V., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2012). Technology Mediation in Service Delivery: A New Typology and an Agenda for Managers and Academics. Technovation, 32(2), 133–143.
Wünderlich, N. V., Schumann, J. H., v. Wangenheim, F., & Holzmüller, H. H. (2011). Management und Marketing ferngesteuerter Dienstleistungen: Konzeptionelle Verortung, betriebswirtschaftliche Herausforderungen und künftige Forschungsaufgaben. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 81(9), 977–1001.
Schumann, J. H., v. Wangenheim, F., Stringfellow, A., Yang, Z., Blazevic, V., Praxmarer, S., Shainesh, G., Komor, M., Shannon, R., & Jimenez, F. (2010). Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Received Word-of-Mouth Referral in Relational Service Exchange. Journal of International Marketing, 18(3), 62–80.
VHB-Rating 2024 C
Haager, S., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., & Schumann, J.H. (2022). Customer Participation Stress In Service Encounters: Developing A Customer Participation Demands–Resources Model. Journal of Service Mangement Research, 6, 118-131.
Selzer, V. L., Schumann J. H., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., Komor, M. & Volz, J. (2021). Effective Coping Strategies for Stressed Frontline Employees in Service Occupations: Outcomes and Drivers. The Service Industries Journal, 41(5), 382-399.
Selzer, V. L., Schumann, J. H., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., Komor, M., & Volz, J. (2018). How to Manage Person-Role Conflicts: Differential Effects of Transformational Leadership Dimensions and the Moderating Role of Individual Culture Orientation. Journal of Service Management Research, 2(2), 36-49. (VHB3: -)
Hüttel, B.A., Ates, Z., Schumann, J. H., Büttgen, M., Haager, S., Komor, M., & Volz, J. (2019). The Influence of Customer Characteristics on Frontline Employees’ Customer Need Knowledge. Journal of Services Marketing, 33(2), 220-232.
Anderl, E. M., März, A., & Schumann, J. H. (2016). Nonmonetary Customer Value Contributions in Free E-services. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 24(3–4), 175–189.
Michel, S., Kreuzer, M., Kühn, R., Stringfellow, A., & Schumann, J. H. (2009). Mass-Customized Products: Are They Bought for Uniqueness or to Overcome Problems with Standard Products?. Journal of Customer Behavior, 8(4), 307–327.
Unlisted Publications
Ranjan, K. R., Michel, S., Schumann, J. H., & Read, S. (2020). Strategically Pay Your Customers for Their Productivity. Rutgers Business Review, 5(3), 319-325.
Komor, M. & Schumann, J. H. (2015). Zróżnicowania kulturowe między Polską a Niemcami według wymiarów kultury Hofstede. Gospodarka Narodowa, 1(275), 83–102.
Articles without peer review process
Roscheck, C., Anderl, E. M., & Schumann, J. H. (2013). Effektivitätsmessung im Online-Marketing - Vom einzelnen Klick zur Customer Journey. WiST, 42(5), 238–245. (VHB3: D)
Gröne, N., v. Wangenheim, F., Rothstock, K., & Schumann, J. H. (2012). Appell an das Gewissen. Harvard Business Manager, 34(3), 10–13.
Conferences with peer review process
Braun, C. & Schumann, J. H. (2024). Trading Waiting Time for Money. 10th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 18.07.2024-19.07.2024.
Mohamed, N. & Schumann, J. H. (2024). An Exploration of Indirect Customer Orientation in Multi-Sided Digital Platforms. 10th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 18.07.2024-19.07.2024.
Shaaban, N., Zimmermann, J., Schumann, J. H., & Widjaja, T. (2024). Consumer Privacy-related Behaviors on Digital Platforms: Conceptualizations and Avenues for Research. 10th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 18.07.2024-19.07.2024.
Volkmann, A., Kroos, A., Zimmermann, A., & Schumann, J. H. (2024). I, Cyborg – Are Avatars Turning Consumers into Digital Cyborgs?. 10th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 18.07.2024-19.07.2024.
Kroos, A., Zimmermann, J., & Schumann, J.H. (2024). Avatars in Marketing – A Conceptual Framework and Literature Review. 2024 EMAC 53rd Annual Conference, Bucharest Romania, 29.05.2024 -31.05.2024.
Braun, C., Schumann, J.H. (2024). Customer or Prosumer - Who am I? Role Acceptance in Emerging Service Business Models. 2024 EMAC 53rd Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 28.05.2024-31.05.2024.
Volkmann, A., Zimmermann, J., & Schumann, J.H. (2024). It’s eerie but I (still) like it?! –Towards a More Differentiated View on Eeriness in the Context of New Technologies. 2024 EMAC 53rd Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 28.05.2024-31.05.2024.
Braun, C. & Schumann, J.H. (2024). End-Consumer or Business Partner - Who am I? New Prosumer Roles in Emerging Service Business Models. 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference, St. Pete Beach FL, USA, 23.02.2024 – 25.02.2024.
Lazarovici, I.-S., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Brodschelm, F. (2024). The Moderating Role of Product Knowledge and Control on Consumers’ Interest in Mystery Promotions. 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference, St. Pete Beach FL, USA, 23.02.2024 – 25.02.2024.
Volkmann, A., Zimmermann, J., & Schumann, J.H. (2024). It’s eerie but I (still) like it?! –Towards a More Differentiated View on Eeriness in the Context of New Technologies. 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference, St. Pete Beach FL, USA, 23.02.2024 – 25.02.2024.
Kroos, A., Zimmermann, J., & Schumann, J.H. (2024). Avatars in Marketing – A Conceptual Framework and Literature Review. 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference, St. Pete Beach FL, USA, 23.02.2024 – 25.02.2024.
Braun, C. & Schumann, J.H. (2023). End-Consumer or Business Partner? Who am I? New Roles in Emerging Service Business Models and their Implications for Customer Management. 10th BMM-EMAC, Passau, Germany, 29.06.2023–30.06.2023.
Kämpfe, B. & Braun, C. (2023). Diary-Based Evaluation of Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Charging in a Long-Term Study: Method and Insights. 8th International Electric Vehicle Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 21.06.2023–23.06.2023.
Braun, C. & Schumann, J.H. (2023). Not quite end-consumer anymore, not quite business partner yet?! Role Conflicts in Emerging Service Business Models. Frontiers in Service Conference 2023, Maastricht, Netherlands, 16.06.2023–18.06.2023.
Grüner, A., Sleziona, P., Schumann, J.H. & Widjaja, T. (2023). The Influence of Firm Network Entitativity on Consumers’ Trust Perception and Data Sharing Decisions. Frontiers in Service Conference 2023, Maastricht, Netherlands, 16.06.2023–18.06.2023.
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Hüttl-Maack, V., & Lazarovici, I.-S. (2023). “Mystery Resolved! And Then? – How (Dis)Confirmation Effects and Positive Affective Spillover Effects Impact Customer Loyalty After the Purchase of Mystery Promotions." EMAC Conference, Odense, Denmark, 23.05.2023–26.05.2023.
Grüner, A., Sleziona, P., Schumann, J.H. & Widjaja, T. (2023). The Influence of Firm Network Entitativity on Consumers’ Trust Perception and Data Sharing Decisions. EMAC Conference, Odense, Denmark, 23.05.2023–26.05.2023.
Grüner, A., Postel, L., & Schumann, J.H. (2023). Sharing is Caring: The Effect of Negative Peer-to-Peer Experiences on Loyalty Intentions in the Sharing Economy. EMAC Conference, Odense, Denmark, 23.05.2023–26.05.2023.
Zimmermann, J., Schumann, J.H., Widjaja, T., & Martin, K. D. (2022). Investigating Control Perceptions in AI-based Data Disclosure Processes. SERVSIG Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 16.06.2022–18.06.2022.
Zimmermann, J., Schumann, J.H., Widjaja, T., & Martin, K.D. (2022). Investigating Control Perceptions in AI-based Data Disclosure Processes. Frontiers in Service Conference 2022, Boston, MA, USA, 24.06.2022–26.06.2022.
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Hüttl-Maack, V., & Lazarovici, I.-S. (2022). “Will High Expectations Backfire?” – The Role of Overoptimism, Disconfirmation, and Affective Reactions When Resolving a Mystery Deal. SERVSIG Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 16.06.2022–18.06.2022.
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Hüttl-Maack, V., & Lazarovici, I.-S. (2022). “Will High Expectations Backfire?” – The Role of Overoptimism, Disconfirmation, and Affective Reactions When Resolving a Mystery Deal. EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24.05.2022–27.05.2022.
Lazarovici, I.-S., Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2022). Variable Opaque Products – How Adapting the Outcome of Opaque Products Influences Consumers’ Pre- and Post-Purchase Behavior. EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24.05.2022–27.05.2022.
Postel, L., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2022). Stage-Dependent Customer Engagement in Dual-Stage Data Disclosure Decisions: An Evaluation of Affective versus Cognitive Appeals. EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24.05.2022–27.05.2022.
Zimmermann, J., Schumann, J.H., Widjaja, T., & Martin, K. D. (2022). Investigating Control Perceptions in AI-based Data Disclosure Processes. EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24.05.2022–27.05.2022.
Castell, C., Kiefer, J., König, A., Schumann, J.H., Graf-Vlachy, L., & Schubach, S. (2022). Towards a Socio-Cognitive View on Digital Platform Firms: An Organizational Identity Perspective. Academy of Management, Seattle, USA.
Castell, C., Kiefer, J., König, A., Schumann, J.H., Graf-Vlachy, L., & Schubach, S. (2022). Towards a Socio-Cognitive View on Digital Platform Firms: An Organizational Identity Perspective. Strategic Management Society, London, UK.
Kiefer, J., Castell, C., König, A., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H. , & Graf-Vlachy, L. (2022). Towards a Socio-Cognitive View on Digital Platform Firms: An Organizational Identity Perspective. European Academy of Management, Winterthur.
Kiefer, J., Castell, C., Schumann, J.H., König, A., Schubach, S., & Graf-Vlachy, L. (2022). Integrating digital platform dynamics into the next wave of customer orientation research. 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H. & Hüttl-Maack, V. (2021). Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals – How the Resolution of Mystery Deals Impacts Consumers’ Loyalty Intentions. Frontiers in Service Conference 2021, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 09.07.2021–10.07.2021. (online)
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2021). You Want to Sell This to Me Twice!? How Perceptions of Betrayal May Undermine Internal Product Upgrades. Frontiers in Service Conference 2021, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 09.07.2021–10.07.2021. (online)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Hüttl-Maack, V. (2021). “Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals”—How the Resolution of Mystery Deals Influences Consumers' Post-Purchase Behavior. EMAC Conference, Madrid, Spain, 26.05.2021–28.05.2021. (online)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Hüttl-Maack, V. (2021). Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals – How the Creation and Resolution of Mystery Deals Impacts Consumers’ Purchase Motivation and Loyalty Intentions. EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Madrid, Spain, 23.05.2021–25.05.2021. (online)
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2021). You Want to Sell This to Me Twice!? How Perceptions of Betrayal May Undermine Internal Product Upgrades. EMAC Conference, Madrid, Spain, 26.05.2021–28.05.2021. (online)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2020). Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals – How the Resolution of Mystery Deals Impacts Consumers’ Loyalty Intentions. Frontiers in Service Conference 2020, Boston, MA, USA, 25.06.2020–28.06.2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19)
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2020). Can We Provide Access to Ownership? Consumer Response to Internal Hardware Upgrading. Frontiers in Service Conference 2020, Boston, MA, USA, 25.06.2020–28.06.2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19)
Bidler, M., Zimmermann, J., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2020). Here is How Your Data Help Us Personalize Our Offers to You: Previewing a Meaningfully Gamified Data Disclosure Process to Increase Consumers’ Willingness to Engage in Data Disclosure Processes. 49th EMAC Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 26.05.2020–29.05.2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann J.H. (2020). Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals – How the Creation and Resolution of Mystery Deals Impacts Consumers’ Purchase Motivation and Loyalty Intentions. EMAC Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 26.05.2020–29.05.2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19)
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2020). Can We Provide Access to Ownership? How Norm Violations Threaten Product Upgrading Services. 49th EMAC Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 26.05.2020–29.05.2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19)
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., Widjaja, T., & Zimmermann, J. (2020). Aligning the Data Disclosure Process with Customer Benefits: Employing a Meaningfully Gamified Data Disclosure Process to Increase Data Disclosure Intentions for Personalization Purposes. 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 14.02.2020–16.02.2020.
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2020). Can We Provide Access to Ownership? How Ownership Inferences Threaten Product Reconfiguration Services. 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 14.02.2020–16.02.2020.
Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Bleier, A. (2020). How Online Shopping Behavior Informs Positioning Strategies in Search Engine Advertising. 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 14.02.2020–16.02.2020.
Mosch, P., Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., Schumann, J.H., & Obermaier, R. (2019). Digital attacker or supporter? Data-driven business models of start-up firms along the supply and value chain - An empirical analysis of focal points, forms of design and strategic options for incumbent firms. 15th EIASM Interdisciplinary Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital – Non-Financial and Integrated Reporting, Governance and Value Creation, Coimbra, Portugal, 26.09.2019–27.09.2019.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., Schumann, J.H., & Wünderlich, N.V. (2019). Perceived smart data value influencing B2B customers’ data disclosure behavior for smart services: A qualitative approach. International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services, Bielefeld, Germany. 22.08.2019–23.08.2019.
Bidler, M. & Schumann, J.H. (2019). Aligning the Data Disclosure Process with Customer Benefits: Employing Gamification to Increasing Willingness to Disclose Data for Personalized Services. Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Singapore, 18.07.2019–21.07.2019.
Bongers, F.M., Kinateder, G., Schumann, J.H., & Totzek, D. (2019). Exploring Salesperson Solution Involvement in Business-to-Business Markets: A Temporal Perspective. Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Singapore, 18.07.2019–21.07.2019.
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2019). Can We Provide Access to Ownership? How Ownership Perceptions Threaten Product Reconfiguration Services. Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Singapore, 18.07.2019–21.07.2019.
Bongers, F.M., Schumann, J.H., & Schmitz, C. (2019). When High Tech Boosts High Touch: How E-Commerce Enables Business-to-Business Suppliers to Manage Relationships with Large and Small Buyer Firms. 9th BMM EMAC Conference, Berlin, Germany, 27.06.2019–29.06.2019.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., Schumann, J.H., & Wünderlich, N.V. (2019). Perceived smart data value influencing B2B customers’ data disclosure behavior for smart services: A qualitative approach. 9th BMM EMAC Conference, Berlin, Germany, 27.06.2019–29.06.2019.
Bongers, F.M., Schumann, J.H., & Schmitz, C. (2019). When High Tech Boosts High Touch: How E-Commerce Enables Business-to-Business Suppliers to Manage Relationships with Large and Small Buyer Firms. 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 28.05.2019–31.05.2019.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., Schumann, J.H., & Wünderlich, N.V. (2019). Perceived smart data value influencing B2B customers’ data disclosure behavior for smart services: A qualitative approach. 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 28.05.2019 – 31.05.2019. Nominated for the Best Paper Award Based on Doctoral Work.
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2019). Data Disclosure in Business Network Data Exchange Settings: Introducing a Dual Processing Model to Privacy Calculus Theory. 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 28.05.2019–31.05.2019.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2019). Supply Chain Digitization: New Opportunities for Leveraging Relationships with Small Buyer Firms. 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 28.05.2019–31.05.2019.
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2019). Can We Provide Access to Ownership? How Ownership Inferences Threaten Product Reconfiguration Services. 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 28.05.2019–31.05.2019.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., & Schumann, J.H. (2019). Influencing Factors and Strategies regarding B2B Customer’s Data Disclosure Behavior for Smart Services: A Qualitative Approach. 48th EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 28.05.2019–31.05.2019.
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2019). Can We Provide Access to Ownership? How Ownership Inferences Threaten Product Reconfiguration Services. Theory + Practice in Marketing, New York City, USA, 16.05.2019–18.05.2019.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J.H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. 2018 Biennial ISBM Academic Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, 08.08.2018–09.08.2018.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2018). Do Personal Selling and E-Commerce Constitute a Contradiction in B2B Settings? 2018 Biennial ISBM Academic Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, 08.08.2018–09.08.2018.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2018). Do Personal Interaction and E-Commerce Constitute A Contradiction in Business-to-Business-Settings? 2018 AMA Summer Academic Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 10.08.2018–12.08.2018.
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2018). Challenging the Cognitive Privacy Calculus: Affective Reactions in Consumers’ Privacy Related Decision Making. EMAC Conference, Glasgow, UK, 29.05.2018–01.06.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J.H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. 2018 Biennial ISBM Academic Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, 08.08.2018–09.08.2018.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2018). Do Personal Selling and E-Commerce Constitute a Contradiction in B2B Settings? 2018 Biennial ISBM Academic Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, 08.08.2018–09.08.2018.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2018). Do Personal Interaction and E-Commerce Constitute A Contradiction in Business-to-Business-Settings? 2018 AMA Summer Academic Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 10.08.2018–12.08.2018.
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2018). Challenging the Cognitive Privacy Calculus: Affective Reactions in Consumers' Privacy Related Decision Making. EMAC Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 29.05.2018–01.06.2018.
Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Bleier, A. (2018). Leveraging Browsing Behaviour for Enhanced Bidding Strategies in Search Engine Advertising. EMAC Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 29.05.2018–01.06.2018.
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2018). Challenging the Cognitive Privacy Calculus: Affective Reactions in Consumers' Privacy-Related Decision Making. SERVSIG Conference, Paris, France, 14.06.2018–16.06.2018.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2018). Business-to-Business E-Commerce from a Multi-Channel Perspective: A qualitative study on provider and customer motives. SERVSIG Conference, Paris, France, 14.06.2018–16.06.2018.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., & Schumann, J.H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. SERVSIG Conference, Paris, France, 14.06.2018–16.06.2018.
Lara-Quintanilla, M.L., Ates, Z., Duque, L.C., Schumann, J.H., & Büttgen, M. (2018). Does Dr. Google Help? Patients' Online Health Information Search. SERVSIG Conference, Paris, France, 14.06.2018–16.06.2018.
Treger, S., Garbas, J., Büttgen, M., Schumann, J.H., & Ates, Z. (2018). Reducing Customer Participation Stress in Financial Services. SERVSIG Conference, Paris, France, 14.06.2018–16.06.2018.
Heß, N.J., Scott, M.L., Mende, M., & Schumann, J.H. (2017). Personalized Advertising in Public Environments: Perceptions and Consequences. EMAC Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 23.05.2017–26.05.2017.
Schubach, S., Schumann J.H., & Bleier, A. (2017). Using Past Browsing Behavior to Improve Bidding Strategies in Search Engine Advertising. EMAC Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 23.05.2017–26.05.2017.
Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Bleier, A. (2017). Improved Bidding Strategies in Search Engine Advertising: The Role of Past Browsing Behavior. 7th annual Theory + Practice in Marketing (TPM) Conference, Charlottesville, VA, USA, 10.05.2017–12.05.2017.
Moser, S., Schumann, J.H., & von Wangenheim, F. (2017). Customization in Service Pricing: How Assembling the Service Tariff Impacts Consumer Perceptions, Behavior, and Firm Profits. AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 17.02.2017–19.02.2017.
Heß, N., Schumann J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2016). Personalized Advertising in Public Environments: Perceptions and Consequences. Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin, Germany, 27.10.2016–30.10.2016.
Hüttel, B.A., Wagner, C.J., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2016). Let's Look the Gift Horse in the Mouth: A Closer Examination of How Consumers Respond to Free Offers. Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin, Germany, 27.10.2016–30.10.2016.
Treger, S., Büttgen, M., Schumann, J.H., & Ates Z. (2016) Shedding Light on the Dark Side of Customer Participation: Investigating Customer Participation Stress. SERVSIG Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, 17.062016–19.06.2016.
Heß, N.J., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2016). Minority Report at the Point of Sale? Analyzing the Perceptions and Consequences of Personalized Advertising in Public Environments. EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway, 24.05.2016–27.05.2016.
Hüttel, B.A., Wagner, C.J., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2016). Toward a deeper understanding of how consumers perceive free offers: New insights into the zero-price effect, its process, and boundary conditions. EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway, 24.05.2016–27.05.2016.
Hüttel, B.A. (2016). Toward a deeper understanding of how consumers perceive free offers: New insights into the zero-price effect, its process, and boundary conditions. EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Oslo, Norway, 24.05.2016–27.05.2016.
Schubach, S., Heß, N.J., Schumann, J.H., & Reynolds, D. (2016). Is a Paying Customer Always Better? The Importance of Customer Orientation Towards the “Free” Customer in Two- or Multi-Sided Markets. EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway, 24.05.2016–27.05.2016.
Selzer, V.L., Schumann, J.H., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., & Komor, M. (2016). How Service Managers Can Shape Frontline Employees' Organizational Values to Reduce Person-Role Conflicts. EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway, 24.05.2016–27.05.2016.
Treger, S., Büttgen, M., Schumann, J.H., & Ates Z. (2016) The Dark Side of Customer Participation: The Antecedents of Customer Participation Stress. EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway, 24.05.2016–27.05.2016.
Wagner, C. J. & Schumann, J.H. (2016). One More Cup of Coffee, Please! The Role of Caffeine in Consumer Decision Making. EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway, 24.05.2016–27.05.2016.
Leinsle, P., Totzek, D., & Schumann, J.H. (2016). Towards a Better Understanding of Customer Tariff Choice: Addressing Value-in-Exchange, Value-in-Use, and the Context of Value Creation. AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 26.02.2016–28.02.2016.
Moser, S., Schumann, J.H., von Wangenheim, F., Uhrich, F., & Frank, F. (2016). Are Flat Rate Bias Customers Always Loyal? The Effect of Competitive Market Position on Churn. AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 26.02.2016–28.02.2016.
Nagel, C. & Schumann, J.H. (2016). Understanding Innovative Consumers: Effects of Innovativeness in the Innovation Adoption and Post-Adoption Phase. AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 26.02.2016–28.02.2016.
Selzer, V. L., Schumann, J.H., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., Volz, J., & Komor, M. (2016). Transformational Leadership, Role Conflict and the Moderating Role of Uncertainty Avoidance. AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 26.02.2016–28.02.2016.
Hüttel, B.A., Wagner, C.J., & Schumann, J.H. (2015). Adding new perspectives to the zero-price effect – The role of non-monetary cost perceptions. Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy, 14.07.2015–18.07.2015.
Anderl, E.M. (2015). Mapping the customer journey: a graph-based framework for attribution modeling. EMAC Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 26.05.2015–29.05.2015.
Ates, Z., Duque, L.C., Schumann, J.H., Delcourt, C., Büttgen, M., & Quintanilla, M. L. (2015). Understanding patients’ participation in health care services. EMAC Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 26.05.2015–29.05.2015.
Moser, S. & Schumann, J.H. (2015). Is There a Toolkit Pricing Bias? How Assembling the Service Tariff Impacts Consumer Perceptions and Intentions. EMAC Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 26.05.2015–29.05.2015.
Lachner, M., März, A., Schumann, J.H., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2015). The impact of mobile push notifications on customers bidding behavior. Big Data Conference 2015 - German Symposium on Mobile Targeting, Big Data, and Digital Social Media Marketing, Munich, Germany, 13.03.2015.
Hüttel, B.A., Wagner, C. J., & Schumann, J.H. (2015). Adding new perspectives to the zero-price effect – The role of non-monetary cost perceptions. 2015 AMA Winter Educators' Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA, 13.02.2015–15.02.2015.
Anderl, E.M., Kunz, W., & Schumann, J.H. (2014). It Takes Two to Tango: Interaction Effects in Multichannel Online Advertising. 2014 Global Marketing Conference, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 15.07.2014–18.07.2014.
Anderl, E. M., März, A., & Schumann, J.H. (2014). There is No Free Lunch: Non-Monetary Customer Value Contributions in Free E-Services. EMAC Conference, Valencia, Spain, 03.06.2014–06.06.2014.
Hüttel, B.A., Wagner, C.J., & Schumann, J.H. (2014). It’s not all about the Benefits – Cost Perceptions as Additional Drivers of the Zero-Price Effect. EMAC Conference, Valencia, Spain, 03.06.2014–06.06.2014.
Schubach, S., Heß, N.J., & Schumann, J.H. (2014). Stakeholder Theory as a Mean to Understand Customer Orientation if There is More Than One Customer Population. EMAC Conference, Valencia, Spain, 03.06.2014–06.06.2014.
Anderl, E.M., März, A., & Schumann, J.H. (2013). There is No Free Lunch. Value Contributions of Non-Paying Customers. AMA Winter Educators` Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 15.02.2013–17.02.2013.
Block, J.H., Sander, P., Schumann, J.H., & De Vries, G. (2012). Trademarks and venture capital funding. DRUID Society Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19.06.2012–21.06.2012.
Gröne, N., v. Wangenheim, F., & Schumann, J.H. (2012). Reconciling Targeted Online Advertising – Supporting Free Online Content While Respecting Consumers’ Concerns About Privacy. AMA Winter Educators` Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, 17.02.2012–19.02.2012
Schumann, J.H., Nijssen, E., & Lentz, P. (2011). Cross-Country Variation of Customer Participation Behavior: An Institutional Explanation. AMA Winter Educators` Conference, Austin, TX, USA, 18.02.2011–20.02.2011.
Schumann, J.H. & Wünderlich, N.V. (2010). Shared Gain, Shared Pain? Spillover Effects in Multi-Partner Loyalty Programs. EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 01.06.2010–04.06.2010.
Schumann, J.H., v. Wangenheim, F., Stringfellow, A., Yang, Z., Blazevic, V., Praxmarer, S., Shainesh, G., Komor, M., Shannon, R. M., & Jimenez, F. R. (2009). Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Word-of-Mouth in Relational Service Exchange: The Moderating Effect of Uncertainty Avoidance. AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Tampa, FL, USA, 20.02.2009–23.02.2009.
Schumann, J.H., v. Wangenheim, F., & Zimmer, M. S. (2009). Cross-Cultural Differences in Customers` Willingness to Co-Produce Professional Services: Insights from an 11 Country-Study. AMA Winter Educators` Conference, Tampa, FL, USA, 20.02.2009–23.02.2009.
Schumann, J.H., v. Wangenheim, F., & Yang, Z. (2008). Cross-Cultural Differences in the Development of Trust in Relational Service Exchange - An Empirical Analysis in the Banking Context in China and Germany. AMA Winter Educators` Conference, Austin, TX, USA, 17.02.2008–19.02.2008.
Schumann, J.H. (2007). A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Antecedents and Consequences of Trust in Relational Service Exchange. DSI Mini-Conference on Service Science, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 24.05.2007–26.05.2007.
Schumann, J.H., Wünderlich, N.V., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2007). Towards a New Typology for Technology-Mediated Services. DSI Mini Conference on Service Science, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 24.05.2007–26.05.2007.
Schumann, J.H., Keller, N.V., v. Wangenheim, F., & Holzmüller, H. H. (2007). Technology Mediation in Service Delivery: A New Typology and an Agenda for Managers and Academics. AMA Winter Educators` Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 16.02.2007–19.02.2007.
Conferences without peer review process
Volkmann, A., Zimmermann, J., & Schumann, J.H. (2023). It’s eerie but I (still) like it?! –Towards a More Differentiated View on Eeriness in the Context of New Technologies. 8th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.07.2023–21.07.2023.
Kroos, A., Zimmermann, J., & Schumann, J.H. (2023). Avatars Rising – A Literature Review on Avatars in Marketing. 8th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.07.2023–21.07.2023.
Grüner, A., Sleziona, P., Schumann, J.H. & Widjaja, T. (2023). The Influence of Firm Network Entitativity on Consumers’ Trust Perception and Data Sharing Decisions. 8th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.07.2023–21.07.2023.
Hirsch, S., Kellerer, F., Zimmermann, J., & Mang, S. (2022). User Perspectives on Bidirectional Charging – Insights from the Field Trial of the Research Project “Bidirectional Charging Management”. 17th International MTZ Congress Powertrains and Energy Systems of Tomorrow 2023, Berlin, Germany.
Zimmermann, J., Kroos, A., & Schumann, J.H. (2022). „Real or fake?!” – Consumers’ avatar self-representation in new computer-mediated environments. 7th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 11.11.2022. (online)
Grüner, A., Postel, L., & Schumann, J.H. (2022). Sharing is caring? The effect of negative peer-to-peer experiences on loyalty in the home-sharing context. 7th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 11.11.2022. (online)
Volkmann, A., Zimmermann, J., & Schumann, J.H. (2022). It’s eerie but I (still) like it?! – Understanding perceptions of eeriness in the context of artificial entities. 7th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 11.11.2022. (online)
Volkmann, A., Zimmermann, J., & Schumann, J.H. (2022). „Are you for Real?“ – Effects of Virtual Influencers on Consumer Behavior and Brand Perceptions. 6th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 21.07.2022–22.07.2022.
Lazarovici, I.-S., Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2022). Variable Opaque Products - How Adapting the Outcome of Opaque Products Influences Consumers’ Pre- and Post-Purchase Behavior. 6th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 21.07.2022–22.07.2022.
Grüner, A., Postel, L., Schumann, J.H. (2022). Sharing is caring? An Investigation of negative peer-to-peer experiences, trust and consumer retaliation in the Sharing Economy. 6th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 21.07.2022–22.07.2022.
Braun, C. & Schumann, J.H. (2022). Consumers in Complex Service Systems: From End Consumer to Business Partners?!. 6th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 21.07.2022–22.07.2022.
Kellerer, F., Zimmermann, J., Hirsch, S., & Mang, S. (2022). Creating and sustaining user engagement in bidirectional charging. 16th International MTZ Congress Powertrains and Energy Systems of Tomorrow 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Braun, C., & Schumann, J.H. (2021). Collaborative Consumption in the Context of Bidirectional Charging. 5th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 26.11.2021. (online)
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., Widjaja, T., Schubach, S., & Garbas, J. (2021). Privacy-Related Decision-Making in Business Network Data Exchange Settings: The Role of Consumers' Immediate Affective Reactions. 5th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 26.11.2021. (online)
Zimmermann, J., Schumann, J.H., Widjaja, T., & Martin, Kelly D. (2021). Investigating Control Perceptions in AI-Based Data Disclosure Processes. 5th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 26.11.2021. (online)
Lazarovici, I.-S., Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2021). Variable Opaque Products and their Impact on Consumers’ Pre- and Post-Purchase Behavior. 5th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 26.11.2021. (online)
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2021). You Want to Sell This to Me Twice!? How Perceptions of Betrayal May Undermine Internal Product Upgrades. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, 22.07.2021.
Volkmann, A., Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H. (2021). "Oops! …I Can Do it Again?!" – How the reversibility of customization decisions influences consumer perceptions and behavior in the pre-purchase phase. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, 22.07.2021.
Grüner, A., Schumann, J.H., Widjaja, T. (2021). Co-creation logic in data disclosure: Understanding its underlying processes and contingency factors. 4th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 16.04.2021. (online)
Postel, L., Schumann, J.H., Widjaja, T., (2021). Stage-Dependent Drivers of Customer Engagement in Dual-Stage Data Disclosure Decisions. 4th Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 16.04.2021. (online)
Lazarovici, I.-S., Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2020). What Makes the Deal in the Mystery Deal? How Variable Opaque Products Influence Consumers’ Pre- and Post-Purchase Behavior. 3rd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 06.11.2020. (online)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2020). “Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals” – How the Resolution of Mystery Deals Influences Consumers' Post-Purchase Behavior. 3rd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 06.11.2020. (online)
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2020). You want to sell this to me twice!? How perceptions of betrayal may undermine internal product upgrades. 3rd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 06.11.2020. (online)
Lazarovici, I.-S., Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2020). What Makes the Deal in the Mystery Deal? How Uncertainty Influences Consumers’ Purchase Decisions. 3rd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 06.11.2020. (online)
Zimmermann, J., Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2020). AI-based Data Disclosure. 3rd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Ingolstadt, Germany, 06.11.2020. (online)
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann J.H. (2020). Solving the Mystery about Mystery Deals – How the Creation and Resolution of Mystery Deals Impacts Consumers’ Purchase Motivation and Loyalty Intentions. EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Budapest, Hungary, 24.05.2020–26.05.2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19)
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M. L. (2020). Can We Provide Access to Ownership? How Norm Violations Threaten Product Upgrading Services. 33rd EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Budapest, Hungary, 24.05.2020–26.05.2020. (cancelled due to COVID-19)
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., Widjaja, T., & Zimmermann, J. (2019). Previewing a Meaningfully Gamified Data Disclosure Process to Increase Consumers’ Willingness to Engage in Data Disclosure Processes. Doktorandenseminar, Munich, Germany, 14.11.2019–15.11.2019.
Bongers, F. M., Kinateder, G., Totzek, D., & Schumann, J.H. (2019). Exploring salesperson solution involvement in business-to-business markets. 2nd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 18.09.2019–19.09.2019.
Brodschelm, F., Schubach, S., & Schumann J.H. (2019). The Impact of Expectations about Mystery Appeals on Consumers´ Postpurchase Evaluation. 2nd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 18.09.2019–19.09.2019.
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2019). Can We Provide Access to Ownership? How Ownership Inferences Threaten Product Reconfiguration Services. 2nd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Augsburg, Germany, 18.09.2019–19.09.2019.
Schubach, S., Heß, N.J., Schumann, J.H. (2019). Born Free?! How Organizational Prehiostory Influence Customer Orientation Behaviors and their Outcomes in Free E-Services. 2. Konferenz des Bayerischen Service Research Clusters, Augsburg, Germany, 18.09.2019–19.09.2019.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J.H. (2019). Data-Driven Business Models of Start-Up Firms as "Digital Attackers" Along the Value Chain. 2nd Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 18.09.2019–19.09.2019.
Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Bleier A. (2019). How Online Shopping Behavior Informs Positioning Strategies in Search Engine Advertising. Lehrstuhltreffen, Luzern, Switzerland, 21.03.2019–22.03.2019.
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2018). Data Disclosure in Network Settings: Introducing a Dual Processing Model to Privacy Calculus Theory, Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, Germany, 24.10.2018–25.10.2018.
Brodschelm, F., Schubach S., & Schumann J.H. (2018). The Effect of Predictions on the Intention to Participate in Online Surveys of Predictive Behavioral Targeting. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, Germany, 24.10.2018–25.10.2018.
Garbas J., Schubach S., & Schumann, J.H. (2018). How Product Reconfiguration Through Add-on Features Impacts Customer Perceptions and Behavior. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, Germany, 24.10.2018–25.10.2018.
Schubach S., Schumann J.H., & Bleier, A. (2018). The Influence of Online Shopping Behavior on Position Effects in Search Engine Advertising. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, Germany, 24.10.2018–25.10.2018.
Garbas, J., Schubach S., & Schumann J.H. (2018). How Activating Hardware Features Impacts Customer Perceptions and Behavior. 1st Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.09.2018–21.09.2018.
Bongers, F. M., Kinateder, G., Totzek, D., & Schumann, J.H. (2018). The more the merrier? Exploring the effect of salespeople’s solution involvement in the B2B context. 1st Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.09.2018–21.09.2018.
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., & Schumann, J.H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. 1st Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.09.2018–21.09.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J.H. (2018). Business models as strategic levers of data disclosure for smart services. 1st Conference of the Bavarian Service Research Cluster, Passau, Germany, 20.09.2018–21.09.2018.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2018). Transactional versus Consultative Selling in Business-to-Business Contexts: Introducing E-Commerce as a Means to Pursue Both Sales Approaches. 2018 ISBM Academic Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 08.08.2018–09.08.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J.H. (2018). Drivers and Boundary Conditions of B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure for Smart Services: A Qualitative Approach. 2018 ISBM Academic Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 08.08.2018–09.08.2018.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2018). Do Personal Interaction and E-Commerce Constitute A Contradiction in Business-to-Business-Settings? 1. Doktoranden-Workshop des Netzwerks Internet und Digitalisierung Ostbayern (INDIGO), Passau, Germany, 20.06.2018.
Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Bleier, A. (2018). Leveraging Browsing Behaviour for Enhanced Bidding Strategies in Search Engine Advertising. 40th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 13.06.2018–16.06.2018.
Lara-Quintanilla, M., Ates, Z., Duque, L. C., Schumann, J.H., & Büttgen, M. (2018) Does Dr. Google Help? Patients’ Online Health Information Search. 15th International Research Conference in Service Management La Londe les Maures, France, 10.06.2018–13.06.2018.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2018). E-Commerce in B2B Settings: A Contradiction to Relational Selling? Lehrstuhltreffen, Rorschach, Switzerland, 21.03.2018–23.03.2018.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J.H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. Lehrstuhltreffen, Rorschach, Switzerland, 21.03.2018–23.03.2018.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2018). E-Commerce in B2B Settings: A Contradiction to Relational Selling? Dienstleistungsinnovation durch Digitalisierung 2018. Doktorandenseminar, Aachen, Germany, 20.03.2018–21.03.2018
Winkler, C., Eggert, C.-G., & Schumann, J.H. (2018). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption: A Qualitative Approach. Dienstleistungsinnovation durch Digitalisierung 2018. Doktorandenseminar, Aachen, Germany, 20.03.2018–21.03.2018.
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2018). Affektive Konsumentenreaktionen im Datenpreisgabeprozess. 3. Passauer Digital-Marketing-Konferenz, Passau, Germany, 16.03.2018.
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2017). Challenging the Cognitive Privacy Calculus: Affective Reactions and Biases in Consumers' Intention to Disclose Private Data. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, 12.10.2017–13.10.2017.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2017). Service Mass Customization in B2B-Settings - A Literature Analysis and Research Agenda. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, 12.10.2017–13.10.2017.
Eggert, C.-G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J.H. (2017). B2B Customers’ Data Disclosure Concerns Regarding Smart Service Adoption - A Conceptual Demarcation to Information Sharing. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, 12.10.2017–13.10.2017.
Garbas, J., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2017). Cross-Channel Shopping – The Role of Payment Timing and Collection Duration. Lehrstuhltreffen, Passau, 12.10.2017–13.10.2017.
Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Bleier, A. (2017). Improved Bidding Strategies in Search Engine Advertising: The Role of Past Browsing Behavior. International Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Zurich, Switzerland, 30.09.2017–31.09.2017.
Treger, S., Büttgen, M., Garbas, J., Schumann, J.H., & Ates, Z. (2017). Reducing Customer Participation Stress in Financial Services. International Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Zurich, Switzerland, 30.092017–31.09.2017.
Bidler, M., Schumann, J.H., & Widjaja, T. (2017). Extending the Dyadic Privacy Calculus: Incorporating Effects of Business Network Data Exchange on Data Disclosure. International Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Zurich, Switzerland, 30.082017–31.08.2017.
Lara-Quintanilla, M., Ates, Z., Duque, L. C., Schumann, J.H., & Büttgen, M. (2017). Online Health Information Search (OHIS): Patients' Motivations, Information Search Behavior and Outcomes. 26th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, New York City, NY, USA, 22.06.2017–25.06.2017.
Moser, S., Schumann, J.H., & von Wangenheim, F. (2017). Managerial Insights on Menu-based Pricing of Services: The Effect of Tariff Customization on Consumer Perceptions, Behavior, and Revenues. 26th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, New York City, NY, USA, 22.06.2017–25.06.2017.
Schubach, S., Heß, N.J., & Schumann, J.H. (2017). Customer orientation in free online services and the commitment to the free business logic. 26th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, New York City, NY, USA, 22.06.2017–25.06.2017.
Selzer, V.L., Schumann, J.H., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., Komor, M., & Volz, J. (2017). Effective Coping Strategies for Stressed Frontline Employees in Service Occupations – Outcomes and Drivers. 26th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, New York City, NY, USA, 22.06.2017–25.06.2017.
Schubach, S., Schumann J.H., & Bleier, A. (2017). The Role Of Personalization And Position Effects In Paid Search Advertising. ISMS Marketing Science, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 07.06.2017–10.06.2017.
Lara-Quintanilla, M., Ates, Z., Duque, L. C., Schumann, J.H., & Büttgen, M. (2017). Online Health Information Search (OHIS): Patients’ Motivations, Information Search Behavior and Outcomes. QUIS 15 Conference Porto, Portugal. 12.06.2017–15.06.2017.
Treger, S., Büttgen, M., Schumann, J.H., & Ates Z. (2017). Outfighting the Dark Side of Customer Participation: Coping Support for Stressed Customers. QUIS 15 Conference Porto, Portugal. 12.06.2017–15.06.2017.
Schumann, J.H. (2016). Neue Ansätze zur Optimierung von Bietstrategien beim Suchmaschinenmarketing: Die Rolle des vergangenen Suchverhaltens der Nutzer. Workshop Food 2030, München, Germany, 01.12.2016.
Treger, S., Büttgen, M., Schumann, J.H., & Ates Z. (2016) Shedding Light on the Dark Side of Customer Participation: Investigating Customer Participation Stress. Frontiers in Service Conference, Bergen, Norway, 23.06.2016–26.06.2016.
Heß, N., Schumann J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2016). Personalized Advertising in Public Environments: Perceptions and Consequences. ISMS Marketing Science, Shanghai, China, 16.06.2016–18.06.2016.
Hüttel, B.A., Schumann, J.H., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., Komor, M., & Volz, J. (2016). The Influence Of Customer Characteristics On The Customer Need Knowledge Of Frontline Employees. ISMS Marketing Science, Shanghai, China, 16.06.2016–18.06.2016.
Moser, S. & Schumann, J.H. (2016). Service Mass Customization: How Assembling the Service Tariff Impacts Consumer Perceptions, Behavior and Firm Profits. ISMS Marketing Science, Shanghai, China, 16.06.2016–18.06.2016.
Schubach, S., Schumann J.H., & Bleier, A. (2016). Using Past Browsing Behavior to Improve Bidding Strategies in Search Engine Advertising. ISMS Marketing Science, Shanghai, China, 16.06.2016–18.06.2016.
Schubach, S., Schumann J.H., & Bleier, A. (2016). Being First isn't Always Best - Personalisierung im Suchmaschinenmarketing. 2. Passauer Digital-Marketing-Konferenz, Passau, Germany, 11.03.2016.
Selzer, V.L., Schumann, J.H., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., Volz, J., & Komor, M. (2016). Transformational Leadership, Role Conflict and the Moderating Role of Uncertainty Avoidance. Workshop Dienstleistungsmarketing, Hohenheim, Germany, 17.03.2016–19.03.2016.
Schumann, J.H. (2016). Der Einfluss von kostenfreien Angeboten auf die Konsumentenwahrnehmung ihrer nicht-monetären Wertbeiträge. 46. Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Marketing, Regensburg, Germany, 28.01.2016–29.01.2016.
Heß, N.J., & Schumann, J.H., Mende, M., & Scott, M.L. (2015). Minority Report at the Point of Sale? - Analyzing the Perceptions and Consequences of Personalized Advertising in Public Environments. Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Paderborn, Germany, 19.11.2015–21.11.2015.
Moser, S., Schumann, J.H., von Wangenheim, F., Uhrich, F., & Frank, F. (2015). Will Customers Continuously Pay More? The Effect of Competitive Market Position on Churn. Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Paderborn, Germany, 19.11.2015–21.11.2015.
Schubach, S., Schumann, J.H., & Bleier, A. (2015). Being First Isn't Always Best – How Past Onsite Browsing Behavior Influences a Firm’s Decision When To Bid in Search Engine Advertising. Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Paderborn, Germany, 19.11.2015–21.11.2015.
Selzer, V. L.. Schumann, J.H., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., Volz, J., & Komor, M. (2015). Transformational Leadership, Role Conflict, and the Moderating Role of Uncertainty Avoidance. Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Paderborn, Germany, 19.11.2015–21.11.2015.
Lachner, M., März, A., Schumann, J.H., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2015). “Push it real good?” – The impact of mobile push notifications on customers bidding behavior. Frontiers in Service Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, 09.07.2015–12.07.2015.
Leinsle, P., Totzek, D., & Schumann, J.H. (2015). Towards a Better Understanding of Customer Tariff Choice: Addressing Value-in-Exchange, Value-in-Use, and the Context of Value Creation. Frontiers in Service Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, 09.07.2015–12.07.2015.
Moser, S. & Schumann, J.H. (2015). Is There a Toolkit Pricing Bias? How Assembling the Service Tariff Impacts Consumer Perceptions and Intentions. Frontiers in Service Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, 09.07.2015–12.07.2015.
Schubach, S., Heß, N. J., & Schumann, J.H. (2015). Is a paying customer always better? The importance of customer orientation towards the “free” customer in two- or multi-sided markets. Frontiers in Service Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, 09.07.2015–12.07.2015.
Schubach, S., Heß, N. J., & Schumann, J.H. (2015). Customer orientation in multi-sided markets. Workshop Dienstleistungsmarketing 2015, Berlin, Germany, 27.02.2015–28.02.2015.
Nagel, C., & Schumann, J.H. (2014).The Social Side of Innovations - a dynamic social network analysis among innovative consumers. Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Passau, Germany, 20.11. 2014–22.11.2014.
Schubach, S., Heß, N. J., & Schumann, J.H. (2014). He who pays the piper calls the tune? – The importance of customer orientation towards “free” customers in two- or multi-sided markets. Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Passau, Germany, 20.11.2014–22.11.2014.
Anderl, E.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2013). A holistic view of the online customer journey. Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Zurich, Switzerland, 21.11.2013–23.11.2013.
Hüttel, B.A., Wagner, C. J., & Schumann, J.H. (2013). It's not all about benefits – cost perceptions as additional drivers of the zero-price effect. Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Zurich, Switzerland, 21.11.2013–23.11.2013.
März, A. & Schumann, J.H. (2013). Impact of characteristics attributed to mobile-generated consumer reviews on perceived helpfulness. Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Zurich, Switzerland, 21.11.2013–23.11.2013.
Anderl, E.M., Becker, I., v. Wangenheim, F., Schumann, J.H., & Graf, F. (2013). Analyzing the Customer Journey: Attribution Modeling for Online Marketing Exposures in a Multi-Channel Setting. Theory & Practice in Marketing (TPM) Conference, London, UK, 31.052013–01.06.2013.
Anderl, E.M., Becker, I., v. Wangenheim, F., Schumann, J.H., & Graf, F. (2013). Analyzing the Customer Journey: Attribution Modeling for Online Marketing Exposures in a Multi-Channel Setting. Innovative Approaches to Measuring Advertising Effectiveness Conference, Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 16.05.2013.
Block, J.H., De Vries, G., Sandner, P., & Schumann, J.H. (2012). Trademarks and Venture Capital Funding. International Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship, Mannheim, Germany, 04.10.2012–05.10.2012.
Schumann, J.H., Anderl, E.M., & März, A. (2012). There is No Free Lunch. Value Contributions of Non-Paying Customers. Frontiers in Service Conference, Bethesda, MD, USA, 14.06.2012–17.06.2012.
Klapdor, S., v. Wangenheim, F., & Schumann, J.H. (2012). How Exposure to Advertiser Communication Affects Conversion Rates of Online Shops. Informs Marketing Science Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 07.06.2012–09.06.2012.
Anderl, E.M. (2012). Analyzing the online customer journey: Online advertising effectiveness in a multi-channel setting. EMAC - Doctoral Colloquium, Lisbon, Portugal, 20.05.2012–22.05.2012.
Büttgen, M., Schumann, J.H., & Ates, Z. (2012). Service Locus of Control and Customer Co-Production Behavior: The Role of Prior Service Experiences and Organizational Socialization Activities. 42. Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Marketing im VHB, Ingolstadt, Germany, 26.01.2012–28.01.2012.
Lindner, H. & Anderl, E.M. (2011). General challenges and approaches to increase the efficiency of e-services - Practice Notes. XXI. International RESER Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 08.09.2011–10.09.2011.
Gröne, N., v. Wangenheim, F., & Schumann, J.H. (2011). Interest-Based Internet Advertising and Privacy Concerns – How to Increase the Acceptance of a Rising Marketing Phenomenon. XXI. International Reser Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 08.09.2011–10.09.2011.
Richter, A., Trifilova, A., & Schumann, J.H., (2011). From Real to Virtual – Tools to Support Global, Virtual Working. 6th International Innovation Lab Conference, London, UK, 08.07.2011.
Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., Schumann, J.H., & Volz, J. (2011). Frontline Employees’ Coping Strategies for Role Conflicts and their Impact on Customer Participation Behavior. QUIS 12 Conference, Ithaca, NY, USA, 02.06.2011–05.06.2011.
Volz, J., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., & Schumann, J.H. (2011). Frontline Employees' Coping Strategies for Role Conflicts and their Impact on Employees' Workperformance. 15. Dienstleistungsmanagement Workshop, Duisburg, Germany, 07.04.2011–09.04.2011.
Schumann, J.H., Nijssen, E., & Lentz, P. (2011). An Institutional Perspective on Cross-country Differences in Customer Participation Behavior. First Chinese-German Research Workshop on Innovation & Marketing Management, Shanghai, V.R. China, 13.03.2011–15.03.2011.
Schumann, J.H. & Wünderlich, N.V. (2010). Spill-Over Effects of Service Failures in Multi-Partner Loyalty Programs: Neglected Threat or Negligible Trifle?. Frontiers in Service Conference, Karlstad, Sweden, 10.06.2010–13.06.2010.
Schumann, J.H. & Wünderlich, N.V. (2010). Shared Gain, Shared Pain? Spillover Effects in Multi-Partner Loyalty Programs. 14. Dienstleistungsmanagement Workshop, Hagen, Germany, 22.04.2010–24.04.2010.
Schumann, J.H., v. Wangenheim, F., Stringfellow, A., Yang, Z., Blazevic, V., Praxmarer, S., Shainesh, G., Komor, M., Shannon, R. M., & Jimenez, F. R. (2009). Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Word-of-Mouth in Relational Service Exchange. 14th Cross-Cultural Research Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 13.12.2009–16.12.2009.
Schumann, J.H. (2009). Cross-Cultural Differences in Customers` Willingness to Co-Produce Professional Services: Insights from an 11 Country-Study. QUIS 11 Conference, Wolfsburg, Germany, 11.06.2009–14.06.2009.
Schumann, J.H., v. Wangenheim, F., Stringfellow, A., Praxmarer, S., Blazevic, V., Jimenez, F. R., Yang, Z., Shainesh, G., & Komor, M. (2008). Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effects of Word-of-Mouth in Relational Service Exchange: Empirical Evidence for the Moderating Role of Uncertainty Avoidance from an Eight Country Study. Frontiers in Services Conference, Washington D.C., WA, USA, 02.10.2008–05.10.2008.
Schumann, J.H. (2008). Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effects of Word-of-Mouth on Trust in Relational Service Exchange - Empirical Evidence for the Moderating Role of Uncertainty Avoidance. JIBS Paper Development Workshop, Milan, Italy, 30.06.2008.
Schumann, J.H. (2008). Cross-Cultural Differences in the Development of Trust in Service Providers - An Empirical Analysis in the Banking Context. AMS Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 16.01.2008–19.01.2008.
Schumann, J.H., v. Wangenheim, F., Yang, Z., Praxmarer, S., Jimenez, F.R., Komor, M., & Shainesh, G. (2007). Cross-Cultural Differences in the Development of Trust in Relational Service Exchange - An Empirical Analysis of Trust Building in High versus Low Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures. 4th Workshop on Trust within and between Organizations, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24.10.2007–26.10.2007.
Rothe, H.J., Metz, A.M., Böwe, H., & Schumann, J.H. (2003). Kundenzufriedenheit. Der Einfluss von Stabilität des Kontakts zwischen Unternehmensmitarbeitern und Kunden. Psychologie und Wirtschaft leben. 3. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Mannheim, Germany, 22.09.2003–24.09.2003.
Heß, N.J., Schubach, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2013). Stakeholder Theory as a Mean to Understand Customer Orientation in Two-sided Markets. Poster at Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Zurich, Switzerland, 21.11.2013–23.11.2013.
Golovko, D. & Schumann, J.H. (2013). Influence of Social Networking Sites on success and its leverage effect on marketing effectiveness. Poster at Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Zurich, Switzerland, 21.11.2013–23.11.2013.
Bongers, F.M. & Schumann, J.H. (2018). Business-to-Business E-Commerce from a Multi-Channel Perspective: A Qualitative Study on Motives and Sales Outcomes. Poster at EMAC Conference, Glasgow, UK, 29.05.2018–01.06.2018.
Golovko, D. & Schumann, J.H. (2015). Influence of Social Networking Sites on Recruiting Success. Poster at Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Paderborn, Germany, 19.11.2015–21.11.2015.
Nagel, C. & Schumann, J.H. (2015). The Role of Consumer Innovativeness in the Innovation Adoption and Post-Adoption. Poster at Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Paderborn, Germany, 19.11.2015–21.11.2015.
Selzer, V.L., Moser, S., & Schumann, J.H. (2015). How Value-Added Services Can Foster the Adoption of Product Innovations. Poster at Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Paderborn, Germany, 19.11.2015–21.11.2015.
Nagel, C. & Schumann, J.H. (2015). Identifying lead users by means of an ego-network approach: Network positions as a key indicator for innovativeness. Poster at XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Brighton, UK, 23.06.2014–28.06.2015.
Moser, S. & Schumann, J.H. (2014). Is There a Toolkit Pricing Bias? How Assembling the Service Tariff Impacts Consumer Perceptions and Intentions. Poster at Conference on Service and Technology Marketing, Passau, Germany, 20.11.2014–22.11.2014.
Kämpfe, B., Zimmermann, J., Dreisbusch, M., Grimm, A. L., Schumann, J. H., Naujoks, F., Keinath, A., & Krems, J. (2022). Preferences and Perceptions of Bidirectional Charging from a Customer’s Perspective–A Literature Review and Qualitative Approach. In: Liebl J. (Hrsg.), Electrified Mobility 2019 (177-191).
Winkler, C., Bongers, F. M., & Schumann, J. H. (2021). Kundenintegration und Individualisierung bei digitalen Dienstleistungsinnovationen. Entwicklung eines Methodenbaukastens und Strategietoolkits. In: Beverungen D., Schumann J. H., Stich V., Strina G. (Hrsg.), Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung (3-47). Springer Gabler.
Bidler, M., Steudner, T., Schumann, J. H., & Widjaja, T. (2020)Kundenwahrnehmungen und Kundenverhalten beim Bezahlen von digitalen Dienstleistungen mit personenbezogenen Daten. In: L. Specht-Riementschneider, N. Werry, & S. Werry (eds), Datenrecht in der Digitalisierung. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Bongers, F. M., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2019). Veränderungen in Märkten durch Digitalisierungsprozesse. In: Stich V., Schumann J. H., Beverungen D., Gudergan G., Jussen P. (Eds.), Digitale Dienstleistungsinnovationen – Smart Services agil und kundenorientiert entwickeln, 429-444. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg
Schubach S. & Schumann J. H. (2019). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) im Online- und Offline-Marketing-Mix von Unternehmen. In: Kollmann T. (eds) Handbuch Digitale Wirtschaft, Springer Reference Wirtschaft, 1-15. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Eggert, C. G., Winkler, C., & Schumann, J. H. (2019). Datenfreigabe als Grundlage für erfolgreiche Smart Services im Business-to-Business-Kontext: Herausforderungen und erste Lösungsansätze. In R. Obermaier (Ed.), Handbuch Industrie 4.0 und Digitale Transformation, 479-501. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Selzer, V. L., & Moser, S. (2017). Abbau kundenseitiger Barrieren gegenüber Elektromobilität durch das Angebot von Zusatzdienstleistungen. In: Forschungsinstitut für innovative Arbeitsgestaltung und Prävention e.V. (Eds.), Elektromobil durch die Zukunft - Zukunftsszenarien und neue Dienstleistungen für die Elektromobilität 2030. Gelsenkirchen.
Schubach, S., Garbas, J., & Schumann, J. H. (2017). Kundenbindung im digitalen Zeitalter. In: M. Bruhn, & C. Homburg (Eds.), Handbuch Kundenbindungsmanagement: Strategien und Instrumente für ein erfolgreiches CRM, (pp. 301-331). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Moser, S. & Schumann, J. H. (2016). Behavioral Pricing in Services. In: H. Corsten & S. Roth (Eds.), Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement (pp. 733-749). München: Vahlen.
Volz, J., Büttgen, M., Ates, Z., & Schumann, J. H. (2013). Der Einfluss von Rollenstress auf die Arbeitsleistung von Kundenkontaktmitarbeitern? Ein personenspezifisches Phänomen. In G. Schmitz (Ed.), Theorie und Praxis des Dienstleistungsmarketing: Aktuelle Konzepte und Entwicklungen (pp. 167–187). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Schumann, J. H., Betzler, D., Nusswald, M., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2010). Remote Services – Wege für den Export wissensintensiver Dienstleistungen. In H. Krcmar, T. Böhmann, & R. Sarkar (Eds.), Export und Internationalisierung wissensintensiver Dienstleistungen (pp. 77–105). Lohmar: Eul.
Schumann, J. H., Hammes, D., v. Wangenheim, F., & Steinbach, A. (2009). Lösungsansätze für Herausforderungen interkultureller Zusammenarbeit am Beispiel des Offshorings von IT-Dienstleistungen. In K. Zink (Ed.), Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung bei der Internationalisierung von industriellen Dienstleistungen (pp. 7–27). Heidelberg: Physika-Verlag.
v. Wangenheim, F., Holtbrügge, D., Holzmüller, H. H., Wünderlich, N. V., Schumann, J.H., & Schillo, K. (2008). Remote Services – Herausforderungen der Erbringung fernerbrachter Dienstleistungen. In I. Gatermann & M. Fleck (Eds.), Technologie und Dienstleistung: Innovationen in Forschung, Wissenschaft und Unternehmen (pp. 485–495). Frankfurt/Main: Campus.
Betzler, D., Schumann, J. H., Nusswald, M., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2007). Erfolgsfaktoren für das Kunden- und Personalmanagement bei ferngelenkten Dienstleistungen - Best Practices bei Hewlett-Packard. In D. Holtbrügge, H. H. Holzmüller, & F. v. Wangenheim (Eds.), Remote Services - Neue Formen der Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen (pp. 121–141). Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Hammes, D., Schumann, J. H., Steinbach, A., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2007). Interkulturelle Problemfelder beim Offshoring von IT-Dienstleistungen nach China und Indien sowie Lösungsansätze aus der Unternehmenspraxis. In D. Holtbrügge, H. H. Holzmüller, & F. v. Wangenheim (Eds.), Remote Services - Neue Formen der Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen (pp. 67–91). Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Wünderlich, N. V., Schumann, J. H., v. Wangenheim, F., & Holzmüller, H. H. (2007). Ferngesteuerte Dienstleistungen - betriebswirtschaftliche Spezifika, Terminologie und Herausforderungen für das Management. In D. Holtbrügge, H. H. Holzmüller, & F. v. Wangenheim (Eds.), Remote Services - Neue Formen der Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen (pp. 3–27). Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Rothe, H. J., Metz, A. M., Böwe, H., & Schumann, J. H. (2004). Kundenzufriedenheit - der Einfluss von Stabilität des Kontakts zwischen Unternehmensmitarbeitern und Kunden. In W. Bungard, B. Kopp, & C. Liebig (Eds.), Psychologie und Wirtschaft leben. Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschaftspsychologie in Forschung und Praxis (pp. 567–573). Munich: Hampp.
Beverungen, D., Schumann, J. H., Stich, V., & Strina. G. (Hrsg.) (2021). Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung. Band 2: Prozesse - Transformation - Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Beverungen, D., Schumann, J. H., Stich, V., & Strina, G. (Hrsg.). (2020). Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung. Band 1: Geschäftsmodelle - Methoden - Umsetzungsbeispiele. Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Stich, V., Schumann, J. H., Beverungen, D., Gudergan, G., & Jussen, P. (2019). Digitale Dienstleistungsinnovationen. Smart Services agil und kundenorientiert entwickeln. Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Schumann, J. H. (2009). The Impact of Culture on Relationship Marketing in International Services: A Target Group-Specific Analysis in the Context of Banking Services. Wiesbaden: Gabler.