Prof. Dr. Michael Grimm
International peer reviewed journals
M. Grimm, N. Luck, A. Bihrajihant Raya and U. Sawhney (2024), Small-scale farmers’ willingness to pay for information: A comparison of individual purchase decisions with contributions to a club good. IZA Discussion Paper No. 17472.
M. Fritz, M. Grimm, I. Weber, E. Yom-Tov and B. Praditya (2024), Can social media encourage diabetes self-screenings? A randomized controlled trial with Indonesian Facebook users. Nature - Digital Medicine, 7, 245.
M. Grimm, S. Soubeiga and M. Weber (2024), Supporting small firms in a fragile context: Comparing matching and cash grants in Burkina Faso. Journal of Development Economics, 171, 103344.
A summary of the above paper has been published by VoxDev: “Why more flexible grants worked better for small firms in Burkina Faso.”
N. Büttner, M. Grimm, I. Günther, K. Harttgen and S. Klasen (2024), The fertility transition in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of structural change. Demography. 61 (5): 1585–1611.
M. Fritz, M. Grimm, H.T. My Hanh et al. (2024), Effectiveness of community-based diabetes and hypertension prevention and management programmes in Indonesia and Viet Nam: a quasi-experimental study. BMJ Global Health; 9:e015053.
M. Goedhuys, M. Grimm, E. Nillesen, A.-K. Reitmann and A. Meysonnat (2024), Measuring Youth Empowerment: An Application to Tunisia. Journal of International Development, 36(4): 1945–1964.
M. Grimm, N. Luck and F. Steinhübel (2023), Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for organic rice. Insights from a non-hypothetical experiment in Indonesia. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 67 (1): 83-103.
M. Grimm and N. Luck (2023), Experimenting with a green ‘Green Revolution’. Evidence from a randomised controlled trial in Indonesia, Ecological Economics, 205.
An earlier version of the paper has been circulated with the title “Can training enhance adoption, knowledge and perception of organic farming practices? Evidence from a randomized experiment in Indonesia” as an IZA Discussion Paper.
M. Grimm, I. Günther, K. Harttgen and S. Klasen (2022), Slowdowns of fertility decline: When should we call it a ‘fertility stall’? Demographic Research, 46: 737-766.
M. Grimm and R. Hartwig (2022), All Eyes on the Price: An Assessment of the Willingness-to-Pay for Eyeglasses in Rural Burkina Faso. Health Economics, 31 (7): 1347-1367.
N. Büttner, M. Grimm and S. Soubeiga (2022), Political instability and households’ investment behavior: Evidence from Burkina Faso. Journal of Comparative Economics, 50 (2), 350-368.
M. Fritz, Grimm, M., Keilbart, P., Laksmana, D.D., Luck, N., Padmanabhan, M., Subandi, N. & Tamtomo, K. (2021), Turning Indonesia Organic: Insights from Transdisciplinary Research on the Challenges of a Societal Transformation. Sustainability, 13 (23), 13011.
M. Grimm, R. Hartwig, A.-K. Reitmann and F.Y. Bocoum (2021), Inter-household transfers: An empirical investigation of the income-transfer relationship with novel data from Burkina Faso. World Development, 144.
K. Grabrucker und M. Grimm (2021), Is there a rainbow after the rain? How do agricultural shocks affect non-farm enterprises? Evidence from Thailand. American Journal of Agricultural Economics,103 (5): 1612-1636.
M. Grimm (2021), Rainfall risk, fertility and development: Evidence from farm settlements during the American demographic transition. Journal of Economic Geography, 21 (4): 593–618.
(The last version is available here. Earlier versions are available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 10351 (Bonn, IZA) and Ruhr Economic Papers #718 (RWI - Leibniz)).
E. Nillesen, M. Grimm, M. Goedhuys, A.-K. Reitmann and A. Meysonnat (2021), On the Malleability of Gender Attitudes: Evidence from Implicit and Explicit Measures in Tunisia. World Development, 138.
An earlier version of this article has been circulated with the title On the Malleability of Implicit Attitudes Towards Women Empowerment: Evidence from Tunisia as IZA Discussion Paper No. 12471.
A.-K. Reitmann, M. Goedhuys, M. Grimm, E. Nillesen (2020), Gender attitudes in the Arab region – the role of framing and priming effects. Journal of Economic Psychology, 80: 1-18.
M. Grimm, L. Lenz, J. Peters and M. Sievert (2020), Demand for off-grid solar electricity – Experimental evidence from Rwanda. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 7 (3): 417-454. (An earlier version is available as EFD Discussion Paper 17-15, Washington D.C.).
F. Bocoum, M. Grimm, R. Hartwig, N. Zongo (2019), Can information increase the understanding and uptake of insurance? Lessons from a randomized experiment in rural Burkina Faso. Social Science and Medicine, 220: 102-111.
(An earlier version is available as IZA Working Paper No. 10744).
G. Bensch, M. Grimm, M. Huppertz, J. Langbein and J. Peters (2018), Are Promotion Programs Needed to Establish Off-Grid Solar Energy Markets? Evidence from Rural Burkina Faso. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 90: 1060-1068.
F. Bocoum, M. Grimm, R. Hartwig (2018) The Health Care Burden in Rural Burkina Faso: Consequences and Implications for Insurance Design. Social Science and Medicine - Population Health, 6: 309-316.
E. Gehrke and M. Grimm (2018), Do cows have negative returns? The evidence revisited. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 66 (4): 673 - 707.
(An earlier version is available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 8525).
K. Grabrucker and M. Grimm (2018), Does crime deter South Africans from self-employment?Journal of Comparative Economics, 46 (2): 413-435.
(An earlier version is available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 10280)
A. Pallegedara and M. Grimm (2017), Demand for private healthcare in a universal public healthcare system: empirical evidence from Sri Lanka. Health Policy and Planning: 32 (9): 1267-1284.
M. Grimm, A. Munyehirwe, J. Peters, and M. Sievert (2017), A First Step up the Energy Ladder? Households’ benefits from low cost solar kits in rural Rwanda. World Bank Economic Review, 31 (3): 631-649.
(also available as World Bank Policy Research Working Paper).
M. Grimm, R. Hartwig and J. Lay (2017), Does forced solidarity hamper investment in small and micro enterprises?Journal of Comparative Economics, 45 (4): 827-846.
M. Grimm and C. Treibich (2016), Why some motorbike riders wear a helmet and others don't? Evidence from Delhi, India. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 88: 318-336.
M. Grimm and J. Peters (2015), Beer, Wood and Welfare - The Impact of improved Stove Use among Dolo Beer Breweries. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0132603.
M. Grimm, R. Sparrow and L. Tasciotti (2015), Does electrification spur the fertility transition? Evidence from Indonesia. Demography, 52(5): 1773-1796.
G. Bensch, M. Grimm and J. Peters (2015), Why do households forego high returns from technology adoption? Evidence from improved cooking stoves in Burkina Faso. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 116: 187-205.
M. Dodlova, K. Göbel, M. Grimm and J. Lay (2015), Constrained firms, not subsistence activities: Evidence on capital returns and accumulation in Peruvian microenterprises.Labour Economics, 33: 94-110.
M. Grimm and S. Klasen (2015), Migration pressure, tenure security and agricultural intensification. Evidence from Indonesia. Land Economics, 91(3): 411 - 434.
(An earlier version of the paper was circulated under the title: Endogenous Institutional Change and Economic Development: A Micro-Level Analysis of Transmission Channels).
M. Grimm and A.L. Paffhausen (2015), Do Interventions Targeted at Micro-Entrepreneurs and Small and Medium-Sized Firms Create Jobs? A Systematic Review of the Evidence for Low and Middle Income Countries. Labour Economics, 33:94 - 110.
J. Vaillant, M. Grimm, J. Lay and F. Rouboud (2014), Informal sector dynamics in times of fragile growth: The case of Madagascar. European Journal of Development Research. 26 (4), 437-455.
I. Bonfrer, E. van de Poel, M. Grimm and E. van Doorslaer (2014), Does the distribution of health care utilization match needs in Africa? Health Policy and Planning, 29 (7): 921 - 937.
M. Grimm, R. Hartwig and J. Lay (2013), Electricity Access and the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises: Evidence from West Africa, European Journal of DevelopmentResearch, 25, 815-829.
M. Grimm, F. Gubert, O. Koriko, J. Lay and C.J. Nordman (2013), Kinship-ties and entrepreneurship in Western African. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 26(2): 125-150.
M. Grimm and C. Treibich (2013), Determinants of Road Traffic Crash Fatalities across Indian States. Health Economics, 22(8): 915-930.
M. Grimm, P. Knorringa and J. Lay (2012) Constrained Gazelles: High Potentials in West Africa's Informal Economy. World Development, 40 (7): 1352-1368.
R. Hartwig and M. Grimm (2012), An Assessment of the Effects of the 2002 Food Crisis on Children’s Health in Malawi. Journal of African Economies, 21 (1): 124-165.
D. Herzer and M. Grimm (2012), Does foreign aid increase private investment? Evidence from panel cointegration. Applied Economics, 44 (20): 2537-2550.
M. Grimm (2011), Does inequality in health impede economic growth? Oxford Economic Papers, 63: 448-474.
M. Grimm (2011), Does Household Income Matter for Children's Schooling? Evidence for Rural Sub-Saharan Africa. Economics of Education Review 30 (4): 740-754.
M. Grimm, J. Krüger and J. Lay (2011), Barriers to entry and returns to capital in informal activities: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Review of Income and Wealth, 57: S27-S53.
J. Gräb and M. Grimm (2011), Inequality in Burkina Faso - To what extent do household, community and regional factors matter? Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 174 (3): 759-784.
M. Grimm (2010), Mortality shocks and survivors’ consumption growth. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 72 (2): 146-171.
M. Grimm, K. Harttgen, M. Misselhorn, S. Klasen T. Munzi and T. Smeeding (2010), Inequality in Human Development: An empirical assessment of 32 countries, Social Indicators Research, 97(2): 191-211.
M. Grimm, K. Harttgen, S. Klasen and M. Misselhorn (2008), A Human Development Index by Income Groups. World Development, 36 (12): 2527-2546.
D. Cogneau and M. Grimm (2008), The impact of AIDS mortality on the distribution of income in Côte d’Ivoire. Journal of African Economies, 17 (5): 688-728.
M. Grimm and K. Harttgen (2008), Longer Life. Higher Welfare?Oxford Economic Papers, 60 (2): 193-211.
D. Cogneau and M. Grimm (2007), The measurement of income distribution dynamics when demographics are correlated with income. Review of Income and Wealth, 53 (2): 246-274.
M. Grimm (2007), Removing the anonymity axiom in assessing pro-poor growth. Journal of Economic Inequality, 5 (2): 179-197.
M. Grimm and I. Günther (2007), Growth and Poverty in Burkina Faso. A Reassessment of the Paradox.Journal of African Economies, 16: 70-101.
I. Günther and M. Grimm (2007), Measuring pro-poor growth when relative prices shift, Journal of Development Economics, 82 (1): 245-256.
D. Cogneau and M. Grimm (2006), Socio-economic status, sexual behavior, and differential AIDS mortality. Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire. Population Research and Policy Review, 25 (4): 393-407.
M. Grimm (2005), Educational policies and poverty reduction in Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of Policy Modeling, 27: 231-247.
M. Grimm (2003), Family and economic growth: A review.Mathematical Population Studies, 10 (3): 145-173.
M. Grimm, C. Guénard and S. Mesplé-Somps (2002), What has happened to the urban population in Côte d'Ivoire since the eighties? An analysis of monetary poverty and deprivation over 15 years of household data. World Development, 30 (6): 1073-1095.
M. Grimm and N. Bonneuil (2001), Labour market participation of French women over the life cycle, 1935 to 1990. European Journal of Population, 17 (3): 235-260.
Working papers, work in progress, submitted articles
M. Grimm, N. Luck, A. Bihrajihant Raya and U. Sawhney (2024), Small-scale farmers’ willingness to pay for information: A comparison of individual purchase decisions with contributions to a club good. Work in progress.
M. Grimm and N. Luck (2024), Measuring the welfare and environmental benefits of the adoption of sustainable farming practices: Evidence from a randomized field experiment in Indonesia. Work in progress.
J. Aker, J. Awonon, M. Grimm, C. Petrik and O. Wirth (2024), Uptake of mobile money: Evidence from a two-sided market intervention in Niger. Work in progress.
M. Grimm, N. Luck, A. Bihrajihant Raya and U. Sawhney (2024), Large scale pilot of low-cost soil tests to promote soil health management practices among smallholder farmers in Indonesia. Work in progress.
S. Aju, M. van den Berg, E. Bulte, M. Grimm, N. Louwaars, and E. ter Steeg (2024), Judging a book by its cover/ what you see is what you get: an experiment about information asymmetry and trustworthiness on the Nigerian tomato seed market. Work in progress.
S. Bauernschuster, M. Grimm, C.M. Hajo (2023), The Impact of Margaret Sanger's Birth Control Clinics on Early 20th Century U.S. Fertility and Mortality, IZA Discussion Paper No. 16118. R&R American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
M. Dodlova, M. Escobar and M. Grimm (2021), The Effects of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake on Children's Nutrition and Education, IZA Discussion Paper No. 16195. Submitted.
Book chapters
K. Grabrucker, M. Grimm and F. Roubaud (2018), The informal sector in sub-Saharan Africa: A comparative perspective. In F. Fourie, The South African informal sector: Creating jobs, reducing poverty, HSRC Press.
M. Grimm, C. Wetta and N. Nikiema (2016), Burkina Faso: Shipping around the Malthusian trap. In C. Arndt, A. McKay and F. Tarp (eds.), Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (A previous version was published as WIDER Working Paper 2014-124, UNU-WIDER, Helsinki)
M. Grimm, F. Gubert, O. Koriko, J. Lay and C.J. Nordman (2015), Does forced Solidarity Hamper Entrepreneurial Activity? Evidence from Seven West-African Countries, in J.-P. Cling, S. Lagrée, M. Razafindrakoto and F. Rouboud (eds.), The Informal Economy in Developing Countries, Routledge Books, London
M. Grimm (2014), Human Development Inequality. In: Michalos A.C. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp. 3013-3019), Dordrecht: Springer.
M. Grimm, F. Gubert, O. Koriko, J. Lay and C.J. Nordman (2012), La solidarité force bride-t-elle l’activité des micro-entrepreneurs? Une analyse à partir de données oust-africaines. In J.-P. Cling, S. Lagrée, M. Razafindrakoto and F. Roubaudd (eds.). Agence Francaise de Developpement.
S. Klasen, H. Faust, M. Grimm and S. Schwarze (2009), Demography, development and deforestation at the rainforest margin in Indonesia, T. Tschartnke, C. Leuschner, E. Veldkamp, H. Faust, E. Guhardja and A. Bidin (eds.), Tropical rainforests and agroforests under global change, Berlin: Springer.
M. Grimm and I. Günther (2007), Pro-Poor Growth in Burkina Faso. The role of price shocks, In M. Grimm, A. McKay and S. Klasen (Eds.), Determinants of Pro-Poor Growth: Analytical Issues and Findings from Country Cases (pp. 135-163). London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
M. Grimm and S. Klasen (2007), Findings and Challenges in the Measurement and Analysis of Pro-Poor Growth. In M. Grimm, A. McKay and S. Klasen, Determinants of Pro-Poor Growth: Analytical Issues and Findings from Country Cases (pp. 1-19), London: Palgrave Macmillan.
M. Grimm (2006), Integrating issues of income mobility in the analysis of pro-poor growth. In L. Menkhoff (Eds.), Pro Poor Growth. Policies and Evidence (pp. 51-73), Schriftenreihe des Vereins für Socialpolitik. Berlin: Duncker and Humblot.
M. Grimm (2006), The medium and long-term effects of an expansion of education on poverty in Côte d’Ivoire: A dynamic micro-simulation study. In M. McGillivray and M. Clarke (Eds.), Understanding Human Well-Being, Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
M. Grimm and I. Günther (2006), Inter- and intra-household linkages between the informal and formal sector. A case study for urban Burkina Faso. In B. Guha-Khasnobis and R. Kanbur (Eds.), Informal Labor Markets and Development (pp. 155-179), London: Palgrave Macmillan.
P.-R. Agénor, D. Chen and M. Grimm (2004), Linking representative household models with household surveys for poverty analysis. A comparison of alternative methodologies. In P.-R. Agénor, A. Izquierdo and H.T. Jensen (Eds.), Adjustment Policies, Poverty and Unemployment: The IMMPA Framework, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
M. Grimm (2004), A decomposition of inequality and poverty changes in the context of macroeconomic adjustment: A microsimulation study for Côte d’Ivoire. In A.F. Shorrocks and R. van der Hoeven (Eds.), Growth, Inequality and Poverty. Prospects for Pro-Poor Economic Development (pp. 197-221), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
D. Cogneau, M. Grimm and A.-S. Robilliard (2003), Evaluating poverty reduction policies — The contribution of micro-simulation techniques. In J.-P. Cling, M. Razafindrakato and F. Roubaud (Eds.),New International Poverty Reduction Strategies (pp. 340-370), London: Routledge Books.
In French published as:
D. Cogneau, M. Grimm and A.-S. Robilliard (2003), L’évaluation des politiques de lutte contre la pauvreté — L’apport des techniques de micro-simulation. In J.-P. Cling, M. Razafindrakato and F. Roubaud (Eds.), Les Nouvelles Stratégies Internationales de Lutte contre la Pauvreté (pp. 383-418), 2nd Edition, Paris: Economica.
Book reviews
M. Grimm (2010), A Review of ‘Poverty Dynamics – Interdisciplinary Perspectives’ edited by T. Addison, D. Hulme and R. Kanbur. Journal of Economic Inequality, 8 (4): 527-530.
M. Grimm (2006), A Review of ‘The Microeconomics of Income Distribution Dynamics in East Asia and Latin America’ edited by F. Bourguignon, F.H.G. Ferreira and N. Lustig, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 54 (3): 754-758.
Edited books
M. Grimm and I. Günther (2020), Economics of Gender Inequality. A Collection of Stephan Klasen's Work in Honor of his Academic Life. Vdf Hochschulverlag, ETH Zürich.
M. Grimm, A. McKay and S. Klasen (2007),Determinants of Pro-Poor Growth: Analytical Issues and Findings from Country Cases. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Other publications
M. Grimm, I. Günther and K. Harttgen (2022), Stalls in fertility decline are not that easy to detect (and are not all the same), N•IUSS, IUSSP’s online magazine.
M. Grimm, S. Soubeiga and M. Weber (2021), Short-Term Impacts of Targeted Cash Grants and Business Development Services: Experimental Evidence from Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso. IZA DP No. 14892, Bonn. Also available as Policy Research Working Paper No. 9877, World Bank.
S. Beierl and M. Grimm (2018), Do Public Works Programs Work? A systematic review of the evidence from programmes in low and lower-middle income countries in Africa and the MENA region. GIZ and University of Passau.
S. Beierl and M. Grimm (2018), Do Public Works Programmes Work? A systematic review of the evidence in Africa and the MENA region (Policy Brief). GIZ and University of Passau.
S. Beierl and M. Grimm (2018), Design and Implementation Features of Public Works Programmes: What do we know about the drivers of success and failure to achieve programme objectives? GIZ and University of Passau.
S. Ghali, M. Goedhuys, M. Grimm, A. Meysonnat, E. Nillesen, A.-K. Reitmann and S. Zouari (2018), Women’s and Youth Empowerment in Rural Tunisia - An assessment using the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI). ILO Impact Report Series, Issue 11, ILO, Geneva.
H. Asche und M. Grimm (2017), Industrialisation in Africa – Challenges and Opportunities. PEGNet Policy Brief #8, PEGNet.
M. Grimm (2016), What interventions create jobs? A review of the evidence. Policy Brief prepared for the 2016 Brookings Blum Roundtable. Also published in L. Chandy (ed.), The future of work in the developing world. Brookings Institution.
M. Grimm and J. Peters (2016), Solar Off-Grid Markets in Africa. Recent Dynamics and Role of Branded Products. Facts Reports – The Journal of Field Actions, Special Issue 15 | 2016 : Decentralized Electrification and Development.
M. Grimm (2016), Debate on Industrial Policy. D + C Development and Cooperation (Magazine).
M. Grimm (2014), Unleashing those constrained gazelles, The Broker (The leading Dutch Economics Magazine).
M. Grimm, E. Lutz, M. Mayer and A.L. Paffhausen (2014), Employment effects of road construction and access-to-energy interventions - Evidence from a review of the literature. KfW "Studies and Proceedings", KfW-Research, KfW Frankfurt/M.
M. Grimm and A.L. Paffhausen (2014), Creating jobs in small businesses - Evidence from a systematic review. OECD Evaluation Insights 9.
M. Grimm and A.L. Paffhausen (2014), Interventions for employment creation in micro, small and medium sized enterprises in low and middle income countries - A systematic review. KfW-Research "Studies and Proceedings", KfW Development Bank.
M. Grimm and J. Peters (2013), Impact Evaluation of Improved Stove Use among Dolo-beer Breweries in Burkina Faso – FAFASO, Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands.
M. Grimm, J. Peters and M. Sievert (2013), Impacts of Pico-PV Systems Usage using a Randomized Controlled Trial and Qualitative Methods, Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands.
G. Bensch, M. Grimm, K. Peter, J. Peters and L. Tasciotti (2013), Impact Evaluation of Improved Stove Use in Burkina Faso – FAFASO, Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands.
G. Bensch, M. Grimm, J. Langbein and J. Peters (2013), The provision of solar energy to rural households through a fee-for-service system, Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands.
M. Grimm, R. van der Hoeven, J. Lay and F. Roubaud (2012), Neubewertung des informellen Sektors und des Unternehmertums in Sub-Sahara Afrika.Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, DIW Berlin, 81 (3): 69–83.
M. Grimm and J. Peters (2012), Improved Cooking Stoves that End up in Smoke? RWI Position Paper 52, RWI, Essen.
M. Grimm, S. Lange and J. Lay (2012) Credit-constrained in risky activities? The determinants of the capital stocks of micro and small firms in Western Africa. GIGA Working Paper No. 185, Giga, Hamburg.
J. Gräb and M. Grimm (2011), Robust Multiperiod Poverty Comparisons.Journal of Statistics: Advances in Theory and Applications, 6 (1), 19-54.
G. Bensch, M. Grimm, K. Peter, J. Peters and L. Tasciotti (2011), The provision of solar energy to rural households through a fee-for-service system in Kénédougou, Burkina Faso. Baseline Report, Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands.
Bensch, G, Grimm, M, Peter, K, Peters, J, & Tasciotti, L. (2011). The provision of solar energy to rural households through a fee-for-service system. ISS Staff Group 1: Economics of Sustainable Development.
M. Grimm and D.M. Class (2011), The fight against HIV/AIDS must be brought into balance. Policy brief published by the KfW, German Development Bank, in the series “Meinungsforum Entwicklungspolitik” (No. 3, 24 June 2011). [german version, original: "Die Ansätze zum Kampf gegen AIDS müssen überdacht werden".]
C. Treibich and M. Grimm (2010), Socio-economic determinants of road traffic accident fatalities in low and middle income countries. ISS working paper 504, International Institute of Social Studies.
M. Grimm, K. Harttgen, M. Misselhorn, S. Klasen T. Munzi and T. Smeeding (2008), A Human Development Index by Income Groups – An Extension. Background Paper for Human Development Indices - A statistical update 2008, UNDP, New York.
S. Mesplé-Somps, A.-S. Robilliard, D. Cogneau, J. Gräb and M. Grimm (2008), Coton et pauvreté en Afrique de l’Ouest. Analyse comparée des conditions de vie des ménages au Mali et au Burkina Faso. Série d’analyses d’impact ex-post No 1 (octobre). Département de recherche. Agence Françaises de Développement, Paris (also available in English, January 2001).
M. Grimm, ed. (2008), Social Security in Africa, DevIssues, 10 (2).
M. Grimm (2008), Securing access to health infrastructure for the poor. A session report from the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics 2008. DevIssues 10(2), 10-12.
M. Grimm (2008), Aids & Economy: A biased relationship. Inaugural Address at ISS. ISS Public Lecture Series 2008, No. 4, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague.
M. Grimm (2008) Note sur la hausse des prix des denrées alimentaires et du pétrole au Burkina Faso, son impact sur la pauvreté et quelques implications politiques, Report prepared for the GTZ, Burkina Faso.
M. Grimm (2008), Les marchés agricoles régionaux sont-ils intégrés au Burkina Faso ? Report prepared for the GTZ, Burkina Faso.
M. Grimm (2007), Die ökonomischen Konsequenzen der AIDS Epidemie in Entwicklungsländern.Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 48: 26-32.
M. Grimm, K. Harttgen, S. Klasen and M. Misselhorn (2006), A Human Development Index by Income Groups. Background Paper for the Human Development Report 2006, UNDP, New York (issued November 9, see pages 269-270 and 400-401 of the report).
M. Grimm and S. Klasen (2005), Breitenwirksames Wachstum in den Neunzigern: Ergebnisse von 14 Länderstudien. CeGE-report, October, Centre for Globalization and Europeanization of the Economy, University of Göttingen.
M. Grimm and I. Günther (2004), How to achieve pro-poor growth in a poor economy. The case of Burkina Faso. Report prepared for the ‘Operationalizing Pro-Poor-Growth’-Project sponsored by the World Bank, DFID, AFD, GTZ, and KFW. GTZ, Eschborn.
M. Grimm (2004), Ein neuer Anlauf der internationalen Entwicklungspolitik: Die PRSP-Initiative.CeGE-report, October, Center for Globalization and Europeanization of the Economy, University of Göttingen.
M. Grimm (2002), Comportements démo-économiques, distributions des revenus et développement. Thèse de doctorat. Sciences Po, Paris.
D. Cogneau and M. Grimm (2002), The AIDS epidemic in the world and in Africa. DIALOGUE (June), DIAL’s Newsletter, DIAL, Paris.
DIAL with M. Grimm (2000), Etude de la pauvreté urbaine en Afrique de l'Ouest. Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Sénégal", Report prepared for the World Bank, DIAL, Paris.
M. Grimm (1998), Die Verteilung von Geld- und Grundvermögen auf sozio-ökonomische Gruppen im Jahr 1988 und Vergleich mit früheren Ergebnissen. Eine empirische Analyse für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. EVS Reihe No. 14, Institute for Business Cycles, Growth and Distribution, University of Frankfurt/Main.