Final Thesis
General information on final thesis
All theses are empirical and application-oriented. Each thesis essentially consists of an introduction, methodological explanations, a data analysis and a conclusion. It is part of every thesis to deal with the necessary tools, such as Python. The chair offers appropriate support, but a high degree of personal motivation is also required. The thesis should be written using the text software LaTeX.
We are constantly assigning topics for bachelor theses. We have compiled an overview of the topics currently on offer for you under the following link. If you are interested in one or more topics, please apply using the
- application form
- current HISQIS grade transcript
(as a pdf) to the chair secretariat
The bachelor theses should be approx. 20 pages of continuous text.
We are constantly assigning topics for Master's theses. We have compiled an overview of the topics currently on offer for you under the following link. If you are interested in one or more topics, please apply using the
- application form
- current HISQIS grade transcript
(as a pdf) to the chair secretariat
The Master's thesis should comprise approx. 40 pages of continuous text.