Lise Masselus
Masselus, L., Petrik, C., & Ankel-Peters, J. (2024). Lost in the Design Space? Construct Validity in the Micro-finance Literature.OSF Preprint.
Masselus, L., Ankel-Peters, J., Fiala, N., Kupzig, N., Munyehirwe, A. & Sievert, M. (mimeo). How to foster adoption and productive use of electricity - Evidence from a cluster-randomized policy roll-out in rural Rwanda.
Masselus, L. und N. Fiala (2024), Whom to ask? Testing Respondent Effects in Household Surveys. Journal of Development Economics , 168, 103265. DOI: 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2024.103265
Working papers, work in progress, submitted articles
Masselus, Lise, Ankel-Peters, Jörg, Gonzalez Sutil, Gabriel, Modi, Vijay, Mugyenyi, Joel, Munyehirwe, Anicet, Williams, Nathan, Sievert, Maximiliane (2024), 10 years after: Long-term adoption of electricity in rural Rwanda. Ruhr Economic Papers No. 1086.