Learning Agreements
1. Before your stay abroad
Choose one or several courses which are offered at your host university and correspond to one of the courses offered by the Chair of Public Economics here. This comparability should apply both to the contents of the course and to the time needed to achieve the required ECTS.
2. Application for the Learning Agreement
Please submit the relevant Learning Agreement form (see Downloads) together with the following documents in digital form (editable PDF document, no converted scans or photos!) to bianca.bittner@uni-passau.de.
Module description (possible languages: German, English), plus
Basic literature of the course
Description of the contents of the course
Type and duration of the performance assessment
Number of semester hours per week of the course
Length of the lecture period at the host university.
When selecting the correct form, please pay attention to the date on which you start your studies (i.e. the version of the examination regulations that applies to you) and read the FAQ Learning Agreements carefully!
Please note: A Learning Agreement can only be issued if you submit complete documents and apply BEFORE the start of your stay abroad.
Kindly note that the approval of the courses accomplished at a foreign university is exclusively the responsibility of the Prüfungssekretariat. The Chair cannot decide whether the course can be approved for your major. For questions concerning the approval of courses please contact the Prüfungssekretariat.
We cannot issue certificates ("Scheine") for courses accomplished at the host university!
3. The issuing of the Learning Agreement
We will inform you in good time whether the Learning Agreement can be issued or whether additional information is required. If your Learning Agreement can be issued you will receive it as a PDF.
FAQ Learning Agreements
Start of studies before Winter Semester 23/24:
Learning Agreement ECON (Bachelor + Master)
Start of studies in / from winter semester 2023/24:
Learning Agreement BAE Abroad
Learning Agreement BAE Germany
Learning Agreement DTBS Abroad
Learning Agreement DTBS Germany
Learning Agreement Wirtschaftsinformatik Abroad
Learning Agreement Wirtschaftsinformatik Germany
Learning Agreement Master Abroad
Learning Agreement Master Germany
Learning Agreement Kulturwirtschaft Abroad
Learning Agreement Kulturwirtschaft Germany
Learning Agreement: Other study programs (outside the WIWI faculty; KuWi see above)