Practical Application
Practical Application in Teaching and Research
It is very important for us to have a close integration between our fields of research and their practical application. Therefore, we are interested into possible cooperation that relates to our fields of research which are: (1) Management accounting and control, (2) company valuation and value-based management, (3) supply chain controlling or (4) corporate planning and decision-making.
There are several possibilities to cooperate with our chair.
Link between Theory and its Practical Application
Connecting theory with its practical application is a guiding principle of our chair. Research activities have to be relevant to practical application. Therefore, we emphasize the exchange with experts of the business world. In addition to this, we are constantly looking for research projects that are practically relevant and we are eager to conduct research in cooperation with interested companies of all industries. We believe that businesses benefit from theory-based problem solving rather than relying on ad-hoc solutions.
Promoting the Best and Recruiting
The promotion programme CEAC offers companies a direct access to to the best students of their term. This enables early contact to high-potentials as well as recruitment possibilities.
In case you are interested in a cooperation with our chair please contact us at