Bachelor and Master Theses
The chair supervises bachelor and master theses in the field of development economics. Generally, all prerequisites according to the “Studienordnung” must be fulfilled. Before a bachelor thesis, the candidate should have visited a seminar at the chair as well as the course “Growth and Development”. Before a master thesis a specialized class and also a seminar should have been visited. Exceptions from these rules are possible, if expertise and motivation can be otherwise proven.
Interested students should reach out to a chair member or the chair holder as early as possible in order to discuss a topic and to ensure the effective planning of supervision capacities.
Ideally, the candidate brings some ideas and a short sketch, which describes research problem, method and approach as well as expected results. The sketch serves only as basis for discussion. It is also possible to connect bachelor or master thesis with a relevant internship. Empirical work is encouraged and will be respectively supported. The thesis can be written in English or German. Current projects running at the chair can be a source of inspiration. Under certain circumstances it is also possible so integrate students within the project or provide access to project data.
Topics for BA and MA theses in cooperation with Paris21
PARIS21 (Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century) is a global data partnership that supports the production and use of statistics for a better life, especially in poor countries and fragile states. PARIS21 is hosted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Prof. Dr. Johannes Jütting, Honorarprofessor an der Universität Passau und Executive Head von PARIS21, Honorary Professor at the University of Passau and Executive Head of PARIS21, offers the following topics for Master and Bachelor theses:
- Does more and better climate change data lead to more effective climate change adaptation policies and interventions at the national level?
- Have data-driven Voluntary National Reviews contributed to identifying climate change priorities and solutions at the country level?
- Is data openness leading to a greater use of data in national policies? – a cross regional analysis
- Are the global commitments (e.g., 2030 Agenda, Paris Agreement) driving the use of climate change data for policymaking at the national level?
- What are the results of signing multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) (e.g., Biodiversity, Desertification, Climate Change)? Is there evidence that signing MEAs has contributed to mobilising solutions on the ground, or MEAs only impose a reporting burden on countries?
- How can climate change data influence investments on climate adaptation projects in developing countries?
- How to measure and document the socioeconomic impacts of carbon credits in developing countries with a low carbon footprint?
- How can the private sector contribute and benefit from a broader use of climate change data for decision-making?
- How do civil society organizations contribute to the wider development, use and analysis of climate change data for national policymaking?
- To what extent and in which ways can better climate change information and data influence consumer/citizen behavior to drive demand-driven responses and reduce climate change impacts?
Complete List with further details
If you are interested in any of these topics, please write an e-mail to Prof. Dr. Johannes Jütting with a short note of motivation.
Research formerly done in bachelor and master theses
- Abundancia de Recursos Naturales - De qué Manera Impactan los Recursos Naturales en el Desarollo Económico de Argentina?
(Natürlicher Ressourcenreichtum - Wie wirken sich natürliche Ressourcen auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Argentiniens aus?) - Afrikas Zukunft durch Gleichstellung? Verbesserung der Lebensumstände von Mädchen und jungen Frauen durch Bildungsprogramme
- An analysis of the Chinese used car market
- An analysis of the effects of road construction projects on enterprise performance and employment in low and middle income countries
- An assessment of the effectiveness of community-based health insurance - A case study on Burkina Faso with cross-country comparisons.
- An Evaluation of the South Africa RDP Housing Projects
- Are Food-For-Education Programmes successful? Evaluating the Impact on Education, Nutrition and Local Demand in Developing Countries
- Are Industrial Clusters a Promosing Path towards Economic Growth in Africa?
- Assessing the Impact of Fairtrade Certification on the Income of Small-scale Coffee Producers and Laborers
- Ausländische Direktinvestitionen: Gefahr und Potential für den Wohlstand der Bevölkerung Nigerias
- Back to the Roots - Applying Crowdfunding in the Context of Development
- Beyond a technocentric view on ICTs: To what extent can technologies faciliate development?
- Bezahlbare und saubere Energie: Analyse der peruanischen Energiepolitik unter Berücksichtigung des Nachhaltigkeitsziels 7 der Vereinten Nationen
- Big Data for Human Capital Development
- Bildung für alle - Bildungspolitik in Sub-Sahara Afrika
- Binnenwanderung in Panama - Die Auswirkungen der Landflucht auf die urbanen und ruralen Regionen des zentralamerikanischen Staates
- Brain Drain - Brain Gain: An analysis of the effects of highly skilled labour migration on human capital
- Bridging the data gap - How non-traditional approaches can help makinf poverty visible
- Can natural disasters have a possible impact on firm performance and market structure?
- Can smart cities solve Africa's urban transportation problems?
- Can the augmented Solow model still explain China's growth? An empirical update to a cross-country panel data analysis
- Challenges to Pro-Poor Growth in Chile: The Role of natural resources
- Childhood poverty in Germany: A multidimensional poverty analysis in the capability perspective of 9-10 years old children
- China and the Green Revolution. A Forecast on the Renewable Energy market by 2050
- Chinas nationaler Emissionshandel - Welche Lektionen können aus dem EU-Emissionshandelssystem für Chinas Kohlenstoffpreis gezogen werden?
- Climate change and conflict
- Collective Action and the Role of Payment for Labour in Participatory Small-scale Irrigation Schemes
- Conflict & Poverty
- Analysis of Effects and A Presentation of Potential Post-Conflict Reconstruction Approaches "
- Cookstove programs in rural Africa: Evidence from evaluation studies
- Cooperation in the Nile River Basin - An analysis of the allocation of water resources in the Blue Nile
- Der bewaffnete Konflikt in Kolumbien. Auswirkungen auf die Volkswirtschaft und mögliche Stabilisierung durch das Friedensabkommen
- Der Einfluss von beruflicher Fortbildung und Beratung auf den Unternehmenserfolg von KMU im Entwicklungsländerkontext. Eine allgemeine Analyse sowie eine Fallstudie am Beispiel Ugandas.
- Der Einfluss wirtschaftspolitischer Eingriffe auf die steigende Einkommensungleichheit in China
- Der Export von Industriegütern als mögliche Entwicklungsstrategie für Subsahara-Afrika - Eine Analyse unter Berücksichtigung des Aufstiegs der asiatischen Tigerstaaten
- Determinanten des landwirtschaftlichen Drogenanbaus und entwicklungspolitische Implikationen
- Dezentralisierung als entwicklungspolitisches Instrument zur Armutsbekämpfung
- Did Sanctions Help Startups? - An Analysis of the Digital Startup Boom in Iran During the Period of Isolation between 2007 and 2016
- Die Auswirkungen chinesischer Entwicklungshilfen auf die Staatsverschuldung und die Bevölkerung Afrikas
- Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Ernährungssicherheit in Sub-Sahara Afrika. Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Republik Mali
- Die Auswirkungen von CCTs auf den Bildungserfolg von Kindern und jungen Erwachsenen am Beispiel Mexikos
- Die Auswirkungen von Viehzucht auf den Klimawandel. Eine Analyse am Beispiel Südamerikas.
- Die Bedeutung der Kastenzugehörigkeit für den sozio-ökonomischen Status vor und nach der wirtschaftlichen Liberalisierung in Indien. Eine empirische Untersuchung.
- Die Determinanten des Stromnetzausbaus in Brasilien und deren wirtschaftliche und soziale Konsequenzen
- Die Entwicklung Äthiopiens durch ausländische Direktinvestitionen
- Die Entwicklung des Internets und die daraus resultierenden Folgen für Unternehmen aus Ländern mit niedrigem Einkommen: Aufholfaktor oder Bremse?
- Die Frage nach dem Sinn - lassen sich Mega-Events durch den Happiness-Effekt rechtfertigen?
- Die Gemeinwohlökonomie als lösungsorientiertes Wirtschaftskonzept - Kann eine differenzierte Mehrwertsteuer bestimmten Arten des Marktversagens effektiv begegnen?
- Die mexikanische Banco Compartamos zwischen verantwortungsvoller Praxis und gewinnmaximierendem Verhalten - Eine Untersuchung der Double Bottom Line
- Die sozioökonomischen Konsequenzen des Anbaus von Ölpalmen am Beispiel Indonesiens
- Diet patterns to ensure global sustainable nutrition and its economic challenges
- Digitale Technologien als Loesungsansatz fuer Probleme in der Agrarwirtschaft in Entwicklungslaendern
- Digitalisation in the agricultural sector in developing countries
- Do payments for Ecosystem Services ensure environmental sustainability?
- Does Foreign Direct Investment spur Structural Change? Evidence from Resource-Rich and Resource-Poor Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Does income inequality promote political instability?
- Does Islam restrain economic growth? An economic and historical literature review.
- Does mobile money empower women? Using the example of women living in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa
- Drivers of Migration - Evidence from Rural Senegal
- Drogen, Gewalt und ökonomische Entwicklung in Kolumbien - eine kritische Betrachtung des Plan Colombias
- Dürreversicherungen als Instrument eines effizienten Klimarisikomanagements in Subsahara Afrika - Das Versicherungsmodell der African Risk Capacity
- Economic costs and benefits of deworming programs
- Economic Implications of Forced Solidarity in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Eine Abschätzung der ökonomischen und sozialen Wirkungen deutscher Entwicklungshilfe in Indien
- Eine ökonomische Analyse der sino-kenianischen Beziehungen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts mit Fokus auf das SGR Eisenbahnprojekt
- Eine Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Initiativen zur Reduzierung der Geschlechterungleichheit auf die Position von Frauen im häuslichen Kontext in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen
- Energy Surplus and Economic Growth: The Contribution of Energy to Development
- Equity investments in the SME sector in developing countries - a promising strategy in the future?
- Ernährungsübergang mit Folgen: Die Kosten billiger Kalorien - Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel Mexikos
- Exporter's performance in developing countries: Evidence from the garment sector
- Fair Trade und das nationale Programm für nachhaltigen Konsum des Bundesumweltministeriums - Der Beitrag von Fairtrade-Produkten zur Realisierung eines nachhaltigen Konsums.
- Female Empowerment and its Linkage to Economic Development - A Literature Review with Focus on Brazil
- Financial Literacy spill over from Mobile Money to traditional banks
- Gender Inequality in Land Rights as Obstacle to Development - Implications for Latin American Countries
- Go vegan vs. Turning off the light bulb: a cost-benefit comparison of popular Green Nudges
- Holzkohle südlich der Sahara: Systeme für Nachhaltigkeit im Vergleich
- How can Aedes aegypti be combated? A review of dengue vector control programs
- How could FinTech start-ups change the performance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa?
- How do alliances influence the distribution and effectiveness of foreign aid?
- How does the impact of microcredit differ with provider characteristics? A literature review based on the experience in Bangladesh with a special focus on gender differences
- How poverty depletes cognitive abilities. Theoretical considerations and evidence from lab and field experiments
- Inequality of opportunity in education. An empirical investigation for the case of Mexico
- Intra-Household Bargaining - Decisions regarding microfinance in Pakistani households
- Inwieweit werden Fertilitätsentscheidungen durch Risikomanagement beeinflusst?
- Is Fair Trade Sustainable? Theoretical Analysis and Assessment of Common Practice
- Is Index-based crop insurance a viable instrument for smallholders to cope with climate change-induced weather risks? A review of the recent evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
- Is the Slow Structural Economic Transformation Holding back Africa's Demographic Transition?
- Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Ghana - Dynamik, Maßnahmen und Aussichten
- Konvergenz durch Europäische Integration - Wurden die Erwartungen an den wirtschaftlichen Catch-Up Prozess erfüllt?
- Linking culture and development. A case study on the potential of Uganda's cultural heritage as an asset for socio-economic development
- Lives of the poor under risk - Is microinsurance a suitable tool to cope with risk exposure?
- Low Female Employment: Is Education the Answer?
- Migration, Remittances and Welfare - An Analysis of the Economic Impacts of Migrant Remittances on Welfare in Developing Countries: Evidence from Ghana and India
- Mikrokredite in Entwicklungsländern - Hat die Mikrokreditvergabe positiven Einfluss auf die Gesundheit der Empfängerhaushalte?
- Nach dem Scheitern des MERCOSUR: Welche Entwicklungsperspektiven bietet die ökonomische Integration in Lateinamerika?
- Ökonomische Herausforderungen von kleinen, jungen Ländern am Beispiel des Kosovo.
- Organic Agriculture - The challenges of certification and options for smallholders
- Quantitative and structural effects of microcredit on female entrepreneurship
- Reasons and macroeconomic consequences of within-country inequalities in immunization coverage in low- and middle-income countries
- Reducing multi-level inequality in South Africa: The example of gender, HIV and economic status
- Remittances and Democratization
- Rentabilitätsbetrachtung der Integration von Geflüchteten in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt - Modellrechnung für die Region Passau und Skalierung auf Gesamtdeutschland
- Resource revenue transfers: A possibility for developing countries to escape the resource curse
- Revisiting the behavioural bias hypothesis. Can forced solidarity explain the investment behaviour of Kenyan farmers? A replication study of Duflo, Kremer and Robinson (2011)
- Rural Electrification in Sub-Saharan Africa - Chances and Limitations of Off-Grid Solar Systems as Contributors to Economic Development
- Sind Genossenschaften geeignet, die landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung zu fördern? Eine Analyse am Beispiel Äthiopien
- Social cost of homicide and emprisonment. Evaluation of the gang truce in El Salvador.
- Social Policy diffusion: Evidence from conditional cash transfer programs in Latin America
- Sport as a development tool
- Stall in Fertility Decline in Southern African Countries: regional analysis of patterns and determinants
- Sustainable agricultural practices in Sub-Saharan Africa and their impact on the rural poor
- The Adoption of Recent Technologies and Innovations in the Bioeconomy - An Analysis of Socio-Economic Factors and Impacts on Farmers in Developing Countries
- The advantages and disadvantages of a privatized water sector: Theoretical thoughts and empirical evidence from Argentina
- The Bolsa Família program - a sustainable instrument for the reduction of intergenerational poverty?
- The correlation between deforestation and population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
- The effectiveness of supply-side educational interventions - Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
- The effects of entrepreneurship training on female empowerment
- The effects of European budget support in Sub-Sahara-Africa
- The Entry of Fairtrade Products into the Mainstream US American Market
- The Failure of the War on Drugs - an Evaluation of Plan Colombia
- The Financialization of Commodity Markets. Has excessive speculation driven prices?
- The impact of land rights on households' agricultural investments and poverty reduction - Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
- The impact of money transfer services on small and medium enterprises in developing countries
- The Impacts of the Brain Drain from the Perspective of the Sending Countries: Can High-skilled Emigration be beneficial?
- The Socio-Economic Impact of Civil War: A Case Study for Uganda
- Toward a framework for collecting, sharing and protecting big data for healthcare purposes in low-income countries
- Understanding the skills mismatch - An analysis of the education system and labor market in Egypt and how both fit together
- Urban Mining - ungenutztes Potenzial oder globales Problem? Eine Betrachtung des afrikanischen Marktes für Elektroschrott-Recycling
- Value beyond Value Chains: Optimizing public-private partnerships for sectoral transformation - A case study of the coffee sector in Peru
- Vorzeitige Deindustrialisierung: Tunesiens Weg in die Falle des mittleren Einkommens. Eine ökonomische Analyse
- Vote Buying in Social Policies: Evidence from latin America
- Wachstumsimplikationen marktwirtschaftlicher Finanzsysteme - Eine Analyse der transformationsländer Südosteuropas
- Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Nachfrage nach indexbasierten Agrarversicherungen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern?
- Welche Wirkungen hat die Nutzung mobiler Informationstechnologien auf die landwirtschaftliche produktion in Entwicklungsländern?
- Welchen Einfluss hat Korruption auf den informellen Sektor in Sub-Sahara Afrika?
- Weltproblem Gesundheitsversorgung - Eine Evaluierung staatlicher Reformen am Beispiel des kenianischen Gesundheitssystems
- What are the determinants of success for Capacity Development in data and statistics? Insights from two case studies
- What are the key drivers of mobile money adaption? Case studies from Sub-Saharan Africa.
- When a loan costs you more than just money - microfinance and debt traps: Evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India
- Where radicalism can thrive; about the determinants of terrorism and the implications for counterterrorism strategies - an economic analysis
- Wie effizient werden die finanziellen Resourcen im Kampf gegen die HIV/AIDS-Epidemie in Swasiland eingesetzt?
- Yet another Results-Based Instrument? An Analysis of Impact Bonds and their Potential for Development Cooperation
- Adoption of sustainable agriculture practices: Evidence from Indonesia
- Agrobiodiversity and Dietary Quality: a longitudinal analysis of Indonesia
- Agrobiodiversity and Food Security - an analysis of on-farm diversity's effects on dietary diversity in Uganda
- An Analysis of the Effects of Access-to-Energy Interventions on Enterprise Performance in Low and Middle Income Countries
- An Assessment of the Impact of SME Policy on Youth Unemployment in Kenya
- An Assessment of the Indirect Effects of Micro-Health Insurance: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Pakistan
- An empirical analysis to intra-family transfers in Burkina Faso
- An evaluation of alternative strategies to increase renewable energy in Mongolia
- An Impact Evaluation of the Municipal Development Initiative in Tunisia
- Are returns to capital really high? The role of non-classical measurement error and specification issues
- Bildung und Fertilität von Frauen in Entwicklungsländern - Einfluss und Wirkungskanäle von Bildung auf den Kinderwuensch und die Geburtenzahlen
- Bolsa Familia and the impacts on the labour market
- Can education loans increase educational attainment? Evidence from Uganda
- Centrality in Social Networks and its Influence on Technology Adoption
- Challenges and Opportunities of Using Facebook Data in SDG tracking
- Conflict Intensity and Development Aid - A case study of Iraq
- Determinants of agricultural technology adoption in the 19th and early 20th century in the United States of America
- Determinants of Trust and the Role of Inequality
- Do Conditional Cash Transfers Affect Firm Informality and Productivity? Empirical Evidence from Peru
- Do Indonesian consumers value organic rice & Evidence from a willingness-to-pay experiment with randomized pricing
- Do mobile-enabled services/ICTs enhance development for poor people? Insights and evidence from the literature
- Do SBFIC’s Farmers Business Games Improve Farmers’ Business Performance – A Framework for Evaluation adapted to the East African context
- Do social protection programmes enhance social capital? Quasi-experimental evidence from Malawi
- Does Cash Cropping Reduce Household's Food Security? Evidence from Smallholder Cashew Cultivation in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana
- Does inequality cause crime? An empirical analysis of the relationship between inequality and crime in South Africa
- Does microfinance help households to copewith natural disasters? A systematic review of the literature with a special focus on Bangladesh
- Energy poverty in rural Burkina Faso
- Exporters and Wage Inequality - Evidence from German Matched Employer-Employee Data
- Health care in Burkina Faso: A gender perspective
- How does bike sharing systems expand and contribute to development? The economic and environmental evidence from Taiwan.
- Human Capital Accumulation in Vietnam: Evidence from Universal Primary Education Policy
- Indien und Chinas Belt&Road Initiative. Ökonomische Gründe für Indiens Zurückhaltung bei dem Megaprojekt
- Inequalities in healthcare and health outcomes - a consequence of discriminatory public expenses? Empirical evidence from Myanmar
- Institutions and Development in a Historical Perspective - The Case of Mexico
- Interstate Road Network Expansion and Economic Development: Empirical Evidence from India
- Local firm performances, civil conflict and political participation. Evidence from Africa.
- Measuring the Effects of Social Support Programmes in Malawi - An Empirical Assessment
- Mid-term Impacts of 2010 Haiti Earthquake on Child Nutrition
- On the sustainability of agricultural development aid - a review
- Performance-Based Financing, intrinsic motivation and spill-over effects: Evidence from the Rwandan health sector
- Public-Private Partnerships im Erneuerbare Energien-Sektor Ostafrikas - Voraussetzungen und Potenziale für die Region
- Regional state capacity and economic performance in Colombia
- Targeting Effectiveness of Social transfers: Evidence from Malawi
- The downside of development - how higher income affects nutrition: empty calorie consumption and potential health impacts - the case of Mexico
- The Effect of Government Spending on Inequity Dynamics in Latin America. Does Ideology play a role?
- The effects of parental education on children's health - Evidence from Malawi
- The effects of secondhand smoke exposure on child development in the short and long run: Evidence from Indonesia
- The Efficiacy of Conditions: A Comparative Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cash Transfer Programs
- The impact of conflict and violence on the performance of agricultural and non-agricultural firms. A review of the evidence
- The impact of education on unemployment incidence and re-employment success: Evidence from the South African labor market
- The Impact of Microcredit in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A replication Study and Extensions
- The impact of unconditional cash transfers. A replication study based on experiment data from Kenya.
- The Importance of Context Specific Cost-Benefit-Analysis. A Comparism between Large Scale Electrification Projects in Rwanda and Bhutan
- The Political Economy of Evidence-Based Policy-Making
- The Role of Financial Support for the Development of the Marine Economy in China's Coastal Cities - an Empirical Analysis based on Panel Data of 30 Coastal Cities
- What is the potential of ICT for development to measure education in low income countries?
- When Lightning Strikes - What is the Willingness-to-Pay for Improved Electricity Infrastructure of Micro- and Small Enterprises in Tanzania?
- Why Don't the Poor Save More? A Replication Study of Health Savings Field Experiments in Kenya
- Will Trade Openness Lead to Economic Development in Afghanistan?