- J.-M. Baland, C. Guirkinger, R. Hartwig (2019) Now or later? The allocation of the pot and the insurance motive in fixed roscas. Forthcoming in Journal of Development Economics.
- G. Bensch and J. Peters (2019), One-Off Subsidies and Long-Run Adoption - Experimental Evidence on Improved Cooking Stoves in Senegal. Forthcoming in American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
- M. Grimm (2019), Rainfall risk, fertility and development: Evidence from farm settlements during the American demographic transition. Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Geography.
- M. Grimm, L. Lenz, J. Peters and M. Sievert (2019), Demand for off-grid solar electricity – Experimental evidence from Rwanda. Forthcoming in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
- D. McKenzie and A.L. Paffhausen (2019), Small Firm Death in Developing Countries. Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(4), 645-657.